Why is my D.C. ammeter reading fluctuating?

In summary, Dave's current balance experiment is fluctuating and he doesn't know why. He suspects that the fluctuations are caused by the power supply or the Earth's magnetic field, but he wants to know if it's just the active or passive devices that are causing the problem. He suggests trying to switch off the electronic scale to see if that fixes the issue. Then he suggests a quaternary search to see if that's the source of the problem.
  • #1
Ng Sio Hong
Why is the reading on my D.C. ammeter fluctuating? As in the needle won't maintain at one spot, it'll sway left and right. Also, how do i ensure that the fluctuations are minimized?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Are you looking at a motor? Or is this with nothing being measured?
  • #3
What scale, how much current, how much fluctuation, what kind of meter. Have you cleaned the contacts.

Read the current through a resistor from a power supply that does not fluctuate. If it reads steady, the the answer to your question is obvious. The current is varying.
If it fluctuates with the fixed current, I don't know what to say other than clean the contacts.
  • #4
Ng Sio Hong said:
Why is the reading on my D.C. ammeter fluctuating?

What is the circuit?
  • #5
meBigGuy said:
If it fluctuates with the fixed current, I don't know what to say other than clean the contacts.
Call Ghost Busters! :rolleyes:

Or perhaps check for a nearby magnetic field. Assuming it's an old style magnetic deflection meter, a varying magnetic field could cause that.

How come I can never find a ghost? :headbang:
  • #6
Ng Sio Hong said:
Why is the reading on my D.C. ammeter fluctuating? As in the needle won't maintain at one spot, it'll sway left and right. Also, how do i ensure that the fluctuations are minimized?

this question is so vague that in its present format, cannot be answered

Try asking again with a much better posed question telling us all about how you are trying to measure current and in what circuit
a sharp and well lit photo or 2 wouldn't hurt for us to see what you are doingDave
  • #7
davenn said:
this question is so vague that in its present format, cannot be answered

Try asking again with a much better posed question telling us all about how you are trying to measure current and in what circuit
a sharp and well lit photo or 2 wouldn't hurt for us to see what you are doingDave
Hi Dave!

First of all, apologies for not making my statement a little bit more clearer. The experiment that I'm currently doing is measuring magnetic force with a basic current balance where the current is supposed to always stay at a constant 0.4 A. The thing is, it always fluctuate and I do not know why. Here is the set up:


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  • #8
oh OK, so this is related to your other thread ? ...


if so, you probably should have keep it all together and saved the confusion

so how much is the current fluctuating ?

some things I could think of that would cause fluctuations

1) variations in the power supply ... that is ... it isn't stable enough for what you are trying to do
2) its acting as a magnetometer and picking up variations in the Earth's magnetic field ... of which there's been a few over the last week or so
3) other sources of magnetic fields near your gear are causing problems with the setupcan I see a better pic of that "Basic current balance " section

  • #9
Does it fluctuate if you remove the "basic current balance" part from the circuit and just use rheostat and your amperemeter?
How much does it fluctuate, and on which timescale?
  • #10
so many good thoughts thus far.
Troubleshooting is an iterative process wherein one tries to draw a circle around the problem then tighten that circle like a noose.

Binary search is usually the quickest but it's not always convenient to cut a system exactly in half.. we look for convenient ways to partition the system under study.
You have two active electronic devices in your setup, both employ feedback so theoretically both are capable of control system instability.
So i'd ask - do my fluctuations stem from my active or my passive devices?
Without changing anything, i'd switch off the electronic scale. If that settles current , it's very interesting. If it doesn't settle current, well , you've eliminated half your active devices., quaternary search ?

Related to Why is my D.C. ammeter reading fluctuating?

1. Why is my D.C. ammeter reading fluctuating?

There are several possible reasons for fluctuating readings on a D.C. ammeter. One common cause is a loose or corroded connection, which can cause fluctuations due to poor conductivity. Another possibility is a faulty ammeter, which may need to be replaced. In some cases, fluctuations can be caused by changes in the electrical load or other external factors.

2. Can a D.C. ammeter reading be affected by the surrounding environment?

Yes, the readings on a D.C. ammeter can be affected by the surrounding environment. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and electromagnetic interference can all impact the accuracy of the readings. It is important to calibrate the ammeter regularly and ensure that it is not exposed to extreme conditions that could affect its performance.

3. How can I troubleshoot and fix fluctuations in my D.C. ammeter reading?

If you are experiencing fluctuations in your D.C. ammeter reading, the first step is to check all connections and ensure they are secure and free of corrosion. If the connections are fine, the next step is to test the ammeter itself for any faults. If the ammeter is functioning properly, it may be necessary to investigate external factors such as changes in the electrical load or interference from nearby equipment.

4. Are there any safety concerns associated with fluctuating D.C. ammeter readings?

In most cases, fluctuations in D.C. ammeter readings do not pose any safety concerns. However, if the fluctuations are significant and occur unexpectedly, it is important to investigate the cause and address it promptly to avoid any potential hazards. It is always best to consult a professional if you are unsure about the safety of a D.C. circuit.

5. How can I prevent or minimize fluctuations in my D.C. ammeter reading?

To prevent or minimize fluctuations in D.C. ammeter readings, it is important to regularly inspect and maintain all connections and ensure they are clean and secure. It is also important to avoid overloading the circuit or exposing the ammeter to extreme temperatures or electromagnetic interference. Regular calibration and proper use of the ammeter can also help prevent fluctuations in readings.

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