Why is Congress finally taking action on immigration?

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  • Thread starter franznietzsche
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In summary, the California legislators are trying to pass a bill that will allow illegal aliens to get driver's licenses. This will legitimize their presence in the state and help to fund the state's deficit.
  • #1

I know the rest of the country doesn't care, but for us californians who are sick of our treasonous state assembly this is some good news. Some very good news.

Take that Cedillo, Bustamante, Sanchez, and Villaraigosa.

(Oh, and for those of you who don't know, the last two made up their last names to appeal to racist hispanic voters. After all, "La Raza" only supports "La Raza".
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  • #2
So terrorists get the bus? Is that fair?
  • #3
They get the bus anyway, so that's nothing new. The point is the same, federal law hopefully will stop those four jackarses from backstabbing the legal citizens of this state.(the bill hasn't passed the senate yet) The congressional republicans inadvertantly did something good as far as immigration in california goes.
  • #4
A bus full of terrorists is an act of god. Okay, I'm going to bed.
  • #5
the number 42 said:
A bus full of terrorists is an act of god. Okay, I'm going to bed.

You're missing the point. This is about keeping driver's licenses away from illegal aliens, and keeping those politicians from ttrying to legitimize millions of criminals who don't p[ay taxes and drain the state's resources. Like i said, the rest of country and world sure don't care, but we do.
  • #6
Goodluck enforcing it.
  • #7
Its the bus drivers I feel sorry for.
  • #8
I'll be happy when this is actually signed into law - no sooner.
  • #9
loseyourname said:
I'll be happy when this is actually signed into law - no sooner.

So desperately hoping. So very very hoping.

It sounds weird, me hoping, but still.
  • #10
By that happy when you see the bill for the next renewal of your drivers license. Can you say "unfunded mandate"?
  • #11
selfAdjoint said:
By that happy when you see the bill for the next renewal of your drivers license. Can you say "unfunded mandate"?

You don't live in california, i don't expect you to understand or care. Nobody outside of california seems to get it. You don't know how much of a problem illegal immigration has become. And i know you don't care, but those four legislators i mentioned have been systematically lying to their english speaking constituents in an effort to serve driver's license's to illegal aliens--a criminal population, by definition, who are not citizens--and thus help to legitamize their presence here, which is the opposite of what needs to be done. Those legislators are more interested in serving the citizens of mexico than they are in serving the citizens of california.

The former governor Davis tried to sign such a bill into law, but it was struck down by the people and he was thrown out of office--that act was the final nail in his political coffin. Now those assemblypersons are trying to use loutright lies to get the bill passed again, despite clear opposition from the legal citizens of california--the only ones those assemblypersons should be serving.

I don't care about what this bill is meant to do, what I'm talking about is what it will inadvertadently do for california. I will be more than happy to pay that fee for stopping the treason that our state assemblymen/women are trying to pull off.

So while you in wisconisn may not care, we do, because we get stuck with the bill of providing public services for millions of people that federal government refuses to deport because it won't enforce its own immigration laws. So this bill is something of a godsend. Between a federal government that doesn't care about the problem, and outright treasonous legislators, we need this bill.
  • #12
In an effort to save his job, corrupt, inept, traitorous California Governor Gray Davis signed a bill on September 5, 2003 allowing illegal aliens in California to get driver's licenses. The people were outraged, and Davis wound up becoming the first Governor in state history to be booted out of office. The bill was authored by vehement Mexican reconquista and former MEChA member state Senator Gilbert Cedillo. An effort began almost immediately to repeal the law known as SB60. The repeal was signed on December 1, 2003 by Governor Schwarzenegger, and the reconquistas remain livid. Even governors of Mexican states are moaning like banshees. They vow to keep fighting for benefits to which the criminals are not entitled. Some of the items shown here cover the aftermath of the death of this ridiculous law. UPDATE - February 4, 2004 -- Mechista State Senator and vehemently pro-Mexico Gil Cedillo introduces SB1160, and Gov. Schwarzenegger says he's interested in giving lawbreaking foreigners (mostly Mexicans) breeder docs.

That about sums it up for the rest of you who don't care.

Oh, and for reference, MEChA is a racist hispanic supremacy organization with chapters in universities throughout the country.
El Plan de Aztlan said:
In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlán from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.


Brotherhood unites us, and love for our brothers makes us a people whose time has come and who struggles against the foreigner "gabacho" who exploits our riches and destroys our culture. With our heart in our hands and our hands in the soil, we declare the independence of our mestizo nation. We are a bronze people with a bronze culture. Before the world, before all of North America, before all our brothers in the bronze continent, we are a nation, we are a union of free pueblos, we are Aztlán.

For La Raza to do. Fuera de La Raza nada

The last line means :

"For 'The Race' everything. Outside of 'The Race' nothing'"

That is what we're fighting against, without any help from the rest of you.
  • #13
This legislation is made necessary by liberal/socialist judges, especially the 9th Circuit COA. Illegal aliens should have no rights in this country yet they do. We need to seal the borders tight, not be granting amnesty to criminals, let alone giving them a driver’s license. The President is incorrect in immigration policies, although I support him in most matters.

I would prefer to suffer terrorist attacks than federalize civilian/state matters. There is little difference between a national ID card and a federalized driver’s license.

This legislation is a socialists dream come true.
  • #14
This legislation is made necessary by liberal/socialist judges, especially the 9th Circuit COA. Illegal aliens should have no rights in this country yet they do. We need to seal the borders tight, not be granting amnesty to criminals, let alone giving them a driver’s license. The President is incorrect in immigration policies, although I support him in most matters.

I would prefer to suffer terrorist attacks than federalize civilian/state matters. There is little difference between a national ID card and a federalized driver’s license.

This legislation is a socialists dream come true.

No one in washington cares about immigration. That fact that this house bill does anything good for us is purely coincidence.

FAQ: Why is Congress finally taking action on immigration?

What is "A Good day for Californians"?

"A Good day for Californians" is a phrase that refers to a day where residents of California experience positive events or news that have a significant impact on their lives.

What types of events or news would make it a good day for Californians?

This can vary depending on the individual, but some common examples could include favorable weather conditions, successful political decisions, economic growth, or major achievements by California-based companies or individuals.

How often do Californians experience a "Good day"?

There is no set frequency for a "Good day for Californians" as it is subjective and can vary from person to person. However, with a diverse and thriving population, it is safe to say that there are many good days experienced by residents of California.

Can a "Good day for Californians" have a negative impact on other regions or groups?

It is possible that events or news that are considered positive for Californians may have negative consequences for other regions or groups. For example, a successful business venture in California may result in job losses in another state. However, the overall impact of a "Good day for Californians" is generally positive for the state as a whole.

How can the concept of a "Good day for Californians" be measured or quantified?

Since a "Good day for Californians" is subjective, it is difficult to measure or quantify. However, surveys and polls can be conducted to gather opinions and perceptions of residents on what they consider to be a good day for Californians.

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