Why is Prolog's sum function struggling with non-zero first variables?

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In summary, the conversation discusses the recursive definition of a function that adds two numbers together and how it can be implemented in Prolog. There are suggestions on how to improve the program and make it more efficient, such as using a successor predicate and evaluating expressions. However, there are still some errors and challenges in combining different predicates to achieve the desired result. The conversation also mentions a link to an online Prolog implementation for those interested in experimenting with small programs.
  • #1
This is supposed to recursively define a function sum(X,Y,Z) meaning X + Y = Z. how could anything be simpler, right?

sum(s(X),Y,s(Z)) :- sum(X,Y,Z).
It's very good at telling that 0+1=1 or 0+2=2, etc. But give it anything other than 0 for the first variable and it's lost. What's wrong? :mad:
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  • #2
I don't have a Prolog interpreter at hand to check this, but I can make a few suggestions that you can try yourself; at least they will give some clues.

0) I hope a successor predicate is implemented in your interpreter!

1) Prolog works by unifying your query to the head (left-side) of clauses; and unifying is NOT evaluating. So the most probable reason is that compound terms like s(X) or s(Z) in the head of the second clause won't unify with atomic entities such as numbers, in a query like sum(1,2,3).

Try this alternate to your second clause:

sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- X1 is s(X), Z1 is s(Z), sum(X,Y,Z).

(Syntax might vary for the evaluation operator "is"; it might be implemented as "=".)

Hope this helps.

I fail to recall if s(X) will be at all evaluable. But something that will work in most interpreters is

sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- X1 is X+1, Z1 is Z+1, sum(X,Y,Z).

As for the behavior of the s() predicate, I'm not sure. You can try... and tell us.

Edit 2:
Of course, having the ability to evaluate expression you can write a single-clause sum() as

sum(X,Y,Z) :- X is Y+Z.

But I suppose the former has an exercising value. Sorry for the multiple edits, to me it's "long time no see" for Prolog.
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  • #3
Thanks for the suggestions, but I still don't have the answer.

0) yes, there is a successor function. For example this program:
int2s(N,s(S)) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, int2s(N1,S).
works this way:
| ?- int2s(5,T)
T = s(s(s(s(s(0)))))?

1) sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- X1 is s(X), Z1 is s(Z), sum(X,Y,Z).
doesn't compile; gives
error: wrong arithmetic expression : s(_570b34)
error: wrong arithmetic expression : s(_570ba8)

2) sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- X1 is X+1, Z1 is Z+1, sum(X,Y,Z).
sort of defeats the purpose, which was to understand how the successor function works, but I tried it anyway in the interest of science. :smile:
It compiles, and responds reasonably to queries involving addition of 0 to a number, but other queries result in errors I don't understand. For example, this series of queries and responses:
| ?- compile(math)
compiled in 0 milliseconds

| ?- load(math)

| ?- sum(0,1,1)

| ?- sum(X,1,1)
X = 0?
| ?- sum(X,1,2)
** Error ** number_expected:_570828+1
| ?- sum(1,1,2)
** Error ** number_expected:_570828+1
| ?-
  • #4

It turns out that the original program
sum(s(X),Y,s(Z)) :- sum(X,Y,Z).
does work. I just wasn't forming the queries correctly. Here's an example of what it gives:
| ?- sum(s(s(0)),s(s(s(s(s(0))))),T)
T = s(s(s(s(s(s(s(0)))))))?
Guess it'll take a while to figure out how to do something useful with that.
  • #5
Hmmm... and note that this DOESN'T mean that s() is something built-in into your Prolog interpreter. The s() is interpreted symbolically; the whole thing would've equally worked if representing 2 as after(after(0)), where of course after() is nothing special. (And substituting after() for s() accordingly in your clauses, of course.)

As for the failure in " sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- X1 is X+1, Z1 is Z+1, sum(X,Y,Z). ",
1) I assume you did include the initial clause too, "sum(0,Y,Y)."
2) _<number> is the construct the interpreter is using to refer to an unbound variable; the error is saying, "I can't add 1, in X+1 (or Z+1), if X (or Z) has no value". A possible test is to change the order of the second clause (again, experimenting) as
sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- sum(X,Y,Z), X1 is X+1, Z1 is Z+1.
so it'll recurse before the evaluation. (Strange, though.)

Another interesting test is to combine your original problem with the given predicates for int2s() (which "translate" an integer into a symbolic form made of s's). Something like

... int2s as above...

sum(X,Y,Z) :- int2s(X,Xs), int2s(Z,Zs), Xs is s(X0), Zs is s(Z0), sum(X0,Y,Z0).

or, alternatively,

sum(X,Y,Z) :- int2s(X,s(X0)), int2s(Z,s(Z0)), sum(X0,Y,Z0).

and check if it accepts integers now.
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  • #6
>>.. and note that this DOESN'T mean that s() is something built-in into your Prolog interpreter.
Thanks for pointing that out. Now it makes more sense that it doesn't produce a numerical result.

>>1) I assume you did include the initial clause too, "sum(0,Y,Y)."
Of course.

>>A possible test is to change the order of the second clause (again, experimenting) as
>>sum(X1,Y,Z1) :- sum(X,Y,Z), X1 is X+1, Z1 is Z+1.
Interestingly, that almost works. It seems to be a case of yes/maybe. Here are some sample queries to that:
| ?- sum(0,1,T)
T = 1?
| ?- sum(1,1,T)...(
T = 2?
| ?- sum(4,6,T)
T = 10?
| ?- sum(5,2,7)...(here I supplied all 3 literals & it responded correctly)

| ?- sum(1,2,3)...(same here)

| ?- sum(T,2,5)...(here I supply a variable for the first term; response is appropriate)
T = 3?
| ?- sum(2,T,5)...(but it can't deal with the variable as the 2nd term)
** Error ** number_expected:_570828+1
| ?- sum(4,2,7)...(and if I supply 3 literals that don't add correctly, instead of saying "no" it hangs
| ?-......(I had to use ctrl-c to get out of that loop)
Your last two suggestions are interesting, but they didn't work. The first one
sum(X,Y,Z) :- int2s(X,Xs), int2s(Z,Zs), Xs is s(X0), Zs is s(Z0), sum(X0,Y,Z0).
doesn't compile, giving two "wrong arithmetic expression" errors on the s(X0) and s(Z0) expressions.
The last one
sum(X,Y,Z) :- int2s(X,s(X0)), int2s(Z,s(Z0)), sum(X0,Y,Z0).
compiles but doesn't do what we wanted. It gives good responses to queries in the form (T,4,4) or (0,4,4) for example, but any other format gives "error : number expected".

Still, there should be some way to combine the predicates. I'll work on it some more as time permits.

PS: If you want to play around with small prolog programs, here's a link to a cute online prolog implementation. It's not what I've been using (I'm using B-prolog) but it seems to work the same for these little programs.
  • #7
"Don't give a man a fish, but a fishing rod." Thanks for the link!

Edit: After some sleep :), I can see I forgot, in the second variant of the last example, to convert the s's back to numbers, before recursing...
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FAQ: Why is Prolog's sum function struggling with non-zero first variables?

What is Prolog and how is it used in science?

Prolog is a programming language that is used for artificial intelligence and computational linguistics research. It is especially useful for natural language processing and automated reasoning tasks.

Is Prolog difficult to learn?

This depends on your previous experience with programming languages. If you are familiar with logic and functional programming, Prolog may be easier to learn. However, if you are new to programming, it may take some time to understand the syntax and concepts of Prolog.

Can Prolog be used for data analysis and machine learning?

Yes, Prolog can be used for data analysis and machine learning tasks. Its logical and rule-based approach makes it well-suited for these types of tasks. However, it may not be as efficient as other programming languages specifically designed for data analysis and machine learning.

Is Prolog still relevant in modern science?

Yes, Prolog is still relevant in modern science. In fact, it is still widely used in research and industry for tasks such as natural language processing, automated reasoning, and knowledge representation. Its unique features make it a valuable tool in certain domains of science.

Are there any drawbacks to using Prolog?

Like any programming language, Prolog has its limitations. It may not be the best choice for tasks that require a lot of mathematical calculations or working with large datasets. It also may not be as widely supported and used as other programming languages, which can make finding resources and support more challenging.
