Why is the area of an ellipse simpler than its perimeter?

In summary, the area of an ellipse has a closed form due to a coincidental property where the areas of sectors formed by the x-axis and curves are equal. However, the perimeter does not have a closed form due to the strong variation of the radius as a function of polar angle theta.
  • #1
Why does the area of an ellipse have a closed form while the perimeter does not? Obviously if the area is finite so is the boundary so it seems the perimeter should be calculable in a closed form.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The perimeter is


where a is the length of the semi-major axis, e is eccentricity and E is the complete elliptic integral of the second kind, a well-known, tabulated function.
  • #3
losang said:
Why does the area of an ellipse have a closed form while the perimeter does not?
Well, it just doesn't.
Obviously if the area is finite so is the boundary
Wrong implication. You can perfectly well have regions with finite areas, yet infinite boundaries.
so it seems the perimeter should be calculable in a closed form.
Why should "closed form" have anything to do with finiteness?
  • #4
marcusl said:
The perimeter is


where a is the length of the semi-major axis, e is eccentricity and E is the complete elliptic integral of the second kind, a well-known, tabulated function.

read the question.
  • #5
losang said:
We could lay a string on the perimeter and in the limit get the exact length by measuring the string. In other words for a circle there is a closed form but as the axis vary wrt one another there is no cloded form. Why?

Do you consider multiplying by a transcendental number (Ie., the closed form for the circle being a parameter multiplied by the limit we named pi) to be "more closed" than using a transcendental function (whose properties weren't taught in grade school)? E(a,b) isn't much stranger than sin(a). Can you express sin(3) in closed form without using another transcendental function?
  • #6
losang said:
show me.

If you have access to Science, you can read this seminal article by Benoit Mandelbrot, "How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension." http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/156/3775/636
  • #7
losang said:
show me.
Sure enough:

First, consider a unit square. Then, place beside the unit square a rectangle of length 1, and height 1/2.
Then, continue by placing beside the rectangle a new rectangle with length 1, and height 1/4

And so on.

Consider now the figure as determined by this arrangement:

If you have n rectangles (the first being the square), its perimeter is simply 2n+2.

As for the area A of the figure, it equals:

Thus, as n is allowed to proceed to infinity, the resulting figure will have a perimeter of infinite length, whereas its area equals 2, a finite number.
  • #8
losang said:
Why does the area of an ellipse have a closed form while the perimeter does not? Obviously if the area is finite so is the boundary so it seems the perimeter should be calculable in a closed form.
Since the radius varies strongly as a function of polar angle theta, it is not surprising that the perimeter expression is complicated. The real question is why the area expression is simple.

It arises from the following coincidental property of the ellipse: if you draw an ellipse of semi-axes a and b and also draw a circle of radius [tex]\sqrt{ab}[/tex], both centered on the origin, then the areas of the sectors formed by the x axis, a radius at angle [tex]\theta[/tex], and each curve are equal. The ellipse extends outside the circle near the x-axis but is inside the circle towards the y-axis in such a way that the area differences exactly balance out. EDIT (for clarity): A circle is an ellipse, too, so it is reasonable that one whose radius is the geometric mean of the semi-major and -minor axes of the ellipse has the same area.
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FAQ: Why is the area of an ellipse simpler than its perimeter?

1. What is the formula for calculating the perimeter of an ellipse?

The formula for calculating the perimeter of an ellipse is P = 2π√((a^2+b^2)/2), where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse, respectively.

2. How does the perimeter of an ellipse differ from that of a circle?

The perimeter of an ellipse is not a constant value like that of a circle. It varies depending on the size and shape of the ellipse. Unlike a circle, which has a constant radius, an ellipse has two different radii (semi-major and semi-minor) which contribute to its perimeter formula.

3. Can the perimeter of an ellipse be greater than the perimeter of a circle with the same area?

Yes, the perimeter of an ellipse can be greater than the perimeter of a circle with the same area. This is because the perimeter of an ellipse is affected by both the length and width, whereas the perimeter of a circle is only affected by the radius.

4. How do you find the perimeter of an ellipse if only the area is given?

If only the area of an ellipse is given, you can use the formula P = 2√(πA), where A is the area of the ellipse. This formula can be derived from the formula for calculating the area of an ellipse, A = πab, where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes.

5. Are there any real-life applications for calculating the perimeter of an ellipse?

Yes, there are many real-life applications for calculating the perimeter of an ellipse. For example, it is used in architecture and engineering for designing curved structures, and in astronomy for calculating the orbits of planets and other celestial bodies. It also has applications in fields such as physics, optics, and computer graphics.
