Why is it that only hydrogen isotopes are used for Fusion bombs?

In summary, hydrogen and its isotopes are the easiest elements to use for fusion reactions due to their low required temperatures. Other elements, such as lithium, can also be used but only through a multi-stage process. In stars, all elements are used for fusion reactions, creating heavier elements up to iron. On Earth, fusion is currently only practical for hydrogen and certain forms of helium due to the difficulty in creating the necessary pressures and temperatures. The possibility of using helium-3 for fusion reactions without free neutrons is also being explored. However, the energy pay off for fusion reactions decreases as heavier elements are used.
  • #1
Is there any other elements that can be used for fusion?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hydrogen fusion occurs at a relatively low temperature than any other element. Hence hydrogen and it's isotopes are used. The temperature goes on increasing with the increase in mass of the nucleus.
  • #4
An example related to this question is what happens inside stars. The H to He transformation (in several steps) is the source of stellar radiation until the H is almost all gone. Then the star interior gets much hotter and further fusion reactions, involving He and successive elements (ends at iron), take place.
  • #5
I thought they used Li6 and deuterium since Li6 is cheaper than tritium? Could be wrong, haven't read much about this stuff in years lol.
  • #6
The easiest material to get to fusion is tritium and deuterium. Lithium is used because during the multi-stage process of detonation, it is turned into tritium.
  • #7
Drakkith said:
The easiest material to get to fusion is tritium and deuterium. Lithium is used because during the multi-stage process of detonation, it is turned into tritium.

So the Li6 gets hit by a neutron and breaks into a tritium and two deuterium isotpoes or some other arrangement of the nuetrons and protons?
  • #8
mesa said:
So the Li6 gets hit by a neutron and breaks into a tritium and two deuterium isotpoes or some other arrangement of the nuetrons and protons?

Lithium 6 absorbs a neutron and splits into an alpha particle and a tritium nucleus. The tritium is then fused with deuterium that is present in the lithium-deuteride mix.
  • #9
Another practical consideration is that Tritium is radioactive with a half life of ~ 12 years, not good for long term storage.
  • #10
The Coulomb repulsion barrier height goes as the product of the atomic numbers of the nuclei [itex]Z^2[/itex].
  • #11
oktovan said:
Is there any other elements that can be used for fusion?

Yes, in stars, all elements are used in a variety of fusion reactions to create all elements up to Iron. In supernovas, temperatures are very briefly high enough to create the other heavier elements above iron so, all of the atoms that make up you and the world around you were created in a fusion process at the heart of a star or supernova.

On earth, with human technology and scale, fusion is only practical for Hydrogen and certain forms of helium as the pressures and temperatures required are near impossible for humans to create.

To put things in perspective, it requires the energy of a fission atomic bomb to start a hydrogen (Deuterium - Tritium) fusion process in the heart of a hydrogen bomb. Even with all of this power, the fusion reaction is difficult to achieve as the xray pressure from the fission reaction must be focused on the Hydrogen before blowing it apart. Fusion with anything other then Hydrogen/Helium at human scales is very difficult to achieve.

  • #12
Drakkith said:
The easiest material to get to fusion is tritium and deuterium. Lithium is used because during the multi-stage process of detonation, it is turned into tritium.

Don't forget about the fabled helium-3 reaction...
  • #13
Drakkith's statement is true, as D+T (one proton each) is easier than any reaction with helium (2 protons) or even heavier nuclei. The advantage of helium-3 is the possibility to have a fusion reaction without (free) neutrons.
  • #14
mfb said:
Drakkith's statement is true, as D+T (one proton each) is easier than any reaction with helium (2 protons) or even heavier nuclei. The advantage of helium-3 is the possibility to have a fusion reaction without (free) neutrons.

I agree the statement is correct. The possiblity of having a reaction without free neutrons I believe is critical to the success of implementing fusion power stations as a reactor that destroys it containment vessel would be unpractical. I just thought I would mention the reaction as I feel its very relavent to the difficulties associated with fusion and fusion in industry.
  • #15
You also have less energy released per pair of nuclei fused as you go from hydrogen to iron. Even if it turned out to be 'relatively' easy to fuse neon into calcium (to cite a fanciful example), the expected energy pay off for the reaction would be low.
  • #16
tasp77 said:
You also have less energy released per pair of nuclei fused as you go from hydrogen to iron. Even if it turned out to be 'relatively' easy to fuse neon into calcium (to cite a fanciful example), the expected energy pay off for the reaction would be low.

I don't disagree, but consider the following. Per reaction the decay of Uranium by fission releases FAR more energy than the fusion of Hydrogen. (17 MeV in fusion compared with 200+ MeV in fission of Uranium) I don't know the amount of energy released by fusing neon into calcium but I expect that it might release a substantial amount of energy. (Just less energy per nucleon than hydrogen, similar the the Uranium)
  • #17
Thats because it requires less energy to fuse 2 hydrogen molecules than fusing molecules of higher mass.
In the core of red giants, carbon is formed by fusion of helium which requires much more energy. So, hydrogen can be fused easily to produce lots of energy.

Related to Why is it that only hydrogen isotopes are used for Fusion bombs?

1. Why are hydrogen isotopes specifically used for fusion bombs?

The main reason hydrogen isotopes are used for fusion bombs is because they have the lightest atomic mass, making them the easiest elements to fuse together. Additionally, hydrogen isotopes release a large amount of energy when fused, making them ideal for creating powerful explosions.

2. Can other elements be used for fusion bombs?

Technically, yes. Other elements such as helium, lithium, and boron can also undergo fusion reactions, but they are not as efficient as hydrogen isotopes. Hydrogen isotopes are the most practical and effective choice for fusion bombs.

3. How do hydrogen isotopes undergo fusion in a bomb?

In a fusion bomb, hydrogen isotopes are compressed and heated to extremely high temperatures. This creates the conditions necessary for the isotopes to overcome their natural repulsion and fuse together, releasing a large amount of energy.

4. Are there different types of hydrogen isotopes used for fusion bombs?

Yes, there are two main types of hydrogen isotopes used for fusion bombs: deuterium and tritium. Deuterium is the most commonly used isotope, while tritium is used in the secondary stage of the bomb to boost the fusion reaction. Both isotopes are readily available in nature.

5. Are there any risks associated with using hydrogen isotopes for fusion bombs?

There are potential risks involved with using hydrogen isotopes for fusion bombs, as with any type of nuclear technology. These risks include the release of harmful radiation and the possibility of accidents or malfunctions. However, extensive safety measures are taken during the creation and testing of fusion bombs to minimize these risks.
