Why is the resistance lower in a bulb which is turned on?

In summary: Ohms.In summary, the resistance of a bulb is lower when it is turned on compared to when it is off due to the temperature dependence of resistivity. This was observed in an experiment where three different types of bulbs were tested and their resistance was measured before and while they were connected to a simple circuit. However, there may have been some artifacts in the experiment setup that could have affected the results.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Why is the resistance lower in a bulb which is turned on? (Compared to when it has been off)
One bulb which is off has a measured resistance of ##27.0 M\Omega##
When it is on it has a measured resistance of #380.9375 \Omega##

Homework Equations

##\rho (T)=\rho_o(1+\alpha \Delta T) ##

The Attempt at a Solution

I think this is due to the temperature dependence of resistivity. This problem has come from an experiment we had to do. But I can't believe the drastic drop in resistance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I can't quote knowledgeably on your figures (except to say that they are WAY off from what I would expect) but your reasoning for why it happens is sound.
  • #3
By any chance was the bulb a light emitting diode (LED) based "bulb" or perhaps a compact fluorescent (CLF)? These types of light-bulbs can and often do contain internal, power supply circuitry that is inherently nonlinear.
  • #4
collinsmark makes a good point. My comments were based on an incandescent bulb.
  • #5
I had three bulbs. One was a filament bulb, the other a fluorescent bulb, the other was a LED bulb.

Actually the bulb with the greatest change was the incandescent bulb (filament bulb). Because it went from ##27M \Omega ## all the way to ##380 \Omega##.

My professor measured its resistance while it was off with a multimeter, by the way.
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  • #6
380 Ω sounds about right for a small incandescent bulb of around 40 W (Assuming 120 V supply). But 27 MΩ sounds way too high for its cold resistance unless that MΩ should really be mΩ.

In general the resistance of a metal increases with temperature.
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Likes davidbenari
  • #7
I mailed my prof to see what he thought. He said something strange (IMHO). See:

"Resistance in a complex circuit is not the same when it is 'on' and when it is 'off. This because it contains transistors, transformers, resistances, diodes, capacitors, etc.

In the experiment you see this difference (on vs off)

On the other hand energy-saving fluorescent bulbs and LED bulbs contain internal emfs."
  • #8
Really need the details of the experiment - how, and under what circumstances, were the measurements made?

i.e. did you run the bulb for a while, then disconnect, then quickly use the ohmmeter on it? Or maybe you measured the voltage and the current while it was on and used Ohm's Law?

Your profs comments would seem to suggest that at least one of the bulbs was not as simple as it looked, and that the resistance was measured for bulbs which are part of a circuit.

The main difference between "prevously on for a while" and "off for a while" states is temperature - though that may not be the only one.
In general, as previously mentioned, resistance increases with temperature... especially for metal. In semi-conductors, all kinds of odd things can happen. Florescent lamps exhibit "negative differential resistance" - the higher the current the lower the resistance, so some external circuit is needed to stop them blowing up.

If all bulbs were tested in the same rig, then it is possible that the method limiting the current for the florescent is is contributing to your results.

But it is hard to tell without knowing the details of the measurement.
Really - it sounds like an artifact of the broader experiment.
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  • #9
The procedure was as follows:

My prof said bring three bulbs to class. I brought them. I unpackaged them and the resistance was measured for each one of them with a multimeter. Then he inserted them (no more than one at a time) into a simple circuit connected to the wall and told me the current flowing.

After that I could calculate the resistance while it was in the circuit with Ohm's law.
  • #10
davidbenari said:
The procedure was as follows:

My prof said bring three bulbs to class. I brought them. I unpackaged them and the resistance was measured for each one of them with a multimeter. Then he inserted them (no more than one at a time) into a simple circuit connected to the wall and told me the current flowing.

After that I could calculate the resistance while it was in the circuit with Ohm's law.

How did you measure the resistance with the multimeter?
It is difficult to measure the resistance of a lamp just by touching two leads from the multimeter to it. It does not make good contact. The cold resistance of an incandescent bulb is a few ohms.
When I made the same experiment with my students, the bulb was inserted into a socket with wires connected, as if it is in a lamp. The wires from the socket were plugged into the inputs of the multimeter.
There can be other problems, a broken wire, for example.
  • #11
... in addition, what was the "simple circuit"?
How soon after "current was flowing" did you take readings to work out the resistance? Was the current DC or AC? How were the meters connected?
See: http://physicsed.buffalostate.edu/pubs/TPT/TPTDec99Filament.pdf
p523 "A student experiment" for a typical result.

However I am leaning strongly towards an artifact in the experiment setup ... like misplacement of ohmmeter leads as ehild suggests or something you may not know about the "simple circuit".
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  • #12
I think there must be a mistake somewhere.

I've just measured a 40W 240V incandescent bulb straight out of the box and got 109 Ohms. I didn't measure the hot resistance but I would expect it to be around 1400 - 1500 Ohms based on it's power rating. (Note this is a 240V AC bulb)

27 milli Ohms could be a result of accidentally shorting the meter probes together?
27 Mega Ohms could be a result of the filament failing? Although my meter would probably give an out of range indication.

For what it's worth a fluorescent bulb (with integral ballast) that I tested cold appears to be an open circuit. Likewise an LED bulb (also with integral ballast) also appears to be open circuit (regardless of which way around I applied the meter probes). You might get different results depending on the design of the ballast in the fluorescent/LED bulb.
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  • #13
I appreciate your help. My guess is that my bulbs were somewhat fancy (had some internal stuff that I'm not mentioning). My prof said what I measured was OK, so I guess it's alright. I've turned in my project now. Thanks a lot.
  • #14
No worries - and you've just seen that real life can throw you some odd results.
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Likes davidbenari
  • #15
27 MOhm is a resistance value you can get by touching the contacts with dry hands, if the intended connection is not working.
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FAQ: Why is the resistance lower in a bulb which is turned on?

1. Why does the resistance decrease when a bulb is turned on?

The resistance in a bulb decreases when it is turned on because the filament inside the bulb heats up and becomes more conductive. This allows for a greater flow of electric current, resulting in a lower resistance.

2. How does the filament in a bulb affect its resistance?

The filament in a bulb is typically made of a material with a high resistance, such as tungsten. When an electric current passes through it, the filament heats up and its resistance decreases, allowing for a greater flow of current.

3. Is the resistance lower in a bulb because of the type of material used?

Yes, the type of material used in the filament of a bulb can affect its resistance. Materials such as tungsten, which have a high melting point, are commonly used because they can withstand the high temperatures needed to produce light without melting.

4. Does the temperature of the room affect the resistance in a bulb?

Yes, the temperature of the room can affect the resistance in a bulb. If the room is colder, the resistance in the bulb will be higher and it may take longer for the bulb to heat up and produce light. On the other hand, if the room is warmer, the resistance will be lower and the bulb will heat up more quickly.

5. How does the voltage affect the resistance in a bulb?

The voltage supplied to a bulb can directly affect its resistance. As the voltage increases, the resistance decreases, allowing for a greater flow of current through the bulb. This is why a higher voltage is needed to power a brighter light bulb.
