Why Is My MATLAB Program Returning Incorrect Values for Airplane Path?

In summary, there is a student in France working on a project to study the perfect path for an airplane to be in micro-gravity. They have used an accelerometer in an aerobatic plane to collect data, which was then filtered and integrated using MATLAB. However, the results are not accurate and the student is unsure why. They have included their code and are seeking feedback. The conversation also includes a discussion on how to correctly convert the measurements to the Earth's reference frame.
  • #1
I've just subscribe because I've a problem with a project.
First, I'm a student in France, in prep school. My team and I are working on a project : we study the perfect path for an airplane to be in micro-gravity (it means the only acceleration is the one due to gravity, like what we have here :http://www.airzerog.com/)

So, in order to verify our theoretical model, we experienced in an aerobatic plane (CAP10) and we had a accelerometer installed in the plane (desc of the accelerometer :http://www.gcdataconcepts.com/GCDC_X16-1D_User_Manual.pdf). It's a 3 axis accelerometer, which returns the measures in a CSV file with : time-accX-accY-accZ)

The purpose of those measures were to obtain the path followed by the plane, to actually see the parabola. I did a program on MATLAB :
-to import the measures from the csv file and pu them into variables (it works fine)
-to filter it (with a butterworth filter), because the signal was very noisy, due to the plane's vibration) (it works fine too)
-and then to integer it, twice. And here is the problem : the program run well, but it returns ironical values ; when we begun our parabola at 610 m (2000ft), it ends in the abyssal (approximatly -2000m..).

I don't understand why. I used the cumptrapz function of MATLAB (i just wanted an idea of the path, not a very precise one). I also converted all the mesaures, after having filtered them, to SI system. I multiplied them to 1/2048(accelerometer's gain), then to 9.81 to have it in m/s². I didn't forgot the constant when i integrated (610 m and v0 m/s).
As we did several parabola (10) with different initial velocity (remember : the purpose was to see the influence of several factors such as the velocity and the angle with which we began the parabola), i ran the algorithm with different parabola and there's always the same mistake.

Please find in attachment my different programs:
-importation(i) import the measures into different variable
-filtrage_butterworth filter my measures
-integrale_trapz integrate the signal
-trajectoire return the position to Z and X in order to plot(X,Z), and temps (the vector time) to plot(temps,Z)

Thank you for reading me and I would appreciate any kind off commentaries to my code.

PS : please forgive my approximate english :)


  • Trajectoire.txt
    667 bytes · Views: 516
  • filtrage_butterworth.txt
    212 bytes · Views: 539
  • importation.txt
    370 bytes · Views: 513
  • integrale_trapz.txt
    412 bytes · Views: 531
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  • #2
Do you have an example path with accelerations, velocities and positions? The code has many magic numbers and conversions that are hard to understand, data would help to see where the error comes from.
  • #3
The gravity vector should be -9.81 pointing down. I can't tell from the code whether your gravity vector is pointing up or down... the code shows +9.81?
  • #4
Here are some samples we had from our theoretical analysis.
-velocity on z axis (up)
-path : x=f(z)
-z acceleration :http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=...r=3072&page=1&start=0&ndsp=37&ved=0CC4QrQMwBA (the blue one)
  • #5
bahamagreen said:
The gravity vector should be -9.81 pointing down. I can't tell from the code whether your gravity vector is pointing up or down... the code shows +9.81?

No, during the period of micro-gravity, the value for the acceleration on z is 0.
  • #6
Buzz23 said:
No, during the period of micro-gravity, the value for the acceleration on z is 0.
But the gravity component doesn't change! When you are flying a curve, there is an additional centripetal acceleration component, to bring the resultant to 'zero'.
  • #7
Buzz23 said:
No, during the period of micro-gravity, the value for the acceleration on z is 0.
That's what your accelerometer will read. The real airplane will still accelerate downwards.
The velocity/time-diagram does not show a microgravity environment.
  • #8
mfb said:
That's what your accelerometer will read. The real airplane will still accelerate downwards.
The velocity/time-diagram does not show a microgravity environment.
So what do I have to do? Add to my measure on Z the gravity?
  • #9

Also, how did you convert the three acceleration measurements to your reference frame? The plane will change its position, if you don't have some special mechanism the accelerometer axes won't be aligned with the coordinates all the time.
  • #10
That's what I thougt! I'm actually trying to place them in the correct reference(Earth), whether they are measured in the reference of the plane.

So I also have to substract the Earth attraction.. I put the Z axis down, do I have to add 9.81, or substract 9.81?
  • #11
Consider the case where the accelerometers read zero, but the airplane is accelerating downwards...

Related to Why Is My MATLAB Program Returning Incorrect Values for Airplane Path?

1. What is acceleration to position?

Acceleration to position is the process of determining the change in position of an object over time due to acceleration. It is the second derivative of position with respect to time.

2. How is acceleration to position calculated?

To calculate acceleration to position, you need to first find the velocity of the object by taking the derivative of its position with respect to time. Then, take the derivative of velocity with respect to time to find the acceleration. This value will represent the rate of change in position over time due to acceleration.

3. What is the difference between acceleration to position and acceleration to velocity?

Acceleration to position is the change in position over time due to acceleration, while acceleration to velocity is the change in velocity over time due to acceleration. In other words, acceleration to position takes into account the change in velocity and acceleration, while acceleration to velocity only considers the change in acceleration.

4. What are some real-life examples of acceleration to position?

One example of acceleration to position is a car accelerating from a stop sign. The change in position of the car over time due to acceleration will result in the car moving from a stationary position to a moving position. Another example is a roller coaster going down a hill, as the change in position over time due to acceleration will cause the roller coaster to gain speed and move downwards.

5. How is acceleration to position used in physics and engineering?

Acceleration to position is used in physics and engineering to understand and predict the motion of objects. It helps to determine the position, velocity, and acceleration of objects in different scenarios, such as freefall, projectile motion, and circular motion. This information is crucial in designing and optimizing various structures and machines, such as bridges, airplanes, and rockets.
