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[Mentor Note -- Two similar thread starts merged into one]
Hey all,
I have been working on this project for a while now, which features suspending an object midair through the use of magnetic levitation principles. Cool right? And so I have been researching and trying, even finding ground breaking information on this forum (describing how the set up should be) but yet I cannot for some reason get it to work.
The parts I have are:
- Arduino Nano
- Op Amp
- 2 Hall Sensors
- Resistors
- Neodymium magnets (N38) 8X3mm
- Hall Effect Sensor (SS496)
- Dual H Bridge
- Power Plug 12V 2A
- Four solenoids (420 turns) taken from a DIY Magnetic Levitation Kit
- Ferrite Ring Magnet (Unknown Strength) also taken from DIY Levitation Kit
(I took both of them because they worked when initially testing them whilst still attached to the original product.
- *Alt Experiment: Ferrite Core (10mm height, 100mm diameter, 60mm diameter of internal ring void) & 120m copper wire (unknown number of turns, 59mm height, 56mm diameter)
- MOSFET N Channel IRF620 Transistor
- TC4420 MOSFET Driver
I mostly used the set up shown on this article: (https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-Air-Bonsai-Levitation/) but when coming to the actual testing, no repulsion was happening, but instead was the burning of the plastic on the jumper cable occurred as it was connected to one of the copper coils. Unlike when the parts were attached to its original products, there was no suspension happening, and instead violent crashes and/or nothing.
I even tried doing it with one copper coil (120m, turns number unknown) with a ferrite core. The set up for this test was just one copper coil inside a ferrite ring magnet with a ferrite core (10mm diameter, 50mm height) using the schematics shown in this video (I did not use a Diode though) (https://gyazo.com/6f4fc0b56f6245a03af7b6761fd177af)
Arduino Code:
Lastly, I tried the final experiment, being to suspend the object below the electromagnet. With the same schematics as the previous paragraph excluding the ring magnet and having the hall sensor below the electromagnet, I was fairly confident that this experiment would suffice. Unfortunately, by the time I started, the system showed instability and would, as previously, be too weak or levitate for 0.001 second before flying off into oblivion.
What exactly am I doing wrong here? Why is the electromagnet so weak and too slow to levitate the magnet? Have I missed something?
One thing to note about the first experiment is that I did not do any proper calculations for it, and instead went ahead and just tried it after setting everything up. I thought everything would work as it did in the old kit, but that just was not the case. Same for the levitation below the electromagnet, my thought pattern was that as the copper wire was long enough (being 120m long) it would suffice and be strong enough to work. Therefore, I am not sure if this mistake is the only one causing me problems, or if there is more to it.
I also see most people going the analogue route by just using raw components such as not gates, transistors, capacitors, op amps, etc, and have it successfully working, and I'm not sure if this is the way it is actually supposed to be done, as I was trying to achieve such Digitally through the Arduino.
If I have missed any details, please let me know. I appreciate any and all help!
Hey all,
I have been working on this project for a while now, which features suspending an object midair through the use of magnetic levitation principles. Cool right? And so I have been researching and trying, even finding ground breaking information on this forum (describing how the set up should be) but yet I cannot for some reason get it to work.
The parts I have are:
- Arduino Nano
- Op Amp
- 2 Hall Sensors
- Resistors
- Neodymium magnets (N38) 8X3mm
- Hall Effect Sensor (SS496)
- Dual H Bridge
- Power Plug 12V 2A
- Four solenoids (420 turns) taken from a DIY Magnetic Levitation Kit
- Ferrite Ring Magnet (Unknown Strength) also taken from DIY Levitation Kit
(I took both of them because they worked when initially testing them whilst still attached to the original product.
- *Alt Experiment: Ferrite Core (10mm height, 100mm diameter, 60mm diameter of internal ring void) & 120m copper wire (unknown number of turns, 59mm height, 56mm diameter)
- MOSFET N Channel IRF620 Transistor
- TC4420 MOSFET Driver
I mostly used the set up shown on this article: (https://www.instructables.com/Arduino-Air-Bonsai-Levitation/) but when coming to the actual testing, no repulsion was happening, but instead was the burning of the plastic on the jumper cable occurred as it was connected to one of the copper coils. Unlike when the parts were attached to its original products, there was no suspension happening, and instead violent crashes and/or nothing.
I even tried doing it with one copper coil (120m, turns number unknown) with a ferrite core. The set up for this test was just one copper coil inside a ferrite ring magnet with a ferrite core (10mm diameter, 50mm height) using the schematics shown in this video (I did not use a Diode though) (https://gyazo.com/6f4fc0b56f6245a03af7b6761fd177af)
Arduino Code:
int set_point = 457; // settings
int sensorPin = A0;
int ENA = 2;
int IN1 = 3;
int IN2 = 4;
int sensorValue = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(ENA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(IN2, OUTPUT);
void loop()
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
analogWrite(ENA, 255);
if ( sensorValue <= set_point){
digitalWrite(IN1, LOW);
digitalWrite(IN2, HIGH);
else {
digitalWrite(IN1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(IN2, LOW);
Lastly, I tried the final experiment, being to suspend the object below the electromagnet. With the same schematics as the previous paragraph excluding the ring magnet and having the hall sensor below the electromagnet, I was fairly confident that this experiment would suffice. Unfortunately, by the time I started, the system showed instability and would, as previously, be too weak or levitate for 0.001 second before flying off into oblivion.
What exactly am I doing wrong here? Why is the electromagnet so weak and too slow to levitate the magnet? Have I missed something?
One thing to note about the first experiment is that I did not do any proper calculations for it, and instead went ahead and just tried it after setting everything up. I thought everything would work as it did in the old kit, but that just was not the case. Same for the levitation below the electromagnet, my thought pattern was that as the copper wire was long enough (being 120m long) it would suffice and be strong enough to work. Therefore, I am not sure if this mistake is the only one causing me problems, or if there is more to it.
I also see most people going the analogue route by just using raw components such as not gates, transistors, capacitors, op amps, etc, and have it successfully working, and I'm not sure if this is the way it is actually supposed to be done, as I was trying to achieve such Digitally through the Arduino.
If I have missed any details, please let me know. I appreciate any and all help!
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