Why Is There a Maximum Electric Field Point Outside a Charged Ring?

In summary, the conversation discusses the electric charge distribution in a uniformly charged ring and the effects on a point at the center and infinity. It is explained that the net charge is zero at the center and approaches zero at infinity. The conversation also discusses the maximum electric field at a point on the axis of the ring and suggests using Coulomb's law to calculate it. A formula is provided for determining the electric field and it is suggested to plot it for better understanding.
  • #1
In a uniformly charged ring of radius r, if there is an imaginary line from the center of the ring extending outward
||-----------------X-------------------------------> infinity

At the center of the ring I am told the charges cancel so the net charge is zero. And at infinity, the charge is so small it approaches zero.

Going out from the ring, there is some point X where the charge is greatest.

Why does this effect take place? How to figure out the field energy lines that have an effect on point X?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think you have to determine maximum Elecric field on the axis of the ring
  • #3
You can work this out just using coulombs law. Work out the force on a particle at a distance s due to an infinitismal point of the ring and then integrate around the ring. If you do it right you'll get.
where q is the total charge on the ring and z is the distance along the perpendicular axis.
I don't think this really answers your question but perhaps if you plot it, it might be of some help. It at least explains why there is a point where the electric field is at a maximum.

FAQ: Why Is There a Maximum Electric Field Point Outside a Charged Ring?

What exactly is electric charge?

Electric charge is a fundamental property of matter that causes it to experience electromagnetic interactions. It can be either positive or negative and is measured in units of coulombs (C).

How is electric charge created in a ring?

Electric charge can be created in a ring through a process called induction. This involves using an external electric field to push electrons to one side of the ring, creating a separation of charge.

What is the difference between positive and negative charge?

Positive charge is caused by an excess of protons, while negative charge is caused by an excess of electrons. These charges can attract or repel each other, depending on their polarity.

How does the amount of charge on a ring affect its properties?

The amount of charge on a ring can affect its properties in several ways. It can determine the strength of its electric field, the force it exerts on other charged objects, and its ability to store energy.

Can electric charge be transferred between rings?

Yes, electric charge can be transferred between rings through contact or induction. This can result in both rings having the same charge, or one ring gaining or losing charge depending on the initial charge distribution.
