Why is E3 zero for cubic symmetry?

In summary, the conversation discusses the components of the total electric field and how they are affected by different factors. E0 is the applied field, E1 is related to depolarization, E2 is caused by polarization of a hypothetical sphere, and E3 is dependent on lattice geometry. It is noted that E3 is zero for cubic symmetry, which is due to the dipolar field of other dipoles cancelling out. The conversation also touches on the relationship between E2 and E3 and the approximation involved in calculating the total electric field. The speaker prefers visualizing the interaction of the contributors rather than relying solely on equations.
  • #1
The total electric field is given as Etotal = E0 +E1 +E2 +E3
Where E0 is the applied field, E1 is the depolarization, E2 is caused by polarization of a hypothetical sphere while E3 is the one dependent on lattice geometry... How come E3 is zero for cubic symmetry? Can I picture this as summation of forces? Is the sphere the imagined atom itself?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well, E3 is the dipolar field of the other dipoles in this approximation. The summation over the cubic lattice is more or less equivalent to an averaging of the dipolar field over all orientations and distances. As the dipolar field changes sign with angle theta, it is not too surprising that this contribution vanishes.
  • #3
Kinda get it. But have some clarification, E3 being zero in cubic symmetry does that mean that the polar fields in each site is spherical? Dose this one have to do with spherical cavity of E2? E3 somehow related to E2 in this case?

Thanks for the help DrDu
  • #4
I find it more satisfying to visualize how the contributors to the total electric field interacts than to go with the equations.
  • #5
I would guess that the cavity should in principle respect at least the cubic symmetry. But the whole proceedure is only approximate, so it shouldn't be streched too far.

FAQ: Why is E3 zero for cubic symmetry?

1. Why is E3 zero for cubic symmetry?

E3 refers to one of the irreducible representations of a cubic symmetry group, and it represents the rotation around the three-fold axis. Since a cube is symmetric along all three axes, the rotation around any of these axes will result in the same orientation, making E3 zero.

2. What does E3 represent in terms of cubic symmetry?

E3 represents the rotation around the three-fold axis in a cubic symmetry group. This means that if you rotate a cube by 120 degrees around any of its three axes, it will result in the same orientation.

3. How does E3 relate to the other irreducible representations in cubic symmetry?

E3 is one of the five irreducible representations in cubic symmetry, along with E1, E2, A1, and T2. Each representation corresponds to a specific type of symmetry operation within the cube, with E3 representing rotation around the three-fold axis.

4. Can E3 ever be non-zero for cubic symmetry?

No, E3 will always be zero for cubic symmetry. This is because the cube has three axes of symmetry, and rotation around any of these axes will result in the same orientation, making E3 zero.

5. What is the significance of E3 being zero in cubic symmetry?

The fact that E3 is zero in cubic symmetry indicates that the cube has a high degree of symmetry. This is important in studying the properties and behavior of cubic structures in materials science, chemistry, and physics.
