Why is the Symmetry Group of the 9j Symbol Isomorphic to S_3 x S_3 x S_2?

In summary, the symmetry group of the 9j symbol is isomorphic to the group S_3 \times S_3 \times S_2, meaning that it has the same structure and properties. This is because the rows and columns of the 9j symbol can be permuted and transposed, resulting in a subgroup of S_3 \times S_3 for the row operations and a subgroup of S_3 for the column operations. The inclusion of transpositions adds the subgroup S_2, leading to the final isomorphic group.
  • #1
Hello everyone,

I read in Edmond's 'Angular momentum in Quantum Mechanics' that the symmetry group of the 9j symbol is isomorphic to the group [itex]S_3 \times S_3 \times S_2[/itex].

Why is this? Can anyone shed some light on this?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Edmonds says,
we may permute the rows or columns in the matrix forming the 9-j symbol, or transpose the matrix itself...The symmetry group [is] the product of the three permutation groups of three, three and two objects respectively.
Likewise, the Wikipedia page on 9-j symbols describes it this way.
  • #3
I don't see the full picture, yet.

Labelling the rows [itex]r_1,r_2,r_3[/itex] and the columns [itex]c_1,c_2,c_3[/itex], it's easy to show that the subgroups of the row and column operations are both isomorphic to [itex]S_3[/itex]. Since any row permutation does not affect the order of the [itex]c_i[/itex], its an element of [itex]S_3 \times e[/itex] and any column permutation is in [itex]e \times S_3[/itex] in the same way.

So the subgroup of all symmetry operations not containing a transposition of the array is [itex]S_3 \times S_3[/itex]. But how do you take the transpositions into account?

I see that relevant subgroup is [itex]S_2[/itex], but I don't see exactly how you go from [itex]S_3 \times S_3[/itex] to [itex]S_3 \times S_3 \times S_2[/itex] by taking the transpositions into account.

FAQ: Why is the Symmetry Group of the 9j Symbol Isomorphic to S_3 x S_3 x S_2?

1. What is a symmetry group 0j symbol?

A symmetry group 0j symbol is a mathematical symbol used in the study of quantum mechanics and group theory. It represents the symmetry properties of a physical system and is used to understand the relationships between different symmetries.

2. How is a symmetry group 0j symbol calculated?

A symmetry group 0j symbol is calculated using a mathematical formula that involves the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and the Wigner 3j symbol. This formula takes into account the symmetries of a physical system and helps to determine the allowed values for certain physical quantities.

3. What is the significance of a symmetry group 0j symbol?

A symmetry group 0j symbol is significant because it helps to understand the symmetries of a physical system and how they affect the behavior of the system. It also aids in the calculation of physical properties and allows for the prediction of experimental results.

4. How does a symmetry group 0j symbol relate to particle physics?

Symmetry group 0j symbols are used extensively in particle physics to understand the symmetries of subatomic particles and their interactions. These symbols are essential in the construction of theoretical models and predicting the outcomes of experiments.

5. Are symmetry group 0j symbols used in other fields of science?

Yes, symmetry group 0j symbols are used in various fields of science, including chemistry, materials science, and crystallography. They are also used in engineering to understand the symmetries of structures and in computer science to analyze and classify data.

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