Why is today the worst Presidents Day ever?

  • Thread starter Topher925
  • Start date
In summary: I would recommend it. Not being able to eat and being in pain... not a good combo.Wow, that's a lot to deal with in one day. I hope you can get some rest and feel better soon. Maybe try taking a hot bath or shower to relax your muscles and help with the pain. You may also want to consider taking some pain medication, but be cautious of any potential interactions with your previous reactions. It might also be a good idea to have someone drive you to your next appointment, just to be safe. Hang in there!
  • #1
Worst Presidents Day ever...

I've had a bad day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, and woke up to a broken hot water shower valve. I then got a terrible stomach ache and didn't eat anything for breakfast. I then had to wait two hours for the maintenance guys to up and fix my shower just in time for me to go and dig my car out of the 1ft of snow we got last night wearing running shoes because I forgot my boots at the office. I then went to the dentist to have my my wisdom teeth removed. However, after they gave me a local, I started having a reaction to it and went into some sort of anaphylactic shock and was just seconds away from passing out. It also turns out that I'm completely immune to nitrous oxide. So, after two ours of sitting in "the chair" and scaring the crap out of everyone at the dentists office I went home. My mouth has been totally numb so I haven't been able to eat any solid food yet today. Now the local anesthesia is starting to ware off and my jaw is starting to hurting like hell. And now, it appears that my thermostat is broken and its 55'F in here. How could this day get any better. :frown:
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  • #2

Wow - that is a crappy day. Have you got some soup? Some Vicoden? Electric blanket?
  • #3

Topher925 said:
I've had a bad day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, and woke up to a broken hot water shower valve. I then got a terrible stomach ache and didn't eat anything for breakfast. I then had to wait two hours for the maintenance guys to up and fix my shower just in time for me to go and dig my car out of the 1ft of snow we got last night wearing running shoes because I forgot my boots at the office. I then went to the dentist to have my my wisdom teeth removed. However, after they gave me a local, I started having a reaction to it and went into some sort of anaphylactic shock and was just seconds away from passing out. It also turns out that I'm completely immune to nitrous oxide. So, after two ours of sitting in "the chair" and scaring the crap out of everyone at the dentists office I went home. My mouth has been totally numb so I haven't been able to eat any solid food yet today. Now the local anesthesia is starting to ware off and my jaw is starting to hurting like hell. And now, it appears that my thermostat is broken and its 55'F in here. How could this day get any better. :frown:
Wow, that's awful. I had a similar reaction to the dental anesthesia, I believe the doctor leaves the epinephrine out now. Check with your dentist about it.

I hope the day gets better.
  • #4

Math Is Hard said:
Wow - that is a crappy day. Have you got some soup? Some Vicoden? Electric blanket?

Nope, I don't have any of those things. I don't understand why my jaw hurts so much. I didn't have any teeth taken out or anything done other than get a couple shots.
  • #5

Wow, I'm so sorry Topher! What a totally crappy day! Did the doc advise you to take anything, like ibuprofen?

My advice: take a nice, hot bath. Cures what ails you.
  • #6

Watch a couple of episodes of 1000 ways to die and you should feel better.
  • #7

Topher925 said:
I've had a bad day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, and woke up to a broken hot water shower valve. I then got a terrible stomach ache and didn't eat anything for breakfast. I then had to wait two hours for the maintenance guys to up and fix my shower just in time for me to go and dig my car out of the 1ft of snow we got last night wearing running shoes because I forgot my boots at the office. I then went to the dentist to have my my wisdom teeth removed. However, after they gave me a local, I started having a reaction to it and went into some sort of anaphylactic shock and was just seconds away from passing out. It also turns out that I'm completely immune to nitrous oxide. So, after two ours of sitting in "the chair" and scaring the crap out of everyone at the dentists office I went home. My mouth has been totally numb so I haven't been able to eat any solid food yet today. Now the local anesthesia is starting to ware off and my jaw is starting to hurting like hell. And now, it appears that my thermostat is broken and its 55'F in here. How could this day get any better. :frown:
I HATE when that happens!
  • #8

Oh man... I'm really sorry... the *caines do sometimes have that effect.

The nitrous... is your blood green, and when you bleed, do other people die? :wink:

Anyway... it's simple, but the bath is really a good idea (go lisab!), and proven. Beyond that... do you have any NSAIDS? To be clear, follow any and all directions, warnings, and interactions, but what you need is not just an analgesic, but an anti-inflammatory.

Actually... do yourself a favor and take a hard dose of Benadryl. Sleep + lowered immune response may do you a world of good.

Oh, and if you die, this is just my opinion! :biggrin::cry::biggrin::cry:
  • #9

nismaratwork said:
The nitrous... is your blood green, and when you bleed, do other people die? :wink:

The nitrous doesn't work on me either, just makes me tremble. Maybe Topher and I are Vulcans.

Topher, see if you can get some pain meds to have ready from the dentist (or your doctor) when you go back. At least a couple of days worth. With your reactions, you might even need to test out a small amount first.

Make your appointment when you have some time to recover. Also, if you can get a friend to pick you up and bring you an ice pack for your jaws right away, it really helps with the swelling. And for Pete's sake have some soup, ice cream, pudding, etc on hand. Oh, yeah, and some movies. I needed two full-blown couch-surfing days to get completely back to normal, but three of my teeth were impacted.
  • #10

Math Is Hard said:
The nitrous doesn't work on me either, just makes me tremble. Maybe Topher and I are Vulcans.

Topher, see if you can get some pain meds to have ready from the dentist (or your doctor) when you go back. At least a couple of days worth. With your reactions, you might even need to test out a small amount first.

Make your appointment when you have some time to recover. Also, if you can get a friend to pick you up and bring you an ice pack for your jaws right away, it really helps with the swelling. And for Pete's sake have some soup, ice cream, pudding, etc on hand. Oh, yeah, and some movies. I needed two full-blown couch-surfing daDamnys to get completely back to normal, but three of my teeth were impacted.
I HATE when happens!
  • #11

Math Is Hard said:
Wow - that is a crappy day. Have you got some soup? Some Vicoden? Electric blanket?

No kidding! That and a good movie should fix you up. If it's a bad movie, it might put you to sleep, instead, and that wouldn't be a bad thing, either.
  • #12

Oh, almost forgot -- when you fill out the forms in the waiting room, next to the sentence that says,

"I'd like the local anesthetic that might kill me."

check the "No" box.
  • #13

Math Is Hard said:
Oh, almost forgot -- when you fill out the forms in the waiting room, next to the sentence that says,

"I'd like the local anesthetic that might kill me."

check the "No" box.

But why? The local anesthetic that might kill me is the fun part. It's the only reason I go to the dentist. I always assumed that the others in the waiting room were there for the same reason. Am I wrong?
  • #14

Math Is Hard said:
The nitrous doesn't work on me either, just makes me tremble. Maybe Topher and I are Vulcans.

Topher, see if you can get some pain meds to have ready from the dentist (or your doctor) when you go back. At least a couple of days worth. With your reactions, you might even need to test out a small amount first.

Make your appointment when you have some time to recover. Also, if you can get a friend to pick you up and bring you an ice pack for your jaws right away, it really helps with the swelling. And for Pete's sake have some soup, ice cream, pudding, etc on hand. Oh, yeah, and some movies. I needed two full-blown couch-surfing days to get completely back to normal, but three of my teeth were impacted.

CLOSE!... oh, but the refernce was to X-Files...

Otherwise, yep. I love a good dentist, but too many are casual about the possibility of anaphylaxis; each stick is a new stick... low odds, but there.

I compare this kind of crap to the HEAD of hematology at {REDACTED BY ME} who suggested I take a parentanal infusion of Iron. She mentioned, very casually that there could be an allergic reaction, and began to walk out of the door. I stopped her, asking, "As in, oooh thee annoying hives... or as in 'CLEAR!'?" We don't get along.

HIPPA means nothing if patients are not truly informed, except by social networks and experience.

Topher... you poor guy. :sad:
  • #15

Topher925 said:
I've had a bad day. I didn't sleep well at all last night, and woke up to a broken hot water shower valve. I then got a terrible stomach ache and didn't eat anything for breakfast. I then had to wait two hours for the maintenance guys to up and fix my shower just in time for me to go and dig my car out of the 1ft of snow we got last night wearing running shoes because I forgot my boots at the office. I then went to the dentist to have my my wisdom teeth removed. However, after they gave me a local, I started having a reaction to it and went into some sort of anaphylactic shock and was just seconds away from passing out. It also turns out that I'm completely immune to nitrous oxide. So, after two ours of sitting in "the chair" and scaring the crap out of everyone at the dentists office I went home. My mouth has been totally numb so I haven't been able to eat any solid food yet today. Now the local anesthesia is starting to ware off and my jaw is starting to hurting like hell. And now, it appears that my thermostat is broken and its 55'F in here. How could this day get any better. :frown:



That's all I've got. Just, wow.

Sorry, Topher. Hope tomorrow's a better day. Almost by pure default tomorrow *has* to be a better day than today was.
  • #18

Well the good news, we did not get the extra snow they said was coming. Hope you feel better today.
  • #19

Math Is Hard said:
Oh, yeah, and some movies. I needed two full-blown couch-surfing days to get completely back to normal, but three of my teeth were impacted.

Wait until the second day to watch "Marathon Man". If you laugh, you know you're recovering from the trauma.

And wait until tomorrow (regardless of what day today is) for the Annie song. Even sedated by painkillers, dental patients can summon up the strength to smack someone with a 2x4 when they sing or hum tunes like that. Nothing like being stranded on the couch with absolutely nothing you can do to get that damn tune out of your head.
  • #20

BobG said:
And wait until tomorrow (regardless of what day today is) for the Annie song. Even sedated by painkillers, dental patients can summon up the strength to smack someone with a 2x4 when they sing or hum tunes like that. Nothing like being stranded on the couch with absolutely nothing you can do to get that damn tune out of your head.

Lolz, you're welcome! Bet you were singing it today weren't you ;)

Related to Why is today the worst Presidents Day ever?

What is "Worst Presidents Day ever"?

Worst Presidents Day ever is a phrase that is used to describe a particularly negative or disappointing experience on Presidents Day, which is a federal holiday in the United States that commemorates the birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Why do people say "Worst Presidents Day ever"?

People may say "Worst Presidents Day ever" if they had a bad experience on the holiday, such as bad weather, cancelled plans, or personal issues. It is also commonly used as a joke or meme on social media to express frustration or disappointment about current political events.

Who are considered the worst presidents in US history?

The worst presidents in US history are subjective and can vary depending on personal opinions and historical context. Some commonly cited presidents include James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, and Warren G. Harding, who are known for their ineffective leadership, scandals, and/or negative impact on the country.

Has there ever been a "Worst Presidents Day ever" in history?

There have been many controversial or difficult events that have occurred on Presidents Day throughout history, including political scandals, wars, and natural disasters. However, it is ultimately up to individual interpretation whether or not a particular Presidents Day could be considered the worst ever.

How can we make the most out of "Worst Presidents Day ever"?

Instead of focusing on the negative connotations of the phrase, we can choose to use it as a reminder to reflect on the mistakes and challenges of past presidents and learn from them. It can also be a time to appreciate the freedoms and progress that have been made in the United States, despite any struggles or setbacks.

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