Why is silicon only is used for semiconductors

In summary, silicon is the preferred material for semiconductors due to its superior characteristics compared to germanium and gallium. It is abundant, cheap, and can be grown in large defect-free single crystals. While other materials such as germanium are still used for certain applications, silicon remains the most widely used material in the semiconductor industry.
  • #1
y is silicon only is used for semiconductors y not other
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
In practical terms silicon has better characteristics than germanium which exhibits large leakage currents in reverse biassed junctions which are very temperature dependant. Gallium is good and exhibits faster mobility enabling faster devices but it is also expensive in production. Basically Silicon is almost an ideal material and can be grown in large pure crystals , can be cut , polished , and although brittle is reasonably strong. Ray.
  • #3
Only semiconductors can be used as semiconductors.

Silicon is widely used for certain semiconductor applications. Germanium is used in photodiodes, Gallium Arsenide in RF devices, Gallium Nitride is used in Blue LEDs and SiGe is used for making tunnel diodes. InP, AlN, InGaN, AlGaAs are all commonly used semiconductor materials.

The advantage with Silicon (which is why it is used for chip-making, among other reasons) is the ability to grow large defect-free single crystals pretty cheaply. Look up the Czochralski Process.
  • #4
Silicon is also unbelievably abundant undergroud. It is one of the most abundant elements on earth. Much of the mantle is MgSiO3, so we cannot run out. Probably one of the reasons it is so cheap.
  • #5
It is worth pointing out that semiconductors are not made from pure silicon, but rather they contain dopants such as phosphorous to form n and p type doped semiconductors which have different properties than pure silicon.

Silicon has not always been the preffered semiconductor of choice in electronics. When semiconductor devices were first developed, Germanium was the semiconductor of choice because silicon could not be grown in sufficiently large quantities with sufficient purity.

  • #6
We also should not overlook the fact that Si does not have a direct band gap (the maximum of the valence band is not at the same k or momentum value as the minimum of the conduction band). This makes Si not the preferred semiconductor for optical purposes.

  • #7
lakshmi said:
y is silicon only is used for semiconductors y not other

Semiconductors other than silicon are used. Silicon has many desirable properties, like a stable native oxide (glass) that can be used for photolithographic purposes.

However, germanium is useful for some applications even today, and Gallium-arsinide and other semiconductors are often used for very high speed devices.
  • #8
IIRC, silicon is much quicker to fabricate.

There are semiconductor technologies that put germanium islands in silicon and all kinds of other weird things.

FAQ: Why is silicon only is used for semiconductors

1. Why is silicon the most commonly used material for semiconductors?

Silicon is the most commonly used material for semiconductors because it has a perfect balance of properties that make it ideal for this purpose. It has a stable crystal structure, making it easy to produce pure crystals for use in electronic devices. It is also abundant in the Earth's crust and relatively easy and cost-effective to produce.

2. What makes silicon a good semiconductor material?

Silicon has a unique property known as a "band gap" which allows it to act as an insulator at low temperatures and a conductor at high temperatures. This property is crucial for creating electronic devices like transistors, which are the building blocks of modern technology. Additionally, silicon has a high melting point and can withstand high temperatures, which is essential for the manufacturing process of semiconductors.

3. Why is silicon preferred over other materials like germanium for semiconductors?

Silicon is preferred over other materials like germanium for semiconductors because it has a larger band gap, making it more efficient at conducting electricity. It is also more readily available and cheaper to produce. Germanium was used in the early days of semiconductor technology but has since been mostly replaced by silicon due to its superior properties.

4. Can other elements besides silicon be used for semiconductors?

Yes, other elements such as gallium, arsenic, and indium can also be used for semiconductors. These elements are typically used in specialized applications or for specific types of devices. However, silicon remains the most commonly used material for semiconductors due to its widespread availability and suitability for a wide range of electronic devices.

5. What are the limitations of using silicon for semiconductors?

While silicon has many desirable properties for use in semiconductors, it also has some limitations. One major limitation is that it is not very efficient at conducting electricity at high frequencies, which can limit the speed of electronic devices. Additionally, as technology advances and the demand for smaller and more powerful devices increases, silicon may reach its limits, and other materials may need to be explored for use in semiconductors.
