Why is a straight line easier to draw fast than slow.

In summary, I think that the difference between a smooth line and an accurate line is that when you draw slowly, you consider wobbliness and accuracy. When drawing quickly, you may not consider wobbliness and accuracy, but you may still miss your mark.
  • #1
Probably an easy question
I thought that its easier to do things when you have more time.
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  • #2
i right now don't have the answer ,but certainly it is an interesting question
  • #3
pikapika! said:
Probably an easy question
I thought that its easier to do things when you have more time.

There is an assumption in your question that a line that is "successfully drawn" is a line that is smooth, but is there an assumption that this same line be accurate? I don't think you considered this.

You see, you might be able to draw a smooth line quickly, but can it be just any line? What if you are trying to follow a specific path? like say, detailing on a car? When detailers paint lines, they go slow.

As for why you get a smooth line, that has to do with the difference between gross motor coordination and fine motor coordination.
  • #4
I think the easy answer might be the momentum of your hand and arm is much greater therefore less likely to deviate.
  • #5
Great question. With a little effort here I come and - Happy New Year to all. This is so refreshing and simple.

Well, simple maybe but doesn't stop just yet.

I think its about tremors in the muscles and avoiding obstacles from muscles and paper. Maybe it won't be accurate under all angles - that's ok. However, for that little time perhaps a man is becoming a projectile with a perfect motion instead of being only human with erratic motion.
  • #6
Well, if you draw any straight line, that's true. But if you have to draw a straight line through two given points, then it depends.
The trick here I think is that your muscles bust out when you draw fast (or just any movements) like a spring and the trajectory is normally in a straight line
  • #7
I would say momentum + not much time for your muscles to do the standard shiver.

Another thing is, there wouldn't be much room for movement in the other dimension because you're restricting the amount of time you can take between A and B, if you go slow you should notice that the time isn't always constant, but it should be for going fast. Something similar to gyroscopic inertia.
  • #8
DaveC426913 said:
There is an assumption in your question that a line that is "successfully drawn" is a line that is smooth, but is there an assumption that this same line be accurate? I don't think you considered this.

You see, you might be able to draw a smooth line quickly, but can it be just any line? What if you are trying to follow a specific path? like say, detailing on a car? When detailers paint lines, they go slow.As for why you get a smooth line, that has to do with the difference between gross motor coordination and fine motor coordination.

Good point, my fast lines are no more accurate for a predefined shape.
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  • #9
dst said:
Another thing is, there wouldn't be much room for movement in the other dimension because you're restricting the amount of time you can take between A and B
Right. But think it further. If might look straight, but did it hit the mark?

Straight isn't the only criterion. Accuracy is too.

Say you're drawing carefully - you're trying to draw a straight line from A to B - and your arm zigs and zags by 1mm. You get a wobbly line that deviates by 1mm, but you hit your mark.

Now do the same thing, but do it quickly. Did it miss B by less than 1mm? I'll bet not. I'll bet it's off by a lot.

I suspect that the OP is comparing apples to oranges. When drawing slowly, he's considering wobbliness and accuracy. When drawing quickly, he's is dropping the accuracy criteria.
  • #10
Kinda different, but it may be related. You can draw near perfect circles on a chalkboard(or similar, large drawing surface) by rotating your arm around the shoulder, using the shoulder joint to make a circle. It may be a similar but opposite effect, that achieves straight lines...maybe having to do with extending your arm straight out, as opposed to just moving the whole thing along as you draw.
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FAQ: Why is a straight line easier to draw fast than slow.

1. Why is it easier to draw a straight line quickly?

Drawing a straight line quickly requires less precision and control compared to drawing it slowly. This is because when drawing quickly, the brain relies more on muscle memory and less on visual information. This allows for smoother, more fluid movements that result in a straighter line.

2. Is there a scientific explanation for why a straight line is easier to draw fast?

Yes, there is a scientific explanation for why a straight line is easier to draw fast. It has to do with the way our brains process information and control our hand movements. When drawing quickly, the brain relies on the cerebellum, which is responsible for regulating motor control and fine movements, rather than the frontal lobe, which is responsible for visual processing and decision-making. This shift in brain activity allows for faster and more accurate movements.

3. Can anyone learn to draw a straight line quickly?

Yes, with practice, anyone can learn to draw a straight line quickly. Drawing is a skill that can be improved with practice, and drawing a straight line quickly is no exception. With repetition and deliberate practice, the brain can develop the necessary muscle memory and coordination to draw a straight line quickly and accurately.

4. Are there any benefits to drawing a straight line quickly?

There are several benefits to drawing a straight line quickly. First, it allows for more efficient and fluid drawing, which can save time and energy. It also helps with developing hand-eye coordination and motor skills. Additionally, drawing quickly can help with creativity and spontaneity, as it allows for a more natural and less controlled approach to drawing.

5. Is drawing a straight line quickly a sign of artistic talent?

No, drawing a straight line quickly is not necessarily a sign of artistic talent. While it does require some level of hand-eye coordination and motor skills, it is just one aspect of drawing and does not necessarily indicate overall artistic ability. With practice and dedication, anyone can learn to draw a straight line quickly, regardless of their level of artistic talent.

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