Why Is the Magnetic Field Inside the Cylinder Negative?

In summary, the given problem involves an infinitely long cylinder with a "frozen-in" magnetization parallel to the axis. The magnetic field inside and outside the cylinder is to be determined, with the given conditions of no free current anywhere. By using the equations for the surface and volume current densities, the field inside the cylinder is found to be positive, contrary to the expected negative value. This is due to the lack of symmetry between the surface and volume current densities, leading to a non-zero enclosed current and a different method for solving the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An infinitely long cylinder, of radius R, carries a "frozen-in" magnetization. parallel to the axis, [itex] M = ks\hat{z} [/itex] where k is a constant and s is the distance from the axis; there is no free current anywhere. Find the magnetic field inside and outside the cylinder

Homework Equations

[tex] J_{b} = \nabla \times M [/tex]
[tex] K_{b} = M\times \hat{n} [/tex]
[tex] \oint B \cdot dl = \mu_{0} I_{enc} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

Here [tex] J_{b} = -k\hat{\phi} [/tex]
and [tex] K_{b} = kR \hat{\phi} [/tex]

so the field inside s<R
[tex] B \cdot 2\pi s = \mu_{0} \int J_{b} da = \mu_{0} \int -k s'ds' d\phi' [/tex]
so i get [tex] B = -\mu_{0} ks \hat{z} [/tex]
but the answer is supposed to be positive...
why is that? Am i supposed to include the surface current density to find the field? But for a question in the past (for a cylinder with magnetization [itex] M = ks^2 \hat{\phi} [/itex].. however that time the enclosed current in the enitre (s>R) cylinder was zero - there was symmetry between the two surface currents. The amperian loop was a circlular loop within the cylinder...

Is this question to be solved differently because there is no symmtery between the surface and volume current densities?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
If ##\mathbf{J}_b=-k \mathbf{\hat \phi}## and you want to write the current as ##I_b=\int\mathbf{J}_b\cdot \mathbf{da}##, then in what direction should the normal to area element ##da## be?

You wrote ##da=s' ds'd\phi'## which implies that ##\mathbf{da}=s' ds'd\phi'\mathbf{\hat z}##. In that case ##I_b=0##.

FAQ: Why Is the Magnetic Field Inside the Cylinder Negative?

What is the magnetic field of a cylinder?

The magnetic field of a cylinder is the area around a cylinder where a magnetic force can be detected. It is a vector field that describes the strength and direction of the magnetic force at any point in space around the cylinder.

How is the magnetic field of a cylinder calculated?

The magnetic field of a cylinder can be calculated using the formula B = μ0I/2πr, where B is the magnetic field strength, μ0 is the permeability of free space, I is the current flowing through the cylinder, and r is the distance from the center of the cylinder.

What factors affect the magnetic field of a cylinder?

The strength of the magnetic field of a cylinder is affected by the current flowing through it, the distance from the center of the cylinder, and the permeability of the surrounding material. Additionally, the shape and size of the cylinder can also impact the magnetic field.

How does the magnetic field of a cylinder change with distance?

The magnetic field of a cylinder follows an inverse square law, meaning that as the distance from the center of the cylinder increases, the strength of the magnetic field decreases. This relationship can be described by the formula B ∝ 1/r^2, where B is the magnetic field strength and r is the distance from the center of the cylinder.

What are some real-life applications of the magnetic field of a cylinder?

The magnetic field of a cylinder has many practical applications, including in electric motors, generators, and MRI machines. It is also used in maglev trains, magnetic levitation devices, and in the production of electricity from renewable sources such as wind and hydro power.
