Why Is Cech Cohomology More Common Than Cech Homology?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the reasons for choosing covariant vs. contravariant theories, specifically DeRham Cohomology and Cech Homology. The differences between the two and their applications in various spaces are also mentioned. It is concluded that Cech cohomology is more commonly used due to its convenience and ability to satisfy Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Hi All,

I am curious as to the reasons why one chooses covariant vs. contravariant theories; specifically, I see mention of DeRham Cohomology and Cech Homology, but I rarely see mention of the covariant counterparts DeRham and Cech homology theories.

I think one uses DeRham Cohomology , because it deals with differential n-forms, and n-forms pullback contravariantly, i.e., given a smooth map F: M-->N between manifolds, we get a pullback:

F* : N* -->M* , where N*, M* are the respective dual spaces of N, M. Something similar is the case for the double-, triple- , etc. duals, all of which pullback contravariantly.

Now, how to explain that Cech cohomology is more common than Cech homology? I guess this has to see with properties of sheafs. Now I know relatively little about sheaves. Is this the reason
for using cohomology? If not, what is the reason?

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  • #2
I've never heard of de Rham homology but a version of Cech homology called strong homology which satisfies the Eilenberg-Steenrod axioms does exist (note that what is often simply called Cech homology does not satisfy these axioms) and is useful albeit usually in more exotic spaces (ie. things which aren't locally as nice as CW complexes.) Have you ever heard of shape theory? It is essentially an attempt to perform an analogue of algebraic topology on these kinds of spaces where the normal methods don't work well. A simple example is the Polish circle (put a copy of the topologists sine curve as a segment in a circle...see Exercise 7 of Section 1.3 in Hatcher for a picture) which has the same homotopy groups as a point in all dimensions but is not homotopy equivalent to a point. Strong homology is the homology theory defined in strong shape theory to deal with these types of spaces. This homology theory can be shown to agree with singular homology for nice enough spaces so it can be thought of as some sort of an extension of ordinary homology theory.

The reason that Cech homology isn't mentioned nearly as much is probably just that defining it in the obvious way, as the inverse limit of the simplicial homology of nerves of open covers, does not yield a proper homology theory in the Eilenberg-Steenrod sense. One way to think of the difference between Cech homology and Cech cohomology is that for homology you need to take an inverse limit and for cohomology you need to take a direct limit. Direct limit is an exact functor (at least in modules) so the exactness axiom for Cech cohomology will hold. On the other hand, inverse limits are only left exact but not right exact functors so taking inverse limits will not preserve exactness and the axiom fails. Strong homology fixes this by taking the homology of homotopy limits rather than the inverse limit of homology and turns out to preserve exactness (this is of course just a vague description of the idea. If you want the precise definition I would suggest the book 'Strong Shape and Homology' by Mardesic but it is a fair bit more involved than the usual constructions of Cech cohomology.)

So ultimately, I think it just boils down to convenience. It is much harder to construct a good Cech homology theory than it is to construct a good Cech cohomology theory (here I guess good just means it satisfies Eilenberg-Steenrod) so people tend to avoid it unless they are dealing with somewhat pathological spaces where ordinary Cech cohomology isn't very useful.
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  • #3
Excellent , Terandol, very helpful , I will give it a read; I found an intro version in H&Y's Topology too.
  • #4
Sorry for my ignorant statement about "pulling back contravariantly"; pullbacks are _by definition_ contravariant, so saying something pulls back means it is contravariant ( as a functor) , and talking about pushforwards means the object is covariant as a functor.
  • #5


Thank you for your question. As a scientist who specializes in topology and algebraic geometry, I can shed some light on the topic of Cech homology and its relationship to cohomology theories.

Firstly, it is important to understand that both Cech homology and cohomology theories are important tools in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry. They both provide ways to study the properties of spaces and their geometric structures using algebraic techniques.

Cech homology and cohomology theories are closely related, with Cech homology being the dual theory to Cech cohomology. In fact, the two theories are often used together to obtain a more complete understanding of a space or a geometric object.

The reason why Cech cohomology is more commonly used than Cech homology is due to its advantages in certain situations. Cech cohomology is better suited for studying sheaves, which are important mathematical objects that describe local data on a space. Sheaves are often used to study the properties of spaces that are not globally well-behaved, and Cech cohomology provides a powerful tool for this purpose.

On the other hand, Cech homology may be more useful in situations where the space under study has a nice global structure, and the local data is not as important. In this case, Cech homology provides a more efficient way to compute the desired information.

In summary, both Cech homology and cohomology theories play important roles in algebraic topology and algebraic geometry, and the choice between them depends on the specific properties of the space or geometric object under study. I hope this explanation has been helpful in understanding the use and significance of Cech homology.

Related to Why Is Cech Cohomology More Common Than Cech Homology?

What is Cech Homology?

Cech Homology is a mathematical tool used to study topological spaces. It is a variant of singular homology that is defined using open covers instead of simplices.

How is Cech Homology computed?

To compute Cech Homology, we need to choose an open cover of the topological space we are interested in. Then, we can construct a chain complex using the open covers and compute the homology groups using this chain complex.

What are the applications of Cech Homology?

Cech Homology has many applications in various fields, such as algebraic topology, differential geometry, and algebraic geometry. It is particularly useful in studying the topology of non-Hausdorff spaces.

What are the advantages of using Cech Homology over other methods?

Cech Homology has the advantage of being able to compute homology groups for spaces that are not locally contractible, which is a requirement for other methods such as singular homology. It also provides a more geometric approach to studying topological spaces.

Are there any limitations to Cech Homology?

One limitation of Cech Homology is that it is not as computationally efficient as other methods, such as simplicial homology. It also requires a choice of open cover, which can affect the resulting homology groups.

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