Why Is the Norm of the Tangent Vector Constant in Geodesic Equations?

In summary, the geodesic equation takes its usual form only when s is chosen to be an affine parameter.
  • #1
Nabigh R
I am trying to derive the geodesic equation by extremising the integral
$$ \ell = \int d\tau $$
Now after applying Euler-Lagrange equation, I finally get the following:
$$ \ddot{x}^\tau + \Gamma^\tau_{\mu \nu} \dot{x}^\mu \dot{x}^\nu = \frac{1}{2} \dot{x}^\tau \frac{d}{ds} \ln \left| \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu \right| $$
where ## \dot{x}^\tau \equiv \frac{d x^\tau}{ds} ## and ##s## is a parameter. Now I get the geodesic equation if the right-hand side vanishes, and the only way that happens is if ## \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu ## is constant. Now the question is why is it constant?
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  • #2
Nabigh R said:
I am trying to derive the geodesic equation by extremising the integral
$$ \ell = \int d\tau $$
Now after applying Euler-Lagrange equation, I finally get the following:
$$ \ddot{x}^\tau + \Gamma^\tau_{\mu \nu} \dot{x}^\mu \dot{x}^\nu = \frac{1}{2} \dot{x}^\tau \frac{d}{ds} \ln \left| \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu \right| $$
where ## \dot{x}^\tau \equiv \frac{d x^\tau}{ds} ## and ##s## is a parameter. Now I get the geodesic equation if the right-hand side vanishes, and the only way that happens is if ## \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu ## is constant. Now the question is why is it constant?

Well, [itex]s[/itex] is an arbitrary parameter. We are free to choose any parametrization we like. One particular parametrization, which is possible for slower-than-light geodesics, is to let

[itex]ds = \sqrt{|dx^\mu dx_\mu|}[/itex]

For this choice, [itex]|\frac{dx^\mu}{ds} \frac{dx_\mu}{ds}| = 1[/itex]
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  • #3
Nabigh R said:
$$ \ddot{x}^\tau + \Gamma^\tau_{\mu \nu} \dot{x}^\mu \dot{x}^\nu = \frac{1}{2} \dot{x}^\tau \frac{d}{ds} \ln \left| \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu \right| $$
where ## \dot{x}^\tau \equiv \frac{d x^\tau}{ds} ## and ##s## is a parameter. Now I get the geodesic equation if the right-hand side vanishes, and the only way that happens is if ## \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu ## is constant. Now the question is why is it constant?
The geodesic equation takes its usual form only when s is chosen to be an affine parameter. For a timelike geodesic this means s must be a linear function of proper time, s = aτ + b where a and b are constants. If s is not an affine parameter, the geodesic equation has the extra term you mentioned.
  • #4
Thanks Bill, Wikipedia too says a similar thing, but what exactly is an affine parameter?
  • #5

Thank you for sharing your progress in deriving the geodesic equation. It is a fundamental equation in the study of curved spaces and plays a critical role in understanding the motion of objects in these spaces.

To answer your question about why ## \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu ## is constant, we need to look at the definition of this quantity. It is the squared norm of the tangent vector to the curve, which represents the velocity of the object. In other words, it measures the speed of the object along the curve. Since we are assuming that the parameter ##s## is proportional to time, this means that the speed of the object is constant along the curve. This is a natural assumption in classical mechanics, where objects tend to move at a constant speed unless acted upon by external forces.

Moreover, in the context of general relativity, we know that the curvature of spacetime is related to the energy and momentum of objects in that spacetime. If we consider an object with a constant speed, it means that its energy and momentum are also constant along the curve. This implies that the curvature of spacetime along the curve is also constant, which leads to the object following a geodesic, the path of least resistance in curved space.

In summary, the constancy of ## \dot{x}_\nu \dot{x}^\nu ## is a direct consequence of the object's constant speed along the curve and the relationship between energy, momentum, and curvature in general relativity. I hope this helps clarify the significance of this quantity in the derivation of the geodesic equation. Keep up the good work in your studies!

FAQ: Why Is the Norm of the Tangent Vector Constant in Geodesic Equations?

1. What is a geodesic equation?

The geodesic equation is a mathematical expression that describes the path of a free particle moving in a curved space, such as the surface of a sphere or the fabric of spacetime. It is derived from the principles of differential geometry and describes the shortest possible path between two points in that space.

2. Why is it important to derive the geodesic equation?

Deriving the geodesic equation allows us to understand the behavior of particles in curved spaces, which is crucial in fields such as cosmology, general relativity, and navigation. It also helps us to determine the shortest distance between two points in a curved space, which has practical applications in fields like surveying and geography.

3. What are the key steps in deriving the geodesic equation?

The key steps in deriving the geodesic equation involve defining the metric tensor, which describes the curvature of the space, and using the principle of least action to determine the path that a particle will take. This involves setting up a Lagrangian function and using the Euler-Lagrange equations to find the equations of motion for the particle.

4. What are some real-world examples of geodesic equations?

One famous example of a geodesic equation is the path of a satellite orbiting around the Earth. The satellite follows the geodesic path, which is the shortest distance between two points on the curved surface of the Earth. Another example is the path that light takes through curved spacetime in the presence of massive objects, as described by general relativity.

5. What are some challenges in deriving the geodesic equation?

One challenge in deriving the geodesic equation is the complexity of the mathematics involved, as it requires a deep understanding of differential geometry and calculus. Another challenge is that the geodesic equation can only be applied in spaces with a well-defined metric, which may not always be the case in real-world situations. Additionally, the geodesic equation may not accurately describe the behavior of particles in extreme conditions, such as near a black hole or during the early stages of the universe.

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