Why is the heat of formation defined?

In summary, the heat of formation is the enthalpy change associated with the formation of a compound from its elements in their standard states. The heat of reaction, on the other hand, is the enthalpy change that occurs when stoichiometric quantities of reactants at a certain temperature and pressure react to form products at the same temperature and pressure. While the heat of reaction may depend on the heat of formation, it is not limited to standard conditions and can be calculated for any amount of moles formed. However, not all heat of reactions are heats of formation, as seen in the example of the combustion of methane. Enthalpy of formation serves as a benchmark for measuring other enthalpy changes and allows for the calculation of heat
  • #1
member 392791
It seems to me that the heat of reaction nullifies the concept of the heat of formation. The heat of formation is the enthalpy change associated with formation of 1 mole of a compound from its constituent elements in its standard state.

The heat of reaction is the enthalpy change that occur when stoichiometric quantities of reactants at some T and p react to form products at the same T and p.

Well, if you define T and p, then the heat of reaction should be the same as the heat of formation, right? Therefore, the standard heat of formation and standard heat of reaction is the same, provided that one mole of the compound is formed. However, the heat of reaction gives flexibility in that its not limited to standard state, and also it can be for any amount of moles formed, as long as the stoichiometric quantity is correct.
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
How do you calculate heat of reaction?

Far from "nullifying the concept of heat of formation", the concept of heat of reaction is absolutely dependent on the concept of heat of formation.
  • #3
I am not able to differentiate the two. I know that the heat of reaction depends on the heat of formation, but conceptually I can't distinguish the two. Isn't the heat of reaction of a chemical reaction that forms a product the same as the heat of formation?

I'll use the following as an example

C + O2 ---> CO2

Is the heat of formation not the heat of reaction at standard state?
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  • #4
Yes, the heat of formation of CO2 is the heat of reaction of the following reaction under standard contitions:

C (s, graphite) + O2 (g) --> CO2 (g)

However, not all heat of reactions are heats of formation. For example, the heat of reaction for the combustion of methane:

CH4 + 2 O2 --> CO2 + 2 H2O

is not the heat of formation of anything. (However, you can find the value for the heat of reaction from the heats of formation of methane, carbon dioxide, and water by using Hess's law).
  • #5
Enthalpy of formation describes a special reaction where you form some compound from "scratch." Of course we can't violate energy/matter conservation, so we simply assign a value of zero to the most stable elemental form of the elements which make our compound at some temperature and 1 bar pressure. Its a way for us to set an arbitrary benchmark from which to start measuring other things, like heats of reaction which can be calculated by summing the heats of formation of each term in the chemical equation weighted by their stoichiometric coefficients and where the coefficients are positive for products and negative for reactants ([itex]\sum _{i} \Delta H ^{°} _{f,i} \ast \nu _{i} [/itex]). It helps to keep in mind the path independent nature of the state functions in thermodynamics, you imagine that any compound you are considering will have ultimately come from the constituents in there elemental form which have a defined enthalpy of zero and became transformed into your compound. Think Standard Hydrogen Electrode for defining E°. These kinds of definitions allow us to set up scales and make useful measurements.

FAQ: Why is the heat of formation defined?

1. Why is the heat of formation important in chemistry?

The heat of formation is an important concept in chemistry because it helps to understand the stability and reactivity of chemical compounds. It provides a quantitative measure of the energy released or absorbed during a chemical reaction, which is crucial in determining the feasibility and direction of a reaction.

2. How is the heat of formation defined?

The heat of formation is defined as the enthalpy change that occurs when one mole of a substance is formed from its constituent elements in their standard states at a given temperature and pressure. It is typically denoted as ΔHf and is expressed in units of energy per mole (kJ/mol) or energy per gram (kJ/g).

3. What factors affect the heat of formation?

The heat of formation is affected by the types and quantities of elements involved in a chemical reaction, as well as the temperature and pressure at which the reaction takes place. Other factors such as the presence of catalysts or the physical state of the reactants can also influence the heat of formation.

4. Why is the heat of formation defined at a specific temperature and pressure?

The heat of formation is defined at a specific temperature and pressure because these conditions can greatly affect the energy changes in a chemical reaction. Standard state conditions, which are used to determine the heat of formation, are defined at a temperature of 298 K (25°C) and a pressure of 1 bar (or 1 atm). This allows for consistent and comparable values to be obtained for different compounds.

5. How is the heat of formation used in practical applications?

The heat of formation is used in many practical applications, such as in the design and optimization of industrial processes, the development of new materials, and the prediction of the thermal stability of compounds. It is also used in the calculation of enthalpy changes in chemical reactions, which is important in determining the energy efficiency and feasibility of reactions in various industries.

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