Why is the set of cosines and sines a vector space?

In summary: Yes, the Fourier series is a very useful tool because it allows us to describe a vast amount of functions in terms of a few basic ones.
  • #1
So when I took linear algebra I was asked to show the well-known properties of orthogonality in the functions cos(mx) and sin(mx)... With this I mean all the usual combinations which I don't see why I should point out explicitly.

The inner product in the vector space was defined ##\int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \phi_n \phi_m dx ## as usual.

What I don't understand is why the space of functions ( cos(mx), sin(nx) ) (with this notation I'm pointing out all cosines and sines of integer angular frequency), is a vector space.

Namely, its not closed under addition! If I add whichever combination I won't get a function of the form cos(mx) or sin(mx) back. There'll always be a phase constant ##\Phi## or something along those lines.

Why are people so wishywashy with this? How can you define an inner product on a space of functions that doesn't form a vector space?

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  • #2
The set of just those trig functions is not a vector space. However, the space of their linear combinations is. It is on this space (or perhaps a larger one like square integrable functions) that the inner product you described is defined. Here that exercise shows that [itex] 1,\sin x,\cos x, \sin 2x,\cos 2x,...[/itex] are orthogonal.
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Likes davidbenari
  • #3
Oh, that makes sense. I have one question though; when you have a set of functions like this one (infinite, orthogonal, not necessarily trigonometric) do they serve as a basis for all possible functions or not necessarily?

If not, then is the Fourier Series so useful because the basis (1 sinx, cosx,...cosnx,sinnx) describes a vector space that is "very big" ?
  • #4
Strictly speaking [itex] \{1,\sin x, \cos x,...\}[/itex] is only a basis for the space of their linear combinations. However, more functions are included in your space if you allow infinite sums of these trig functions. Not every function on [itex][-\pi,\pi][/itex]can be written as a (even infinite) sum of trig functions and the question of exactly which functions have a convergent Fourier series is quite complicated.
Fortunately, 'nice' functions ([itex] C^1[/itex] is sufficient but not necessary) can be written as their Fourier series which is enough in many applications, the first historically being to the heat equation.
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Likes davidbenari

Related to Why is the set of cosines and sines a vector space?

1. What is a vector space?

A vector space is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of vectors and a set of operations that can be performed on those vectors. These operations include addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. The set of vectors must also satisfy certain properties, such as closure, commutativity, and associativity.

2. How are cosines and sines considered vectors?

Cosines and sines are considered vectors because they can be represented as a magnitude and direction. In the context of a vector space, cosines and sines are often represented as points on a unit circle, with the magnitude being the length of the radius and the direction being the angle from the positive x-axis.

3. Why are cosines and sines a vector space?

Cosines and sines are a vector space because they satisfy all of the properties required for a set to be considered a vector space. They are closed under addition and scalar multiplication, they have an identity element (1 for cosines and 0 for sines), and they have inverses (cosine and sine functions). Additionally, the set of cosines and sines forms a basis for the vector space of periodic functions.

4. What are some applications of this vector space?

The set of cosines and sines has many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They are commonly used in Fourier analysis to represent and manipulate periodic functions. They also play a significant role in signal processing, control systems, and vibration analysis.

5. How does the vector space of cosines and sines relate to other vector spaces?

The vector space of cosines and sines is a specific example of a larger class of vector spaces known as function spaces. These spaces consist of functions as their elements and have operations that can be performed on these functions. The set of cosines and sines is a subset of these function spaces, specifically the space of periodic functions. Other examples of function spaces include the space of polynomials and the space of continuous functions.

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