Why is the D-D nuclear fusion reaction unlikely despite having a higher Q value?

In summary: The author claims that the reaction ##^2H+^2H \to ^4He + \gamma##is unlikely since the ##Q## value is large (##23.8## MeV) which happens to be greater than both the neutron and proton separation energies. This seem very counter intuitive to me. Shouldn't a large ##Q## value rather make the reaction more probably? We also have the D-T reaction##^2H+^3H \to ^4He +n## with ##Q=17.6## that for some reason is more probable but I really don't see the difference.3He + n and 3H +
  • #1
I'm having trouble understand a passage in our book.
The author claims that the reaction
##^2H+^2H \to ^4He + \gamma##
is unlikely since the ##Q## value is large (##23.8## MeV) which happens to be greater than both the neutron and proton separation energies.

This seem very counter intuitive to me. Shouldn't a large ##Q## value rather make the reaction more probably?

We also have the D-T reaction
##^2H+^3H \to ^4He +n## with ##Q=17.6##
that for some reason is more probable but I really don't see the difference.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
3He + n and 3H + p are more likely as they don't involve the emission of a photon and work via the strong interaction only. They should also have a larger phase space.
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  • #3
mfb said:
3He + n and 3H + p are more likely as they don't involve the emission of a photon and work via the strong interaction only.
That makes some sense but then I wonder why
##^2H+ \; ^1H \to \; ^3He + \gamma##
##2 \; ^3 He \to \; ^4He +2 \; ^1H+ \gamma##
are part of the p-p chain as opposed to for example
##^2H+ \; ^1H \to \; ^3H+p##
Shouldn't these by the same reasoning be unlikely?
  • #4
Your last equation creates a neutron out of nowhere.
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  • #5
Vanadium 50 said:
Your last equation creates a neutron out of nowhere.
That's embarrassing,I tried to come up with an example.

But for the other two reactions is the reasoning here that they are indeed unlikely but there just isn't anything more probably around either? Not that gives a reaction chain with enough released energy to be a significant part of the powering of a star in any case.
  • #6
Your first two equations involve the weak interaction. This makes them rare.
  • #7
@Vanadium 50: None of the reactions involve the weak interaction.

2H + 1H -> 3He + photon is the only reaction that is possible with those hydrogen nuclei.
3He + 3He -> 4He + 1H + 1H can work without photons.
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  • #8
You're right. I looked at 3He and thought "tritium". Dumb of me.

FAQ: Why is the D-D nuclear fusion reaction unlikely despite having a higher Q value?

1. What is nuclear fusion D-D reaction?

Nuclear fusion D-D reaction is a type of nuclear reaction where two deuterium nuclei, also known as heavy hydrogen, fuse together to form a helium nucleus. This process releases a large amount of energy, similar to the energy produced by the sun.

2. How is nuclear fusion D-D reaction different from nuclear fission?

Nuclear fusion D-D reaction is the process of combining two smaller nuclei to form a larger one, while nuclear fission is the process of splitting a larger nucleus into smaller ones. Fusion reactions require extremely high temperatures and pressures, while fission reactions occur naturally in certain radioactive elements.

3. What are the potential benefits of nuclear fusion D-D reaction?

Nuclear fusion D-D reaction has the potential to provide a clean and nearly limitless source of energy. It does not produce greenhouse gases or long-lived radioactive waste, making it a more environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels or nuclear fission.

4. What are the current challenges in achieving a sustainable nuclear fusion D-D reaction?

One of the main challenges in achieving a sustainable nuclear fusion D-D reaction is creating and maintaining the extreme conditions necessary for fusion to occur. This requires high temperatures and pressures, as well as advanced technologies to contain and control the reaction. Additionally, finding suitable materials that can withstand the intense heat and radiation is also a major challenge.

5. Is nuclear fusion D-D reaction currently being used for energy production?

Nuclear fusion D-D reaction is not currently being used for energy production on a large scale. However, research and development efforts are ongoing to develop fusion reactors that can produce energy in a sustainable and controlled manner. Some experimental fusion reactors have been able to produce small amounts of energy, but there is still a long way to go before fusion becomes a viable energy source.
