Why is racism allowed on these boards

  • Thread starter QuantumCowboy
  • Start date
In summary: If people read it and shonagon53's posts were offensive and needed to be addressed due to their themes of "white supremecy", "racial purity" and "anti-Americanism". In summary, there was a misunderstanding regarding the intentions of shonagon53's posts, which were meant to be ironic and highlight the ridiculousness of racial generalizations and superiority beliefs. The moderator also clarifies that the member Mr. R. Parsons, who was mentioned in the post, had been banned for their own actions. The thread is closed due to personal attacks not being allowed.
  • #1
***moderator's note: the content of this post is based on a mis-understanding, the issue is rectified in the responding posts.***

Hey, it's me... your old pal eNtRopY.
I got kicked off these boards last year for being a bit too rude to a certain member (with rather soft feelings) who, for privacy's sake, shall remain nameless. Well, let's just call him Mr. Robin P. No wait, that's too obvious... let's call him Mr. R. Parsons.

Anyway, I was just casually perusing these boards, and found that the posts of shonagon53 are rather offensive. They all seem to have one of three central themes "white supremecy", "racial purity" and "anti-Americanism". Really, let's face it, these three themes all degenerate to the first. Anyway, I noticed that he really has a problem with the concept of mixed cultures. Occasionally, he will praise the efforts of third world cultures (saying that they are superior America), but ultimately he asserts that the Arian race is in fact the master race. I believe that the only reason he gives praise to third world countries is because they have maintained some level of keeping to themselves. He appreciates the fact that they comply with his ideals of "racial purity" by not intermixing with "white culture".

As a reader, and an American, I am quite offended by everything he posts. Clearly, his posts are reminiscent of Naziism.

There are two more points I'd like to make.

1) America did not become a world power until after the victory of the Spanish American War (1898), but in less than half a century we became the stongest nation in the world. The reason we were able to rise to power so quickly was because of our ability to integrate the best of different cultures into one "melting pot". As long as we maintain the philosophy of integrating the best of what the rest of the world has to offer into our own culture, we will always be the strongest nation.

For example, look at Japan. Their head-strong idea of keeping Japanese culture "pure" is killing their economy. Their population is shrinking. Their workforce is shrinking. Yet, they would rather ensure that every Japanese person is authentically Japanese than strengthen their own culture by diversifying. Again, I assert that if we maintain our current philosophy, we will never suffer from this problem.

2) America ROCKS! That's right, call us what you want shonagon53. Make your claims that we are stupid, uncultured, or whatever. There is one claim that you can never make, and that is that America does not ROCK. We invented rock, and although the UK has made many great contributions to rock (which Americans admittedly appreciate), we also perfected it. America and the UK produced every classic you can think of... Led Zeppelin, Nirvana, Pink Floyd, Sonic Youth, Soundgarden, Metallica, Pearl Jam, the Beatles.

What were the contributions of your precious Arian culture to rock? ABBA? The A-Teens? This guy... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/aicha.html.

Quantum Cowboy
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  • #2
Welcome back eNtRopY.

If you'd like to reinstate your old account, I'd be willing to do it for you, provided the other mentors don't have any objections, and you agree to abide by our policies in the future.

I should also mention that MRP was banned some time ago for his own trespasses.

- Warren
  • #3
I really don't understand this thread.

Shonagon53 is an intelligent and balanced person and has advocated the underlying structures of populations and fighted generalizations that other members on this board were making.

Only because of the generalizations that others were making, did he start a few threads showing the ridiculous nature of such statements.

I'll close this thread now since personal attacks are not allowed. If you are interested in commenting on specific issues, you are free to go to one of those threads and make your point.
  • #4
To take Shonagon53's words out of a previous thread:
shonagon53 said:
I'm 100% with you. As you've noticed by now, my entire post was intended as irony, since there's so much pseudo-scientific nonsense about "race" on this message board. So I thought, let's turn this entire thing around.

Related to Why is racism allowed on these boards

1. Why is racism allowed on these boards?

Racism is unfortunately a prevalent issue in our society, and it can also manifest itself in online spaces such as discussion boards. While it is not acceptable or condoned, it may be allowed due to the principle of freedom of speech. However, it is important for individuals to use this freedom responsibly and refrain from spreading hate speech or discriminatory comments.

2. Is there a reason why moderators allow racist comments on the boards?

Moderators have the difficult task of monitoring and managing a large volume of content on the boards. They may not always catch every instance of racism, and it may also depend on the specific policies and guidelines of the platform. Additionally, moderators may also allow certain discussions to take place in order to address and educate others on the issue of racism.

3. How does allowing racism on these boards affect the community?

Racism can have a harmful impact on individuals and the community as a whole. It can create a hostile and unsafe environment for marginalized groups, discourage participation, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. Allowing racism on these boards can also reflect poorly on the platform and its values.

4. What can be done to address and prevent racism on these boards?

Platforms can have clear and strict policies against hate speech and discriminatory comments, and actively enforce them by removing such content and banning users who violate these policies. It is also important for community members to speak up and report any instances of racism they encounter. Education and open discussions can also help raise awareness and promote understanding of the harmful effects of racism.

5. Can we really make a difference in combating racism on these boards?

Yes, we can make a difference by actively promoting and practicing inclusivity and respect on the boards. By reporting and speaking out against racism, and supporting those who are targeted by it, we can create a safer and more welcoming community. It is also important to continue educating ourselves and others about the issue of racism and actively work towards creating a more equal and just society.

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