Why is Fourier Transform of a Real Function Complex?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the Fourier transform of a given function and how to plot the resulting complex function. The relationship between the real and complex parts of the Fourier transform and the original function is also explored. Hints are given to help understand the concept of the Fourier transform.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the Fourier transform F(w) of the function f(x) = [e-2x (x>0), 0 (x ≤ 0)]. Plot approximate curves using CAS by replacing infinite limit with finite limit.

Homework Equations

F(w) = 1/√(2π)*∫ f(x)*e-iwxdx, with limits of integration (-∞,∞).

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved the integral and found the Fourier transform of f(x) to be:

F(w) = 1/√(2π) * (2+iw)/(4+w2).

I am pretty confident in my solution (but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!). Where I have an issue is this.. F(w) is complex, so how do I plot it? Do I only plot the real part? How do the real and complex parts of F(w) relate to f(x)?

I may have this question because I am still having a hard time fundamentally understanding the relationship between F(w) and f(x), so any information on this topic would be welcome. Describing F(w) as a function that determines the coefficient (contribution) of eiwx in f(x) makes some sense, (as explained in the below link):

http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1002/fourier-transform-for-dummies (answer #2, with plot of sines).

However I still am confused how a complex-valued F(w) is tied in.

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  • #2
LunaFly said:

Homework Statement

Find the Fourier transform F(w) of the function f(x) = [e-2x (x>0), 0 (x ≤ 0)]. Plot approximate curves using CAS by replacing infinite limit with finite limit.

Homework Equations

F(w) = 1/√(2π)*∫ f(x)*e-iwxdx, with limits of integration (-∞,∞).

The Attempt at a Solution

I solved the integral and found the Fourier transform of f(x) to be:

F(w) = 1/√(2π) * (2+iw)/(4+w2).

I am pretty confident in my solution (but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!). Where I have an issue is this.. F(w) is complex, so how do I plot it? Do I only plot the real part? How do the real and complex parts of F(w) relate to f(x)?
It would probably be more useful to plot the magnitude and phase of ##F(\omega)##.

I may have this question because I am still having a hard time fundamentally understanding the relationship between F(w) and f(x), so any information on this topic would be welcome. Describing F(w) as a function that determines the coefficient (contribution) of eiwx in f(x) makes some sense, (as explained in the below link):

http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1002/fourier-transform-for-dummies (answer #2, with plot of sines).

However I still am confused how a complex-valued F(w) is tied in.

The expression for a sine wave of frequency ##\omega## is ##A \sin(\omega x + \phi)##. You need to specify two numbers, ##A## and ##\phi##, to describe the wave. ##|F(\omega)|## corresponds to ##A##, and the complex phase of ##F(\omega)## basically corresponds to ##\phi##.
  • #3
Hi LunaFly:

Here is a hint.

e-iwx = cos wx + i sin wx

  • #4
vela said:
It would probably be more useful to plot the magnitude and phase of ##F(\omega)##.

The expression for a sine wave of frequency ##\omega## is ##A \sin(\omega x + \phi)##. You need to specify two numbers, ##A## and ##\phi##, to describe the wave. ##|F(\omega)|## corresponds to ##A##, and the complex phase of ##F(\omega)## basically corresponds to ##\phi##.

Thank you Vela for the insight. So the Fourier transform F(w) is more of a phasor relating the "amount" of oscillatory function e-iwt of frequency w present in the function f(x) than a constant coefficient.. Interesting!
  • #5
Buzz Bloom said:
Hi LunaFly:

Here is a hint.

e-iwx = cos wx + i sin wx


Thanks for the hint Buzz. I am guessing you are pointing to the fact that when applying a Fourier transform to a function f(x), we are introducing a function with non-real terms, namely e-iwx. Or you may be hinting at the fact that the inverse Fourier transform is a continuous linear combination of complex terms weighted by F(w) that is equal to f(x), meaning the weight function F(w) must have complex terms in order to equal a real function f(x). Maybe? Thanks regardless.
  • #6
Hi LunaFly:

Actually I had a different thought than either of the two ideas in your post. Here is a second hint.

Any real function f(x) over [-∞,+∞] can be separated into two parts: f(x) = s(x) + a(x)
s(x) is symmetric, i.e., s(-x) = s(x)
a(x) is anti-symmetric, i.e., a(-x) = -a(x).
Now consider the transform: F(w) = S(w) + A(w).

Now combine that idea with my first hint.
Good luck.


Related to Why is Fourier Transform of a Real Function Complex?

1. Why is the Fourier Transform of a Real Function Complex?

The Fourier Transform of a Real Function is complex because it represents the function in terms of complex numbers, which have both a real and imaginary component. This is necessary because the Fourier Transform deals with functions that are periodic and continuous, and complex numbers allow for a more efficient and accurate representation of these functions.

2. What is the purpose of the Fourier Transform for a Real Function?

The Fourier Transform is used to decompose a function into its individual frequency components. This allows for a better understanding of the underlying frequencies present in a signal or function, and is used in various fields such as signal processing, image processing, and data analysis.

3. Does the Fourier Transform preserve all information about the original function?

Yes, the Fourier Transform preserves all information about the original function. This is because the transform is reversible, meaning that the original function can be reconstructed from its Fourier Transform without any loss of information.

4. Are there any advantages to using complex numbers in the Fourier Transform?

Yes, there are several advantages to using complex numbers in the Fourier Transform. Complex numbers allow for a more concise and efficient representation of periodic functions, as well as simplifying many mathematical operations involved in signal processing. Additionally, complex numbers allow for a more intuitive understanding of the frequency components present in a signal.

5. Can the Fourier Transform be used for non-periodic functions?

Yes, the Fourier Transform can be used for non-periodic functions. However, in this case, the transform will result in a continuous spectrum rather than a discrete set of frequency components. This is because non-periodic functions do not have a fundamental frequency that can be decomposed into individual components.

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