Why is Remembrance Day important for Canadians?

  • Thread starter Sorry!
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In Summary, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae MD wrote a poem in Flanders Fields to remember the fallen soldiers from WWI. He pointed out that it was the first war in which Canada had to protect itself and that the only time in the war that Canadians had to fight was when the Yanks invaded in 1812. He also noted that although WWI was a terrible conflict, it was also a time of great heroism.
  • #1
I don't know how this is celebrated in other countries but I know in Canada it's a big thing and we take great pride in our soldiers.

I just wanted to post this poem here:

In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army They will not be forgotten nor will any of the people currently serving for any country whether they are family/friends or random people you've never met. They deserve our respect.
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  • #2
We learned that in high school, Good post.

Lets never forget.
  • #3
The gathering at the War Memorial close to Parliament Hill was substantial today. For years, turn out was dwindling and it was mostly the older veterans and their families who attended. Now, for better or worse, I suppose, there's renewed awareness about the military and a desire to demonstrate that we care for the people past and present who've done a seriously tough job.

I can't imagine we'd forget.
  • #4
This is the first time in 10 years that, due to my health, I wasn't able to march in the parade. Until now, I've been a flag-bearer.
The rate at which those who must be remembered increases is disconcerting.
  • #5
Nice post.

BTW...if you have HBO, I highly recommend watching the movie "Taking Chance" at 8:30 EST. It is a worth while investment in your time you will not soon forget.
  • #6
Danger said:
This is the first time in 10 years that, due to my health, I wasn't able to march in the parade. Until now, I've been a flag-bearer.
The rate at which those who must be remembered increases is disconcerting.

I think it was like around 100 years of Canadian troops fighting 100 000 men lost but none fought to protect Canada. They all died protecting and helping other people around the world.
  • #7
Sorry!;2437341[/QUOTE said:
but none fought to protect Canada. They all died protecting and helping other people around the world.

We like to look after our friends.
Actually, the only time that we had to protect ourselves was when the Yanks invaded us in the war of 1812. We beat the snot out of them and captured Michigan. We gave most of it back, and since then they have grudgingly accepted our existence. :biggrin:
  • #8
FredGarvin said:
Nice post.

BTW...if you have HBO, I highly recommend watching the movie "Taking Chance" at 8:30 EST. It is a worth while investment in your time you will not soon forget.

For sure.
  • #9
I always forget that In Flanders Fields was written by a Canadian. And I tend to assume everyone knows the poem.

I think you need to add this to the poem, Sorry.

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
  • #10
Sorry! said:
They will not be forgotten nor will any of the people currently serving for any country whether they are family/friends or random people you've never met. They deserve our respect.
  • #11
GeorginaS said:
I always forget that In Flanders Fields was written by a Canadian. And I tend to assume everyone knows the poem.

I think you need to add this to the poem, Sorry.

In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army

I am guilty of the same assumptions. Fixed thanks for pointing that out.
  • #12
Thanks for pointing that out, Georgina. And in case anyone didn't notice the date, this was written for the fallen of WWI. Of my dozen or so uncles who served, the only one who didn't come back was the only one who was in the first war rather than the second. He was killed in France in 1917, and is buried there. That was in the really nasty days of trench warfare, where the Canucks came up with the strategy that pissing on your handkerchief turned it into a pretty effective mask against mustard gas.
My uncle Bruce got shot in the leg. When the battle ended, the Brit field sweep overlooked him. A 17-year-old German soldier (who might very well have been the one who shot him) went out to get him, carried him to an Allied field hospital, and surrendered. Unfortunately, this was when sulfa drugs were new and penicillin not yet discovered. Bruce died of gangrene. Aside from Remembrance Day, very often when I feel woebegotten I stop to think about that and realize that I am one incredibly lucky son of a ***** to not have to go through something like that because he did it for me.
  • #13
FredGarvin said:
Nice post.

BTW...if you have HBO, I highly recommend watching the movie "Taking Chance" at 8:30 EST. It is a worth while investment in your time you will not soon forget.
Wonderful film.
  • #14
Lest we forget.
  • #15
Just thought I would add this, my daughter is attending her boyfriend's graduation from Fort Benning in Georgia, he is "Turning Blue" this morning at 9:00 am and officially graduating tomorrow at the same time. After that, he will attend Airborne School, again at Fort Benning in hopes of becoming an Army Ranger. He already has a BS degree in Criminal Justice, and hopes to become an Army Ranger with the 82nd Airborne, and eventually Army sniper certified as well. His long term plans are to become an FBI Agent after retiring from the military.

He is a smart, kind, and motivated individual and IMHO someone of good character and compassion. I think it is appropriate that his Turning Blue Ceremony occurs on Veteran's Day.
Our family wishes him the very best.

  • #16
rhody said:
Just thought I would add this, my daughter is attending her boyfriend's graduation from Fort Benning in Georgia, he is "Turning Blue" this morning at 9:00 am and officially graduating tomorrow at the same time. After that, he will attend Airborne School, again at Fort Benning in hopes of becoming an Army Ranger. He already has a BS degree in Criminal Justice, and hopes to become an Army Ranger with the 82nd Airborne, and eventually Army sniper certified as well. His long term plans are to become an FBI Agent after retiring from the military.

He is a smart, kind, and motivated individual and IMHO someone of good character and compassion. I think it is appropriate that his Turning Blue Ceremony occurs on Veteran's Day.
Our family wishes him the very best.


All the best to him and family and congrats to him. I hope that all his plans unfold the way he sees them or possibly even better opportunities arise from inside the military.

I had enrolled and was in training for armoured soldier but my girlfriend talked me out of being full-time. I kind of regret backing out but meh.

EDIT: This reminds me of a saying or phrase. Why is the sky blue? Because god loves infantry. lol.
  • #17
zomgwtf said:
Lest we forget.

Thanks for bringing this thread back up. And I doubt there's a chance we will. I'm glad for a day set aside for the purpose.
  • #18
I couldn't help but notice an article in local newspaper today about a young soldier from my home town and his experience in Afghanistan, I will quote a portion of the article for you:
In the first two months of a seven month tour, "name removed: Marine Corporal" was in 16 firefights. He did laundry twice, mailed five letters home and received two. He spent 378 hours on post and 256 hours on patrol. He crossed 140 miles of thorny bomb-laced farmland and waist-high trenches of water on foot.

Along the way, he ripped eight pairs of pants, ruined two pairs of boots and downed 1350 half-liter bottles of water. His platoon killed at least nine militants in battle and nice farm animals in crossfire. The rugged outpost he's lived in have been shot at 46 times.

From the article in the soldier's own words: "Tiring, there's no downtime. It is a constant gruel."

  • #19
I have no problem supporting our troops via writing in online forums such as this one, but I have a difficult time attending parades.

Too many memories.
  • #20
mugaliens said:
I have no problem supporting our troops via writing in online forums such as this one, but I have a difficult time attending parades.

Too many memories.


Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...

  • #21
I read in the Globe and Mail yesterday that this November 11 marked the first time wreathes were laid without any surviving veterans of the First World War.

I'm not sure why, but that bit of information feels significant.
  • #22
GeorginaS said:
I read in the Globe and Mail yesterday that this November 11 marked the first time wreathes were laid without any surviving veterans of the First World War.

I'm not sure why, but that bit of information feels significant.


I went and did a bit of research and it turns out that there are only 4 veterans remaining world wide. Only 1 of them were combatants, and they happened to be a combatant in BOTH world wars.


John Babcock was Canada's last surviving WWI vet and he passed away in 2010.

FAQ: Why is Remembrance Day important for Canadians?

What is Remembrance Day?

Remembrance Day is a national holiday in Canada that is observed on November 11th. It is a day to honor and remember the members of the Canadian Armed Forces who have fought and died in the line of duty.

Why is Remembrance Day important for Canadians?

Remembrance Day is important for Canadians because it allows us to pay tribute to the sacrifices made by our soldiers in past and present conflicts. It is a time to reflect on the bravery and dedication of those who have served our country and to show our gratitude for their service.

How did Remembrance Day come to be observed in Canada?

Remembrance Day was first observed in Canada on November 11th, 1919, one year after the end of World War I. It was originally known as Armistice Day and was meant to commemorate the armistice, or ceasefire, that ended the fighting on the Western Front. In 1931, the day was renamed Remembrance Day to honor all veterans who have served in war.

What are some traditions associated with Remembrance Day in Canada?

Some traditions associated with Remembrance Day in Canada include wearing a red poppy, attending commemorative ceremonies and parades, observing a moment of silence at 11:00 am, and visiting war memorials. Many also choose to donate to the Royal Canadian Legion, an organization that supports veterans and their families.

Why is the red poppy often associated with Remembrance Day?

The red poppy has become a symbol of Remembrance Day in Canada because of the poem "In Flanders Fields" by John McCrae, a Canadian soldier. The poppy grew on the battlefields of World War I and became a symbol of hope and remembrance for those who served. Today, the Royal Canadian Legion distributes poppies as a way to raise funds for veterans and to honor those who have served and sacrificed for their country.

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