Why is the air colder in the upper atmosphere?

In summary, the air is colder in the upper atmosphere because there are fewer air molecules. This lack of energy transfers to other molecules, leading to less heat and cooler temperatures.
  • #1
Why is the air colder in the upper atmosphere?
Earth sciences news on Phys.org
  • #2
The air is colder in the upper atmosphere because of fewer air molecules (e.g. oxygen and nitrogen). These molecules all have their own energy in the forms of translational, rotational, and vibrational energy. With fewer air molecules, there is less energy that can be transferred to other molecules in the form of heat. With less heat, temperatures are colder.
  • #3
bucher said:
The air is colder in the upper atmosphere because of fewer air molecules (e.g. oxygen and nitrogen). These molecules all have their own energy in the forms of translational, rotational, and vibrational energy. With fewer air molecules, there is less energy that can be transferred to other molecules in the form of heat. With less heat, temperatures are colder.

I haven't heard that explanation before, but it could be one factor. The major factor is that the atmosphere is heated from the ground up. Solar radiation passes through the atmosphere without much direct heating of the atmosphere (especially colder dryer air). It heats the Earth's surface which in turn heats the air above it. Also descending air is heated due to compression at lower elevations according to Boyle's Law. Surfaces with high albedo such as snow or ice, reflect much of the solar radiation which in turn tends to sustain cold air masses over such surfaces.
  • #4
bucher said:
The air is colder in the upper atmosphere because of fewer air molecules (e.g. oxygen and nitrogen). These molecules all have their own energy in the forms of translational, rotational, and vibrational energy. With fewer air molecules, there is less energy that can be transferred to other molecules in the form of heat. With less heat, temperatures are colder.

I don't think this is correct. The hottest part of the atmosphere, by far, is the "thermosphere", which is up around the altitude of low orbit satellites. It is very very thin, and so the heat content is negligible. But the temperature can reach over 2000 C. This part of the atmosphere is heated from the top down. Heat and temperature are different.

SW VandeCarr is correct. The main part of the atmosphere is heated from the bottom up, and so there is falling temperature with altitude.

Cheers -- sylas
  • #5
See these discussions.
http://www.physicalgeography.net/fundamentals/7b.html , which is cited in

The temperature of a gas is related to atomic or molecular speed, i.e. the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules, although some energy is stored within the rotation of atoms and molecules, and internal vibration of molecules.

The density does affect the local rate of interaction (heating) of air molecules with sunlight, so the local heating from sunlight is less in the upper atmosphere than it is closer to the surface. On the other hand, in the ozone layer, heating via the absorption of UV is significant.

Temperature profile of atmosphere as function of elevation
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  • #6
SW VandeCarr said:
I haven't heard that explanation before, but it could be one factor. The major factor is that the atmosphere is heated from the ground up. Solar radiation passes through the atmosphere without much direct heating of the atmosphere (especially colder dryer air). It heats the Earth's surface which in turn heats the air above it. Also descending air is heated due to compression at lower elevations according to Boyle's Law. Surfaces with high albedo such as snow or ice, reflect much of the solar radiation which in turn tends to sustain cold air masses over such surfaces.

Actually, a lost of that reflected heat is insulated in the lower troposphere.

Also, in the stratosphere, temperature actually increases with altitude.
  • #7
Pinu7 said:
Actually, a lost of that reflected heat is insulated in the lower troposphere.

Are you talking about reflected heat or reflected solar radiation? Most of the heat is generated when solar radiation is absorbed at the surface. I agree of much that heat may be trapped in the lower troposphere given cloud cover, but not so much in clear dry air.

Also, in the stratosphere, temperature actually increases with altitude.

Yes. I believe the coldest temperatures of the "standard atmosphere" are around 18,000 to 20,000 meters. Above this temperatures start to rise. Heating from the ground up only applies below this level.

FAQ: Why is the air colder in the upper atmosphere?

1. Why does the temperature decrease as altitude increases in the upper atmosphere?

The temperature decreases as altitude increases in the upper atmosphere because of the decrease in air pressure. As you move higher in the atmosphere, the air becomes less dense, meaning there are fewer air molecules to absorb and retain heat. This results in a decrease in temperature.

2. How does the Earth's tilt affect the temperature in the upper atmosphere?

The Earth's tilt has a significant impact on the temperature in the upper atmosphere. This tilt causes different parts of the Earth to receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the year, leading to seasonal temperature changes. The tilt also affects the angle at which sunlight hits the Earth's surface, resulting in variations in temperature at different latitudes.

3. Is the upper atmosphere colder than the lower atmosphere?

Yes, the upper atmosphere is generally colder than the lower atmosphere. This is because the lower atmosphere is closer to the Earth's surface, which receives heat from the sun and the Earth's internal heat. In contrast, the upper atmosphere is further away from these heat sources and is also less dense, causing it to be colder.

4. What role do greenhouse gases play in the temperature of the upper atmosphere?

Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, play a crucial role in regulating the temperature of the upper atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, preventing it from escaping into space. This leads to an overall increase in temperature in the upper atmosphere, which is known as the greenhouse effect.

5. How does the ozone layer impact the temperature in the upper atmosphere?

The ozone layer plays a critical role in regulating the temperature in the upper atmosphere. It acts as a shield, absorbing harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which would otherwise heat up the upper atmosphere. The ozone layer helps maintain a stable temperature in the upper atmosphere, protecting both living organisms and the Earth's surface from excessive heat.

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