Why Is Building an X-ray Telescope Challenging?

In summary, it is difficult to build a large surface area telescope to observe X-rays due to the low index of refraction of materials at those wavelengths. However, by using total internal reflection at small angles, X-rays can be bounced off a mirror made of a material with a very close index of refraction to create a reflective surface. To calculate the value of δ, the index of refraction of the mirror material, the equation n1sinθ1 = n2sinθc can be used, where θc is the critical angle and n1 and n2 are the index of refraction for the material the light is coming from and entering, respectively. By plugging in the given values, δ can be found by subtract
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Homework Statement

it gives a bit of an intro

"It is difficult to build a large surface area telescope to observe X-rays, because the index of refraction for nearly all materials at those wavelength is less than 1, which means you cannot create a reflective mirror in the normal fashion. Because the index of refraction in vacuum is larger than that in the mirror material, however, you can bounce the X-ray off the mirror using small angles via total internal reflection."

I'll start with just the first part of the problem because I don't even know where to start with the rest of it.

(a) Assuming we have built a mirror out of a substance with an index of refraction n = 1 - δ, calculate the value of δ if the mirror can only reflect X-rays hitting the mirror at 89° ≤ θ
< 90°.

Homework Equations

n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2

The Attempt at a Solution

What I did was say the angle of total internal reflection was about 1° and set that equal to sin-1(n1/n2). And if n1 is 1 - δ and n2 is 1 because it's vacuum (I assume) then δ = 0.982.
Physics news on Phys.org
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Thank you for your post. Your approach is on the right track, but there are a few things to clarify and correct.

First, the angle of total internal reflection is not 1°, but rather the critical angle, which is the angle at which the refracted ray would have an angle of 90° with the normal. This is given by the equation sinθc = n2/n1, where n1 is the index of refraction of the material the light is coming from (in this case, 1 - δ) and n2 is the index of refraction of the material the light is entering (in this case, 1 for vacuum). So for X-rays hitting the mirror at 89° ≤ θ < 90°, the critical angle would be very close to 90°, which means that the index of refraction of the mirror material would need to be very close to 1.

Secondly, the equation you used, n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2, is the Snell's law equation for refraction, not total internal reflection. Total internal reflection occurs when the incident angle is greater than the critical angle, and in this case, no refraction occurs. So the correct equation to use would be n1sinθ1 = n2sinθc, where θc is the critical angle.

Finally, to solve for δ, you would need to rearrange the equation to solve for n1. So n1 = n2sinθc/sinθ1. Plugging in the values for n2 (1) and θc (very close to 90°), and using the given value of θ1 (89°), you can solve for n1. Then, to find δ, you would subtract n1 from 1.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Why Is Building an X-ray Telescope Challenging?

1. How does an X-ray telescope work?

An X-ray telescope works by using a series of mirrors to reflect and focus X-ray radiation onto a detector. The mirrors are usually made of thin layers of metal coated with special materials that can reflect X-rays. The X-rays are then converted into electrical signals by the detector, which are then processed and turned into an image.

2. What is the main difference between an X-ray telescope and a traditional optical telescope?

The main difference between an X-ray telescope and an optical telescope is the type of radiation they detect. Optical telescopes use visible light to create images, while X-ray telescopes use X-rays. This requires different materials and technologies to be used in the construction of the telescopes.

3. What are the challenges in building an X-ray telescope?

One of the main challenges in building an X-ray telescope is finding materials that can reflect X-rays. X-rays have much shorter wavelengths than visible light, so traditional materials used in optical telescopes are not effective. Another challenge is the design and construction of the mirrors, which must be precisely shaped and aligned to accurately focus the X-rays onto the detector.

4. How is an X-ray telescope launched into space?

X-ray telescopes are typically launched into space on a rocket or satellite. They are carefully packed and protected during launch, and once in space, they are released and unfold into their full size and shape. This is often done by using spring-loaded mechanisms or inflatable structures.

5. What are the benefits of using an X-ray telescope?

X-ray telescopes allow us to see objects and phenomena that are invisible to traditional optical telescopes, such as black holes, neutron stars, and supernovae. They also provide a different perspective on the universe, allowing us to study the high-energy processes and events that produce X-rays. This can give us a better understanding of the structure and evolution of the universe.
