Why is there a need for correlation hole?

In summary, the concept of exchange-correlation hole refers to the reduction of electron density around an electron due to the Pauli exclusion principle and electron-electron repulsion. This leads to a lowering of system energy. The exchange hole is caused by the antisymmetry of the wave function and applies only to electrons with the same spin, while the correlation hole results from the repulsion between electrons of the same spin. The total exchange-correlation hole has real physical meaning, but only the non-classical contribution is accounted for in the energy functional. The Coulomb interaction is an operator and not easily accounted for in the density functional. In the case of two hydrogen atoms at a large distance, the classical Coulomb interaction is negligible once correlation is taken
  • #1
I have been reading about the physical meaning of exchange-correlation hole and this is what I have found so far:
  • Exchange hole - attributed to the spin of the electrons. Electrons of same spin will not occupy the same orbital because of Pauli Exclusion Principle. This leads to the lowering of density around the electron and hence the lowering of system energy. (This one, I understand.)
  • Correlation hole - electrons of same spin will still avoid each other because of negative charges between electrons.

Question: If correlation hole is merely due to the similar negative charges of electrons, shouldn't the classical Coloumb interaction take this into account? In that case, why is there a need for the correlation hole?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Do you have a source discussing exchange hole and correlation hole separately? As far as I know, there is only one thing known as the exchange-correlation hole.
  • #3
physicsjn said:
Question: If correlation hole is merely due to the similar negative charges of electrons, shouldn't the classical Coloumb interaction take this into account? In that case, why is there a need for the correlation hole?

Of course, but taking Coulomb interaction completely into account equals accounting completely for electron correlation.
  • #4
@DrClaude Yes, there are two books I read. But you are correct, there is only one exchange-correlation hole.
  • A Chemist's Guide to Density Functional Theory by Koch and Holthausen (Section 2.3, pages 24-28)
    • "The exchange-correlation hole can be formally split into the Fermi hole ... and the Coulomb hole ... where the former is the hole in the probability density of electrons due to the Pauli principle, i.e. the antisymmetry of the wave function and applies only to electrons with the same spin. The latter has contributions for electrons of either spin and is the hole resulting from the 1/r12 electrostatic interaction ... Even though the separation of hXC into an exchange and a correlation is convenient, we must keep in mind that only the total hole has real physical meaning.
  • Computational Materials Science by June Gunn Lee (Section 5.4.1, pages 129-131)
    • "We expect that the presence of an electron at r discourages the approach of another electron around it. As a result, there is an effective depletion of electron density, namely, the XC hole, which has two components: exchange and correlation."
    • "The antisymmetry of orbitals requires electrons with the same spin to occupy distinct orthogonal orbitals, and this forces a spatial separation between those electrons. This reduced electron density is called the exchange hole ..."
    • "Two electrons of different spins can occupy the same orbital, but they avoid each other because of their same negative charges. This electronic correlation also creates a reduced electron density around the electron, thus generating a small attractive energy. We view this effect as correlation hole, and together with the exchange hole, it forms the XC hole."
  • #5
@DrDu I am sorry; I did not understand your reply, but I think it is my fault for not stating my question clearly. I will try to restate it in a clearer way:

From the Kohn-Sham approach, we have the following energy functional
F[ρ]=TS[ρ] + J[ρ] + EXC [ρ]
TS is the exact kinetic of N non-interacting system,
J[ρ] is the classical Coulombic interaction,
EXC [ρ] is the exchange & correlation energies, and non-classical contribution..

My question is this. We already have J[ρ] to account for the classical electron-electron repulsion because of same charges. Hence, this correlation energy, what does it physically mean? Is there such a thing as nonclassical electron-electron repulsion which the correlation energy accounts for?

(Actually, my objective is to understand the physical, intuitive meaning of XC energy. I need to explain it to someone with quantum mechanics background but does not know DFT) :smile:

Thank you very much.
  • #6
  • #7

Related to Why is there a need for correlation hole?

1. Why is it important to understand correlation hole in scientific research?

Correlation hole refers to the phenomenon in which the density of electrons decreases between two atoms in a molecule, resulting in a decrease in repulsion between the nuclei. Understanding correlation hole is important because it plays a crucial role in determining the stability, reactivity, and properties of molecules, which are essential in various fields of scientific research such as chemistry, biology, and materials science.

2. How does correlation hole affect the accuracy of quantum mechanical calculations?

The presence of correlation hole in a molecule makes it difficult to accurately predict its properties using quantum mechanical calculations. This is because the traditional methods used in these calculations do not take into account the dynamic effects of electron correlation, leading to discrepancies between the calculated and experimental results. Therefore, understanding and incorporating correlation hole is crucial for improving the accuracy of quantum mechanical calculations.

3. What are the factors that influence the size and shape of a correlation hole?

The size and shape of a correlation hole can be influenced by various factors such as the distance between the atoms, the type of atoms involved, and the electronic structure of the molecule. Additionally, the strength of the correlation between the electrons and the number of electrons in the molecule can also affect the size and shape of the correlation hole.

4. How does the concept of correlation hole relate to chemical bonding?

The concept of correlation hole is closely related to chemical bonding as it helps explain the attractive forces between atoms in a molecule. The presence of a correlation hole indicates a decrease in repulsion between the nuclei, allowing the atoms to come closer together and form bonds. Therefore, understanding correlation hole is essential for understanding the nature of chemical bonds and the stability of molecules.

5. Can correlation hole be observed experimentally?

Yes, correlation hole can be observed experimentally through various techniques such as X-ray crystallography, electron density mapping, and spectroscopy. These techniques allow scientists to visualize the distribution of electrons in a molecule and observe the decrease in electron density between two atoms, indicating the presence of a correlation hole.

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