WHY is drift current through a PN junction independent of applied bias voltages?

In summary, the drift current in a diode is limited by the thermal generation rate of minority carriers in the neutral regions, regardless of the applied bias and electric field strength. However, the field strength can affect the speed at which minority carriers drift, which in turn affects the drift current. The width of the depletion region also changes with the bias, but this is compensated by the change in drift speed. The diode equation only considers diffusion current, but the -Io term in the resulting IV characteristics can be attributed to the reverse generation current, which is a drift effect. The generation rate of minority carriers is much slower than the speed at which they are swept due to the field, thus the drift current is not affected by the electric field strength
  • #1
I have looked all over in many textbooks and I cannot find a decent explanation of this. Most textbooks simply say that it is independent of applied bias because all of the minority carriers generated by thermal energy within a diffusion length of the depletion region will essentially get swept across the junction due to the field, regardless of the applied bias and the strength of the electric field. So, the drift current is essentially limited by the thermal generation rate of minority carriers in the neutral regions, and not by the field strength...however, it seems obvious that the field strength will affect the speed at which minority carriers drift, which will in turn affect the drift current, even if the number of charges that drift is the same. So, how do you explain this?? No textbook mentions that the drift speed changes depending on the bias.

I considered that even though the speed at which the carreirs drift changes depending on the bias, the width of the depletion region is also changing, which could compensate, but when I work out the drift current I always end up with a bias dependence. I figure the drift current is of course J = qnv, where q is the change of a hole (or electron). I also assume that n, the number of minority carriers generated within a diffusion length of the depletion region is the same regardless of bias. So, the only thing that could change with respect the changes in bias is the speed, v, which is W/tdrift, but when I figure the velocity I always get a bias dependence. So, I am a bit lost as to why drift is independent of bias.

Also, when the diode equation is derived only diffusion current is considered...but they call the reverse current Io in the resulting IV characteristics the 'reverse generation current', but reverse gen current is a DRIFT effect! So, how do you get drift characteristics out a derivation that only considers diffusion! This doesn't make much sense to me at all. I think the -Io term isn't really the reverse generation current...

Maybe someone can explain this nonsense to me.

Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
The equation J=nqv doesn't properly treat the time dependence of this situation. As you point out, the rate of thermal carrier creation dn/dt = const, but of course qdn/dt=J. Another way of looking at it is this: no matter what the velocity, the number of charges arriving at the contact per unit time (per unit area) is constant, and that is the definition of current density, so J=const independent of bias.
  • #3
hmmm...well I feel stupid now. :p I realize now that if you're only producing, say, 5 carriers per second then moving them a lot faster due to reverse bias doesn't really affect much, since the speed at which the charges can get to the contact is still limited by the generation rate of 5 carriers per second...now, if you have a practically unlimited carrier supply then the speed at which the carriers are transferred has an effect.

So, the point here is the minority carriers are generated much slower than they are swept due to the field, and you're limited by the generation rate. If the generation rate were higher than the speed at which they are swept due to the field then the electric field strength would have an effect. ok, I'm convinced.

Now, explain the IV characteristic derivation.

edit: on second thought, I guess this sort of explains the derivation...the excess minority carrier concentration is used to calculate the diffusion current. the excess minority carrier concentration is simply the total minority carrier concentration minus the equilibrium minority carrier concentration...it is the "minus the equilibrium carrier concentratioin" part that gives rise to the reverse generation current in the IV Characteristics, and the equilibrium carrier concentration is the thermally generated minority carriers.

Interesting. This is quite relieving.
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Related to WHY is drift current through a PN junction independent of applied bias voltages?

1. Why is drift current through a PN junction independent of applied bias voltages?

The drift current through a PN junction is independent of applied bias voltages because it is a result of the diffusion of minority charge carriers across the junction, which is not affected by the applied bias voltage. The drift current is directly proportional to the concentration gradient of minority carriers, and not the applied voltage.

2. How does the depletion region affect the drift current in a PN junction?

The depletion region, which is created by the diffusion of majority carriers across the junction, acts as a barrier for the diffusion of minority carriers. This results in an increase in the concentration gradient of minority carriers, leading to an increase in drift current. However, the depletion region does not change with applied bias voltage, hence the drift current remains independent of it.

3. Can the drift current in a PN junction be controlled by changing the applied bias voltage?

No, the drift current in a PN junction cannot be controlled by changing the applied bias voltage. This is because the drift current is primarily dependent on the concentration gradient of minority carriers, which is not affected by the bias voltage. The only way to control the drift current is by changing the temperature or doping concentration of the junction.

4. Why is the drift current through a PN junction considered a diffusion process?

The drift current through a PN junction is considered a diffusion process because it is caused by the diffusion of minority carriers (electrons in p-region and holes in n-region) across the junction. This diffusion is a result of the concentration gradient of minority carriers, similar to any other diffusion process.

5. Does the drift current in a PN junction always flow in the same direction?

No, the drift current in a PN junction can flow in either direction depending on the direction of the concentration gradient of minority carriers. If the concentration gradient is from n-region to p-region, the drift current will flow from n to p, and vice versa. However, the magnitude of the drift current is always the same, regardless of its direction.

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