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Homework Statement
An infinitely long cylinder, of radius R, carries a "frozen-in" magnetization. parallel to the axis, [itex] M = ks\hat{z} [/itex] where k is a constant and s is the distance from the axis; there is no free current anywhere. Find the magnetic field inside and outside the cylinder
Homework Equations
[tex] J_{b} = \nabla \times M [/tex]
[tex] K_{b} = M\times \hat{n} [/tex]
[tex] \oint B \cdot dl = \mu_{0} I_{enc} [/tex]
The Attempt at a Solution
Here [tex] J_{b} = -k\hat{\phi} [/tex]
and [tex] K_{b} = kR \hat{\phi} [/tex]
so the field inside s<R
[tex] B \cdot 2\pi s = \mu_{0} \int J_{b} da = \mu_{0} \int -k s'ds' d\phi' [/tex]
so i get [tex] B = -\mu_{0} ks \hat{z} [/tex]
but the answer is supposed to be positive...
why is that? Am i supposed to include the surface current density to find the field? But for a question in the past (for a cylinder with magnetization [itex] M = ks^2 \hat{\phi} [/itex].. however that time the enclosed current in the enitre (s>R) cylinder was zero - there was symmetry between the two surface currents. The amperian loop was a circlular loop within the cylinder...
Is this question to be solved differently because there is no symmtery between the surface and volume current densities?