Why is the center of mass energy linked to the parameter \mu?

In summary: This is called the "principle of minimal sensitivity". In summary, in QFT, the parameter \mu with dimensions of mass is introduced to keep the coupling dimensionless when using dimensional regularization. The running of the coupling is determined by demanding that no measurable quantity can depend on \mu. When computing an amplitude for a process, we can choose any value of \mu, but it is beneficial to choose a value close to the typical energy scale of the process to avoid large logarithms and improve the convergence of the perturbation series. This is known as the principle of minimal sensitivity.
  • #1
My course on QFT follows Srednicki's book. He derives the running of coupling constants in different theories in the following way: When he uses dimesional regularization (going to [itex]x-\epsilon[/itex] dimensions), he has to introduce a parameter [itex]\mu[/itex] with dimensions of mass in oder to keep the coupling, let's call it [itex]\alpha[/itex], dimensionless. Later, the running of the coupling is determined by demanding that no measurable quantity can depend on [itex]\mu[/itex]. We get a function [itex]\alpha(\mu)[/itex].

Consider now a process. I want to know the coupling strength in that process. Apparently, [itex]\mu[/itex] is linked to the center of mass energy of the process considered. That's how I determine the coupling. My question is now the following: Why is [itex]\mu[/itex] linked to the energy scale of the process I am considering? In the derivation the magnitude of the parameter [itex]\mu[/itex] is completely arbitrary. I asked my professor the same question and he answered that [itex]\mu[/itex] must be linked to the center of mass energy, since this is the only parameter with dimesion of mass, that the considered process can depend on. Since ist depends on [itex]\mu[/itex] and the center of mass energy, these two quantities must be linked. I do not understand that argument: Didn't we demand earlier that physical processes must be independent of the unphysical parameter [itex]\mu[/itex]? So the considered process cannot depend on [itex]\mu[/itex].

I would be very thankful if someone could clear that up for me.

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  • #2
I think the idea is this: when you compute an amplitude for some process you will get an expression in terms of mu. You can evaluate this expression at any mu you like, as long as you choose the correct values of the coupling constants for the chosen value of mu.

However, some values of mu are better than others. In our amplitudes we generally find terms of the form ln(E/mu) where E is some typical energy scale of the process we are considering. If mu is very different from the scale E, this logarithm can be a large number. If it's large enough, it can actually start to hurt the convergence of the perturbative expansion. The presence of these large logarithms in the higher order terms can make them comparable in magnitude to the leading terms, whereas for good convergence we want the higher order terms to be much smaller than than the leading terms.

We can fix this by choosing mu to be comparable to the typical energy scales of the process we are considering. Then we have no large logarithms, and improved convergence of the perturbation series.

FAQ: Why is the center of mass energy linked to the parameter \mu?

1. What is "Running of the coupling" in physics?

The "Running of the coupling" refers to the phenomenon in quantum field theory where the strength of the coupling between particles changes as the energy scale of the interaction changes. It is described by the renormalization group equations and is a fundamental concept in understanding the behavior of particle interactions at different energy scales.

2. How does the "Running of the coupling" affect particle interactions?

The "Running of the coupling" affects particle interactions by changing the strength of the coupling between particles at different energy scales. This can lead to different behavior and properties of particles at different energy levels, and is essential for understanding the behavior of particles in high-energy collisions.

3. What is the significance of the "Running of the coupling" in particle physics research?

The "Running of the coupling" is a crucial concept in particle physics research as it helps explain the behavior of particles at different energy scales and allows for predictions and calculations of particle interactions. It is also a key aspect of many current theories, such as the Standard Model, and is essential for understanding the fundamental forces of our universe.

4. Can the "Running of the coupling" be observed in experiments?

Yes, the "Running of the coupling" can be observed in experiments by measuring the strength of particle interactions at different energy scales. This can be done through various techniques, such as high-energy collisions in particle accelerators, and has been confirmed by many experiments in the field of particle physics.

5. How does the "Running of the coupling" relate to the concept of renormalization?

The "Running of the coupling" is closely related to the concept of renormalization, as both are essential for understanding the behavior of particles at different energy scales. Renormalization is the process of removing infinities from equations in quantum field theory, and the "Running of the coupling" is one of the key aspects of this process. It allows for the calculation of finite and meaningful results, making it a crucial concept in particle physics research.

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