Why is the uniform measure natural in (equilibrium) statistical mechanics?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of uniformity in the context of equilibrium and its relevance to statistical mechanics. While some argue that uniformity is natural due to its invariance under Hamiltonian evolution and expression of indifference, others point out that it can be arbitrary depending on the chosen coordinate system. However, the most convincing explanation for uniformity is that it yields the correct results in statistical mechanics, making it the simplest and most unbiased equilibrium distribution.
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For example the microcanonical ensemble uses a dirac delta distribution on a certain energy shell E, which is not actually a uniform distribution (even on the energy shell), but it comes close.

Why is uniformity (in phase space, or a relevant restriction thereof) natural for equilibrium?

Some say because it is invariant under Hamiltonian evolution, but that seems irrelevant.

Others say because it is an expression of indifference: one does not know in which state it is, so every microstate is seen as equally likely. However, this is more arbitrary than it seems, since it depends on the coordinate system on is using. For example say one is rather using the space x²,p, where position is labelled by the square of the position. By the same argument (indifference), one can look at a uniform distribution there, but that would give radically different results from a uniform distribution on normal phase space x,p.

So why uniformity?

The best answer I can think of: because it gives the correct results. But alright, that shouldn't be the end station for an explaining theory.
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  • #2
A more satisfactory answer is that uniformity can be seen as the simplest possible form of an equilibrium distribution: it has no obvious preferred directions, and it is invariant under changes of coordinates, so it is unlikely to bias the results. In the case of statistical mechanics, the uniform distribution on phase space gives the correct results for the thermodynamic quantities such as entropy, energy and pressure.

Related to Why is the uniform measure natural in (equilibrium) statistical mechanics?

1. Why is the uniform measure natural in (equilibrium) statistical mechanics?

The uniform measure, also known as the Boltzmann measure, is natural in equilibrium statistical mechanics because it is based on the principle of maximum entropy. This principle states that in a system with a fixed average energy, the most likely state is the one with the highest entropy. The uniform measure assigns equal probability to all microstates, which maximizes the entropy and thus represents the most likely state of the system.

2. What is the significance of the uniform measure in statistical mechanics?

The uniform measure is significant in statistical mechanics because it allows us to calculate the properties of a system at equilibrium, such as the average energy, temperature, and entropy. It also provides a basis for understanding the behavior of macroscopic systems from the dynamics of their microscopic constituents.

3. How does the uniform measure relate to the Boltzmann distribution?

The uniform measure is equivalent to the Boltzmann distribution, which describes the probability of a system being in a particular macrostate with a given energy. In the limit of a large number of particles, the uniform measure becomes the Boltzmann distribution, making it a fundamental concept in statistical mechanics.

4. Can the uniform measure be applied to non-equilibrium systems?

The uniform measure is specifically designed for equilibrium systems, where the system is in a stable, unchanging state. It is not applicable to non-equilibrium systems, where the system is undergoing a dynamic process and the distribution of particles is constantly changing.

5. What is the role of the uniform measure in understanding phase transitions?

The uniform measure plays a crucial role in understanding phase transitions, which are sudden changes in the properties of a system as a function of some external parameter, such as temperature. By analyzing the behavior of the uniform measure at different temperatures, we can identify the conditions under which a phase transition will occur and predict the properties of the system at the transition point.
