Why is the vector equation of a plane defined as n • (r-r0) = 0?

In summary, the conversation discusses the vector description of a plane and the definition of a plane as n • (r-r0) = 0. The question is raised about the potential ambiguity of this definition, but it is clarified that it is a property of any plane rather than a definition. The conversation also addresses how to derive the standard cartesian equation from the vector equation. Ultimately, it is concluded that there is only one unique plane that is orthogonal to a given normal vector, even though there may be multiple vectors orthogonal to a single plane.
  • #1
That Neuron
Just curious about a certain facet of the vector description of a plane. My query is as to why it is defined as n • (r-r0) = 0. Great, that's because any two vectors with a dot product of 0 must be orthogonal to each other and if we have a point on a infinite plane with an associated vector we can define the plane perfectly. BUT here is my problem (Which will be resolved after a few minutes on here, I'm sure) If we can define the vector (r-r0) as a single vector, say a, then why it seems to me that a multitude of different n vectors could be orthogonal to vector a, and thus it seems like a poor definition of a plane.

Just wondering if anyone can clear this up for me.


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  • #2
That Neuron said:
If we can define the vector (r-r0) as a single vector, say a, then why it seems to me that a multitude of different n vectors could be orthogonal to vector a, and thus it seems like a poor definition of a plane.
That's NOT a "definition" of a plane but it is a property of any plane. Every plane is two dimensional- given any point in the plane there exist an infinite number of lines through that point lying in the plane. Further, there exist a unique line (normal to the plane) through that poit and perpendicular to all those lines.
  • #3
HallsofIvy said:
That's NOT a "definition" of a plane but it is a property of any plane. Every plane is two dimensional- given any point in the plane there exist an infinite number of lines through that point lying in the plane. Further, there exist a unique line (normal to the plane) through that poit and perpendicular to all those lines.

Right, BUT my book says that it is a definition (Or at least says that it determines a single plane) which is weird.

Also, how can we derive the standard cartesian equation a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) from the vector equation?
  • #4
That Neuron said:
If we can define the vector (r-r0) as a single vector, say a, then why it seems to me that a multitude of different n vectors could be orthogonal to vector a, and thus it seems like a poor definition of a plane.
That "multitude" of vectors is the set
$$P=\left\{\mathbf r\in\mathbb R^3:\mathbf n\cdot\mathbf r=\mathbf 0\right\}.$$ This is a plane that contains ##\mathbf 0##. Now let ##\mathbf r_0\in\mathbb R^3## be arbitrary and consider the set
$$Q=\left\{\mathbf r\in\mathbb R^3:\mathbf n\cdot(\mathbf{r-r_0})=\mathbf 0\right\}.$$ For all ##\mathbf r\in Q##, ##\mathbf r-\mathbf{r_0}## is in the plane Q. This observation should make it easier to see that Q is a plane that contains ##\mathbf r_0##. Q is what you get if you take P and add ##\mathbf r_0## to every vector in it.

That Neuron said:
Also, how can we derive the standard cartesian equation a(x-x0) + b(y-y0) + c(z-z0) from the vector equation?
&\mathbf r =(x,y,z)\\
&\mathbf r_0 =(x_0,y_0,z_0)\\
&\mathbf n =(a,b,c)
  • #5
Oh, I see the mistake in my logic, I was looking at the cartesian equation being ambiguous as a result of the vector equation, I suppose that the vector equation is ambiguous until we add the actual vector, then we get a unique equation for the plane.

Don't know what I was thinking. There's only one plane orthogonal to a particular 'normal' vector, even if there are several vectors orthogonal to a single plane.

Related to Why is the vector equation of a plane defined as n • (r-r0) = 0?

1. What is a vector equation of a plane?

A vector equation of a plane is a mathematical representation of a plane using vectors, which are quantities that have both magnitude and direction. It is typically written in the form r = r0 + sa + tb, where r represents a point on the plane, r0 is a known point on the plane, and a and b are two non-parallel vectors that lie on the plane.

2. How is a vector equation of a plane different from a scalar equation of a plane?

A scalar equation of a plane is a traditional algebraic equation that represents a plane in terms of its coordinates, such as ax + by + cz = d. A vector equation, on the other hand, uses vectors to represent the position of a point on the plane, providing a more geometric and intuitive representation.

3. What information is needed to write a vector equation of a plane?

To write a vector equation of a plane, you need to know a point that lies on the plane, as well as two non-parallel vectors that also lie on the plane. These vectors can be obtained by taking the cross product of two non-parallel vectors in the plane, or by using the normal vector of the plane.

4. How can a vector equation of a plane be used in real-world applications?

A vector equation of a plane can be used to represent the position and orientation of a flat surface in three-dimensional space. This can be useful in fields such as engineering, physics, and computer graphics, where understanding the relationship between points on a plane is important.

5. Can a vector equation of a plane be used to find the distance between a point and the plane?

Yes, a vector equation of a plane can be used to find the distance between a point and the plane. This is done by using the formula for the distance between a point and a plane, which involves taking the dot product of the position vector of the point with the normal vector of the plane. The resulting value is the shortest distance between the point and the plane.

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