Why Is the Pendulum's Center of Mass Calculation Confusing?

In summary, the attachment is a drawing of an equation that the lecturer claims holds for a certain distance from the pivot. The equation is given as a balance of moments. If you solve for the location of the moment of the ball about the COM, you get a result that contradicts the drawing. However, if you use the equation and balance moments, you get the same result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why is the attachment true? (It's from my notes)

Homework Equations

General centre of mass equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Really not sure how the lecturer did this. It's quoted as if it's obvious but I don't see it at all, this has been annoying me for a while.

M(L-l) is obviously the moment of the ball about the center of masss.. I'm not sure where the other two terms come from really though.


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  • #2
The two sides of your equation don't look equal to me; you are missing two terms.
  • #3
tms said:
The two sides of your equation don't look equal to me; you are missing two terms.

I'm not sure what you mean.. the equation given in the image is the equation the lecturer claims the distance l must satisfy. He then rearranged for l and uses it later in the notes. I don't really know how he got what's in the attached image at all. What do you think it should be?
  • #4
RK7 said:
I'm not sure what you mean..

I mean what I said. You have an equation. The two sides of the equation are not equal.

the equation given in the image is the equation the lecturer claims the distance l must satisfy. He then rearranged for l and uses it later in the notes. I don't really know how he got what's in the attached image at all. What do you think it should be?

I think something is missing, such as the length of the rod (or whatever [itex]m[/itex] is).
  • #5
tms said:
I mean what I said. You have an equation. The two sides of the equation are not equal.

I think something is missing, such as the length of the rod (or whatever [itex]m[/itex] is).

They aren't equal in general, only for a specific value of l which is found by rearranging what's in the attached image to give [itex]l=\frac{(2M+m)L}{2(M+m)}[/itex]
i.e. from this equation which the lecturer has said must hold, we can find the position of the centre of mass of the system.

My problem is that I'm not sure why the equation given must hold since I can only see where one term is from.

To be clear:
[itex]M[/itex] is the mass of the disc on the end of the rod
[itex]m[/itex] is the mass of the rod
[itex]L[/itex] is the distance from the pivot to the centre of mass of the disc
[itex]l[/itex] is the distance from the pivot to the centre of mass of the combined system

[itex](L-l)[/itex] is the distance from the COM of the disc to the COM of the system so it looks like the [itex]M(L-l)[/itex] term is related to the moment of the disc about the centre of mass.
  • #6
Sorry, I got a sign wrong. Ignore what I said.
  • #7
You know that for each mass, the rod and the disk, the mass times the distance to the center of mass is the same:
[tex]M(L - \ell) = m(\ell - x),[/tex] where [itex]x[/itex] is the (unknown) location of [itex]m[/itex]'s center of mass. Now take the equation in your graphic, collect all the terms in [itex]m[/itex] on the right, and factor out the [itex]m[/itex]. Set what is left on the right equal to [itex]\ell - x[/itex], and solve for [itex]x[/itex]. The result contradicts the drawing as I understand it, but the drawing may be wrong, or the exact problem may have been stated differently. I don't know where that stuff on the right comes from, but it leads to a correct result, modulo the drawing.
  • #8
tms said:
You know that for each mass, the rod and the disk, the mass times the distance to the center of mass is the same:
[tex]M(L - \ell) = m(\ell - x),[/tex] where [itex]x[/itex] is the (unknown) location of [itex]m[/itex]'s center of mass. Now take the equation in your graphic, collect all the terms in [itex]m[/itex] on the right, and factor out the [itex]m[/itex]. Set what is left on the right equal to [itex]\ell - x[/itex], and solve for [itex]x[/itex]. The result contradicts the drawing as I understand it, but the drawing may be wrong, or the exact problem may have been stated differently. I don't know where that stuff on the right comes from, but it leads to a correct result, modulo the drawing.

In the end I got it. I have no idea what the lecturer was doing but I get the equivalent result by balancing the moments:
l = \frac{L}{2} . \frac{2M+m}{M+m}[/itex]
where [itex]M(L-l)[/itex] is the ball's moment about the COM and [itex]\frac{L}{2}-(L-l)[/itex] is the distance from the COM of the rod to the COM of the combined body.


FAQ: Why Is the Pendulum's Center of Mass Calculation Confusing?

What is the centre of mass of a pendulum?

The centre of mass of a pendulum is the point at which the mass of the pendulum is evenly distributed, and the pendulum will remain balanced.

Does the centre of mass affect the motion of a pendulum?

Yes, the centre of mass plays a crucial role in determining the motion of a pendulum. The length of the pendulum, its mass, and the strength of gravity all affect the position of the centre of mass, which in turn affects the period and amplitude of the pendulum's swing.

How is the centre of mass of a pendulum calculated?

The centre of mass of a pendulum can be calculated by finding the average of the positions of all the mass elements of the pendulum. It can also be determined by using the formula: cm = (m1r1 + m2r2 + ... + mnrn) / (m1 + m2 + ... + mn), where m is the mass of each element and r is the distance from the pivot point.

What factors can affect the centre of mass of a pendulum?

The length of the pendulum, the mass of the pendulum, and the strength of gravity are the primary factors that can affect the centre of mass of a pendulum. The shape and distribution of the mass can also play a role.

Why is the centre of mass important in pendulum experiments?

The centre of mass is important in pendulum experiments because it helps determine the stability and motion of the pendulum. By understanding the position of the centre of mass, scientists can make predictions about the behaviour of the pendulum and use it to study the principles of physics.

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