Why Is Normal Density Nonzero at Zero Temperature in Disordered Systems?

In summary, the normal density can be nonzero at zero temperature in the presence of disorder in certain systems, such as a disordered Bose-Einstein condensate or a disordered two-dimensional superconductor.
  • #1
By Landau's theory the normal mass density(total density minus the superfluid mass density) is the total mass carried by excitations. For the BCS state and weakly interacting Bose gas the normal density is zero at zero temperature because there are no excitations. However in the presence of disorder, the normal density is not zero even at zero temperature.

My question is: Is there a general argument (conservation law or symmetry consideration) by which one can determine whether the normal density is nonzero at zero temperature? Or genereally for what kind of system the superfluid density is not the total density at zero temperture?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The answer to this question depends on the type of system under consideration. For most systems, the normal density is a result of thermal excitations, meaning that it is zero at zero temperature. However, in certain cases, the normal density can be nonzero even at zero temperature due to disorder or other effects. For example, in a disordered Bose-Einstein condensate, the normal density can be nonzero even at zero temperature due to the Anderson localization of bosons. Similarly, in a disordered two-dimensional superconductor, the normal density can be nonzero even at zero temperature due to the localization of Cooper pairs. In such cases, the normal density is not the result of thermal excitations but is instead a consequence of the disorder.

FAQ: Why Is Normal Density Nonzero at Zero Temperature in Disordered Systems?

1. What is superfluid mass density?

Superfluid mass density is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a superfluid. It is a property that describes the density of the fluid in its superfluid state, which is a state in which it exhibits unique properties such as zero viscosity and infinite thermal conductivity.

2. How is superfluid mass density different from normal mass density?

Superfluid mass density differs from normal mass density in that it only applies to superfluids, which are a special subset of fluids that exhibit unique properties at very low temperatures. Normal mass density, on the other hand, applies to all fluids, regardless of their temperature or state.

3. What are some examples of superfluids?

Some examples of superfluids include liquid helium-4, liquid helium-3, and atomic gases such as Bose-Einstein condensates. These substances exhibit superfluid behavior at very low temperatures, typically below 2-3 Kelvin.

4. How is superfluid mass density measured?

Superfluid mass density can be measured using techniques such as neutron scattering, which allows scientists to observe the density of particles in the superfluid state. It can also be indirectly measured by studying the behavior of superfluids in different environments and under different conditions.

5. What are the applications of studying superfluid mass density?

Studying superfluid mass density has various applications in fields such as astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and materials science. It can help us understand the behavior of superfluids and their unique properties, which can have implications for developing new technologies and materials.

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