Why is there so much Star Trek on Spike?

In summary, the conversation discusses the presence of Star Trek on the "manly" Spike channel and how it may be seen as more of a "nerdy" show. Some individuals argue that Babylon 5 is a better show with more character development and complex plots, while others defend Star Trek and its appeal to the majority. The conversation also touches on other shows and their perceived level of masculinity.
  • #1
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Why is there so much of Star Trek on the " manly " Spike channel?
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  • #2
Don't complain about a good thing.
  • #3
What's more manly than Captain Jean Luc Picard?
  • #4
Star Trek is girly? Gee, how things have changed. When I was a kid, back in TOS days, the Star Trek fans in the neighborhood were 1 girl (me) and about 12 guys.
  • #5
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  • #6
GCT said:
Why is there so much of Star Trek on the " manly " Spike channel?
Ratings vs cost.
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
Star Trek is girly? Gee, how things have changed. When I was a kid, back in TOS days, the Star Trek fans in the neighborhood were 1 girl (me) and about 12 guys.

I think that the OP might feel that Star Trek is more "nerdy" than "manly".
  • #8
I just love manly nerds:!)
  • #9
hypatia said:
I just love manly nerds:!)
  • #10
Better question: why is there so much Voyager on Spike?
  • #11
hypatia said:
I just love manly nerds:!)

I'll third that!
  • #12
To Star Trek fans: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Get the boxed set of Babylon 5 on DVD and be happy. Plenty of character development, twists, loyalty, betrayal, hidden agendas, etc. In contrast, Roddenberry's ST was "Gunsmoke" set in space, with very formulaic plots and cardboard cut-out characters. "I canna get na more out of her, Captain" "Dammit, Jim I'm a doctor, not a (insert profession here)"
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  • #13
turbo-1 said:
Get the boxed set of Babylon 5 on DVD and be happy. Plenty of character development, twists, loyalty, betrayal, hidden agendas, etc.
We're nerds. We don't give a muroidean rump for character, loyalty, betrayal and ...yuck, have to wash my hands after typing those words.
  • #14
Yeah, I used to watch that channel but not anymore. They play a lot of garbage. I was a fan of the car shows on the weekends though.
  • #15
turbo-1 said:
"Dammit, Jim I'm a doctor, not a (insert profession here)"

Proctologist? I don't remember that episode. :rolleyes:
  • #16
Gokul43201 said:
We're nerds. We don't give a muroidean rump for character, loyalty, betrayal and ...yuck, have to wash my hands after typing those words.
All the nerdy stuff is in Bab5, too, Gokul. It's not as front and center as in ST because Bab5 didn't rely on it for every single plot device - the series actually had real shows with real plots. How can you not love a show with some living space-ships, time-travel, soul-transference and life-force transference, mass-driver attacks, a planet driven by machines with a living creature at its core, Psi cops, mysteries of racial genetics and religion, and super-races that are not so much good vs evil but driven by their preference for stability and control, vs chaos and change? B5 is a geek's dream.

Don't get me wrong - I was right in front of the TV every time Roddenberry's initial series screened - not so much for the spin-offs. Of course, I watched Gunsmoke, too. :rolleyes: I've got all of B5 on DVD including the feature-length shows, and it's fun to watch the early shows after having seen the later ones because some of the hints of later character changes that seemed odd in the early shows only make sense in the context of the whole series. That's a well-written, cohesive series, not just a collection of ensemble performances.
  • #17
turbo-1 said:
Of course, I watched Gunsmoke, too. :rolleyes:

Ever watch Wild, Wild West?
  • #18
Math Is Hard said:
Ever watch Wild, Wild West?
Sure did! They had some pretty geeky gizmos too - both the good guys and the bad guys.
  • #19
hypatia said:
I just love manly nerds:!)

I just love nerdy girls. Like the ones in Star Trek.

I guess its on Spike to attract me.

I find that the rest of their programing blows verily.
  • #20
Virgin 1 in the Uk has an advertising campaign for Voyager that would be considered manly (well sexist). :rolleyes:
  • #21
Kurdt said:
Virgin 1 in the Uk has an advertising campaign for Voyager that would be considered manly (well sexist). :rolleyes:

Its true that Virgin and (the old) Star Trek were/are both extremely sexist.

You're probably sick of William Shatner now... he's Canadian. So was Lorne Green who ran the ranch on TV's Bonanza. So was Perry Mason...(Raymond Burr) also seen as Iron Sides... or Iron Chair or something.
  • #22
GCT said:
Why is there so much of Star Trek on the " manly " Spike channel?

Because the majority rules. :biggrin:
  • #23
With so many channels about and all starved for content, then any constituency like ST looks like honey for drawing in the Star Trek sweet tooths. The bottom line is selling ad-time. And if ST gets them sales and the cost of the reruns is low ... well that just means sweet music in the boardroom. New content is usually more expensive to produce. Though game shows like Deal or No Deal or those Millionaire question shows aren't very expensive and they can grind out plenty of those.

On the manly scale of things at least Star Trek is more manly than say Martha Stewart or Jeopardy or The View or the trashy daytime soap shows.
  • #24
turbo-1 said:
To Star Trek fans: I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

Get the boxed set of Babylon 5 on DVD and be happy. Plenty of character development, twists, loyalty, betrayal, hidden agendas, etc. In contrast, Roddenberry's ST was "Gunsmoke" set in space, with very formulaic plots and cardboard cut-out characters. "I canna get na more out of her, Captain" "Dammit, Jim I'm a doctor, not a (insert profession here)"

I loved Babylon 5. I was rather disappointed with the few episodes of the new season after the original metaplot expired though.

I just recently finished watching Red Dwarf. I was rather disappointed there too since I had heard it talked up so much. The mid seasons especially were pretty crappy.

I show I liked a lot when it came out was Legend with Richard Dean Anderson and John Delancey. I was sad that it died such a quick death.

Firefly also died far too quickly for as good as it was. Considering that just about every other show on television at the time was absolute crap Firefly rocked sox.

The next geeky tv show I will be watching is a Canadian show (which makes me wary since I have never watched anything that was specifically Canadian I don't think) called Total Recall 2070. The reviews I read looked good.
  • #25
I loved firefly. Loved the movie too. Thanks for reminding me. I'll have to get those episodes again.
Family Guy got canceled and fan outcry brought it back and that show sucks. Wish it happened to firefly.
  • #26
TheStatutoryApe said:
I loved Babylon 5. I was rather disappointed with the few episodes of the new season after the original metaplot expired though.

I just recently finished watching Red Dwarf. I was rather disappointed there too since I had heard it talked up so much. The mid seasons especially were pretty crappy.

I show I liked a lot when it came out was Legend with Richard Dean Anderson and John Delancey. I was sad that it died such a quick death.

Firefly also died far too quickly for as good as it was. Considering that just about every other show on television at the time was absolute crap Firefly rocked sox.

The next geeky tv show I will be watching is a Canadian show (which makes me wary since I have never watched anything that was specifically Canadian I don't think) called Total Recall 2070. The reviews I read looked good.

Stargate Atlantis and all the Stargate shows were shot in this town. X-Files was shot here over a 5 year period. Great for employment! We shot 2 X-Men movies and Fantastic Four here too. Excellent camera crane work + all the CGI was out of here. The only recent series to start making it is "Smallville" which I have to admit I like. But anything beats "I Wanna Be Famished" ... or "Top Models on the Run"... or "Lost on a Garbage Heap with a Pharmaceutical Rep".

I really do like a lot of other American shows... top notch, what what.

I see someone thinks "Little Mosque On The Prarie" will make it as an American show. That's out of Saskatchewan, Ca.
  • #27
baywax said:
Stargate Atlantis and all the Stargate shows were shot in this town. X-Files was shot here over a 5 year period. Great for employment! We shot 2 X-Men movies and Fantastic Four here too. Excellent camera crane work + all the CGI was out of here. The only recent series to start making it is "Smallville" which I have to admit I like. But anything beats "I Wanna Be Famished" ... or "Top Models on the Run"... or "Lost on a Garbage Heap with a Pharmaceutical Rep".

I really do like a lot of other American shows... top notch, what what.

I see someone thinks "Little Mosque On The Prarie" will make it as an American show. That's out of Saskatchewan, Ca.

I know that many shows and movies are filmed in Canada. I'm just not aware of any shows that were originally Canadian television shows, broadcast there before being picked up elsewhere.
  • #28
Spike might show too much Star Trek. but the show that is on WAY to much is "Two and a half Men" I hate that show and it's on all the time.
  • #29
TheStatutoryApe said:
I know that many shows and movies are filmed in Canada. I'm just not aware of any shows that were originally Canadian television shows, broadcast there before being picked up elsewhere.

Little Mosque on the Prairie was broadcast here for about 2 years before the premise got picked up in your neck of the woods.

We keep picking up the "Idol" shows and calling them Canadian. Howie Mandel from Deal or No Deal is a Canadian on an American show.

I don't think you'll ever see Don Messer's Jubalee, Tommy Hunter's Variety show, The Smother Brothers might have made it south of the tundra.

We also had "The Friendly Giant" and "Mr. Dressup" which were never in the US (kid's show) and "Fred Penner". "Reach for the Top" (high schools competing in intellectual prowess)

We have the "Compassionate Eye" on CBC and many other "in-depth" hour long reports/documentaries. You should see those... you never will on your networks because they really get digging deep into stuff like your government... the Queen... The Prince and so on... very cool stuff.

You should see how it works. The CBC is funded by the taxpayer. It turns around and chews the crap out of the Government. The Government turns around and cuts their funding. Then we vote the Liberals back in and the CBC gets better funding again...

The "South Park" portrayal of Canadians is fairly accurate... except... we don't want to invade the US... we're just trying to separate North America with a big mote dug by gofers and badgers.
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  • #30
Of course there is the most frightening Canadian horror show of all time that played in Vegas for 5 years... Celine Dion
  • #31
baywax said:
Of course there is the most frightening Canadian horror show of all time that played in Vegas for 5 years... Celine Dion
I won't be able to sleep tonight. Thanks a lot! :eek:
  • #32
turbo-1 said:
I won't be able to sleep tonight. Thanks a lot! :eek:

Heee hee heee...

The reason I know all these shows is because I worked at CBC Studios for a while... until the Conservatives took it apart. The reason it is an interesting idea is that it was the precursor to Public Television. No commercials... that is until recently.

I forgot to mention "Beach Combers"... another long running CBC show you'll never see where you are.

Can't wait to see "Obama in the White House".

Just a note... there's a show in town now being produced by the makers of "Day After Tommorow" and "10,000 BC" called "2012". Its based on the Mayan Calandar and how it ends in 2012 and their interpretation of the events that take place to end things then. Its a huge budget. Major programming for motion capture with a 3 million dollar motion capture camera crane. This is all interwoven with final shooting for the "Night At The Museum 2" sets. Stories I'm not telling until they're all out of town!
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FAQ: Why is there so much Star Trek on Spike?

1. Why does Spike TV air so much Star Trek?

There are a few reasons why Spike TV may have chosen to air a lot of Star Trek. Firstly, the network may have acquired the rights to air the show at a relatively low cost. Additionally, Star Trek has a large and dedicated fan base, which can translate into higher ratings for the network. Finally, Spike TV may have seen Star Trek as a way to differentiate themselves from other networks and attract a specific audience.

2. Does Spike TV have a partnership with the creators of Star Trek?

As of now, there is no official partnership between Spike TV and the creators of Star Trek. However, the network may have a licensing agreement with CBS, the current owner of the Star Trek franchise, to air the show.

3. Why does Spike TV air multiple Star Trek series at the same time?

Spike TV may air multiple Star Trek series simultaneously because they have acquired the rights to air multiple seasons or series at once. This allows them to keep a consistent schedule and cater to different fans who may have preferences for different series.

4. Are there any plans for new Star Trek content on Spike TV?

At this time, there are no plans for new Star Trek content to air on Spike TV. However, with the recent revival of the franchise through new movies and the upcoming CBS All Access series, it is possible that we may see new Star Trek content on Spike in the future.

5. How does the amount of Star Trek on Spike TV compare to other networks?

Spike TV is known for airing a significant amount of Star Trek, but it is not the only network to do so. Other networks such as BBC America and Syfy also regularly air Star Trek content. However, Spike TV may have a higher concentration of Star Trek programming compared to other networks.

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