Why is this not a solution to the differential equation

In summary, the piecewise-defined function is not a solution of the differential equation because it is not continuous at the interval (-5,5), which is a requirement for a function to be differentiable.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Explain why the piecewise-defined function:
\sqrt{25-x^{2}}, & -5< x< 0 \\
-\sqrt{25-x^{2}},&0\leq x< 5

is not a solution of the differential equation [itex]\frac{dy}{dx}=-\frac{x}{y}[/itex] on the interval (-5,5)2. The attempt at a solution
I have no idea why...Differentiating y i get
\frac{-x}{\sqrt{25-x^{2}}}, & -5< x< 0 \\
\frac{x}{\sqrt{25-x^{2}}},&0\leq x< 5

Substituting the denominators in y' by the corresponding expression defined by y, I get back exactly [itex]y'=-\frac{x}{y}[/itex] for the two pieces of interval.

To me it should be a solution...

Thank you very much.

The question comes from here (#26):
http://books.google.ca/books?id=qh1...ifferential equation on the interval"&f=false
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  • #2
Well, a solution has to be differentiable at the segment... This function isn't even continuous...
  • #3
Hmm I don't really understand... I went back to read the definition of a solution and it said:

Any function F defined on an interval I and possessing at least n derivatives that are continuous on I, which when substitued back into an n-th order ODE reduces the equation to an identity, is said to be a solution of the equation on the interval

So, from what I understand, if F is a solution then its n derivatives must be continuous on I.

\frac{-x}{\sqrt{25-x^{2}}}, & -5< x< 0 \\
\frac{x}{\sqrt{25-x^{2}}},&0\leq x< 5

is continuous on I since lim as x goes to 0 of y' is 0 in both pieces.
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  • #4
What's the derivative at x=0? Hint: It's not 0.
  • #5
vela said:
What's the derivative at x=0? Hint: It's not 0.

Why not? I would have said 0... x/sqrt(25-x^2) = 0/sqrt(25) = 0...
  • #6
Try plotting the function. You'll see why.
  • #7
vela said:
Try plotting the function. You'll see why.

Here is the plot: http://img856.imageshack.us/img856/5156/function2h.th.jpg

Intuitively I would have said that the derivative at x=0 is 0 since as x goes to 0 both pieces have a slope of 0 by looking at the graph.

However, now I remember that by definition a function must be continuous to be differentiable. I don't really understand why though.

Consider y=x^2 which we break in two at x=0 and move one part 5 units up:http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/2070/function1.th.jpg

Even though it has a discontinuity, it don't see how the derivative is affected by this modification... it is still 2x on all of the interval, even 0...
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  • #8
For both functions, the slope approaches 0 near the origin, but it's undefined at the origin. Go back to the definition of the derivative:
[tex]f'(x_0) = \lim_{h \to 0} \frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h}[/tex]
For that limit to exist, the left-handed and right-handed limits have to agree, but one of them diverges.
  • #9
fishingspree2 said:
However, now I remember that by definition a function must be continuous to be differentiable. I don't really understand why though.

Here's why. If f is differentiable at x0 then
[tex]\lim_{h\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(x_0+h)-f(x_0)}{h}=f'(x_0)[/tex]

Intuitively, since h → 0 the only way the fraction can have a limit is if the numerator → 0, which says f is continuous at x0. To prove it rigorously write
=f'(x_0) + o(h)[/tex]
where o(h) represents the quantity in parentheses which → 0 as h → 0 since f is differentialbe at x0. Then
[tex]f(x_0+h)-f(x_0) = hf'(x_0) + ho(h)[/tex]

Now if you let h → 0 it tells you that f(x0+h)→ f(x0) as h → 0 so f is continuous at x0.
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FAQ: Why is this not a solution to the differential equation

Why is the solution to a differential equation not unique?

The solution to a differential equation is not unique because there can be an infinite number of functions that satisfy the given equation. This is due to the fact that a differential equation involves derivatives, which can have multiple possible antiderivatives.

Can a differential equation have no solution?

Yes, it is possible for a differential equation to have no solution. This can occur if the equation is not well-defined or if the initial conditions are not specified. In some cases, the equation may also have a solution that is not expressible in terms of standard mathematical functions.

Why are initial conditions necessary for solving a differential equation?

Initial conditions are necessary for solving a differential equation because they provide the specific starting point for finding a unique solution. Without these conditions, there are an infinite number of possible solutions that could satisfy the equation.

Why do we use numerical methods to solve some differential equations?

Some differential equations cannot be solved analytically, meaning there is no closed-form solution. In these cases, numerical methods are used to approximate the solution by breaking the equation into smaller, simpler steps. These methods are also useful for solving complex equations that cannot be solved by hand.

Can a differential equation have multiple solutions?

Yes, a differential equation can have multiple solutions. This can occur when the equation has different sets of initial conditions or when the equation is not well-posed. In some cases, there may also be a family of solutions that differ by a constant value, known as a general solution.
