Why is the electric field inside a hollow conductor zero?

In summary, the electric field within a conductor is zero due to the charges being at rest in an electrostatic situation. However, within a cavity inside the conductor, the electric field can be non-zero as it is not part of the conductor. When discussing electrostatic shielding, the electric field within an empty cavity with no charges will be zero due to Gauss' Law. This result is remarkable as it holds true regardless of the presence of charges within the cavity. The presence of induced opposite-polarity charges can still result in a net zero charge within the Gaussian surface.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The electric field is zero within the conductor because the charges are all at rest in an electrostatic situation. But the electric field inside a cavity within the conductor is not necessarily zero because it isn't part of the conductor, as my book says. Then i encountered a topic about electrostatic shielding and it says that the electric field is zero inside an empty cavity with no charge.

Homework Equations

∫EdA= Qenclo

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried using spherical gaussian surfaces inside the cavity: and EA=Qencl,
Qencl=0,so E=0. I can make gaussian surfaces like this anywhere inside the cavity so E must be zero everywhere. But i think my solution is wrong because it means that Electric field is always zero. Let's say that we have a gaussian surface enclosing zero charge. Then even if there is an electric field outside, the electric field must be zero on the gaussian surface. Help please.
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  • #2
The electric field within the cavity will be zero, as long as there are no charges inside. Your approach using Gauss' Law is correct. If there are no charges within the Gaussian surface, then the electric field is zero. I imagine that your book was stating that the cavity isn't part of the conductor to emphasize how remarkable this result is.
  • #3
Yes. Run a Gaussian surface around the cavity with the surface totally enclosed by metalization. You know the E field is zero within the metal everywhere. Note that this is true irrespective of the presence of charge within the cavity. This tells you that there can be no net charge within the closed surface because ε∫E*ds = qnet so qnet = 0.

The only way to get net zero charge thruout the Gaussian surface is to either have zero charge inside the cavity, or if there is charge, the induced opposite-polarity charge density on the inner surface of the cavity will distribute so as to make the above integral still true. In the absence of a finite charge within the cavity, no such induced charges can be generated. And so in that case there can be no E field within the cavity.

FAQ: Why is the electric field inside a hollow conductor zero?

1. Why is the electric field inside a hollow conductor zero?

The electric field inside a hollow conductor is zero due to the principle of electrostatic shielding. This means that the charges on the surface of the conductor rearrange themselves in such a way that the electric field inside the conductor cancels out.

2. How does electrostatic shielding work in a hollow conductor?

Electrostatic shielding works in a hollow conductor because charges on the surface of the conductor are free to move. When an external electric field is applied, these charges will redistribute themselves so that the electric field inside the conductor is zero.

3. Why does the electric field inside a hollow conductor not affect the charges on the surface?

The electric field inside a hollow conductor does not affect the charges on the surface because the charges are free to move and will arrange themselves in such a way that the electric field inside is zero. This creates a state of electrostatic equilibrium.

4. Can the electric field inside a hollow conductor ever be non-zero?

In ideal conditions, the electric field inside a hollow conductor will always be zero. However, in real-world situations, there may be small imperfections or external factors that can cause a non-zero electric field inside a hollow conductor. These effects are usually negligible and the electric field is still considered to be effectively zero.

5. What is the difference between a solid conductor and a hollow conductor in terms of electric field inside?

In a solid conductor, the charges are evenly distributed throughout the material and cannot move freely. Therefore, when an external electric field is applied, the charges cannot rearrange themselves and the electric field inside the conductor is non-zero. In contrast, in a hollow conductor, charges are free to move and will redistribute themselves to create a zero electric field inside.
