Why isn't the cooling system power-independent?

In summary, the Fukushima power plant reactor cooling system was designed to be dependent on external power and a combination of passive systems and diesel generators to power the emergency core cooling system. However, the event was beyond the design basis with a massive earthquake and tsunami taking out all power sources, leading to the failure of the cooling system and ultimately the nuclear disaster. New plant designs are now incorporating more passive systems to prevent such failures in the future.
  • #1

I am far from nuclear plant engineering, so I might be asking irrelevant question... But I was wondering, why the Fukushima power plant reactor cooling system was designed to be dependent on external power? That sounds like planning for failure to me, especially in the environment where they regularly would shut the plan down in case of earthquakes. I mean, there are engine types that run on heat, like Stirling engine - couldn't these be used to power the pumps that move the cooling water around? All that is needed here is stable supply of cool gas and source of heat. The cool gas could be air, or if there is a risk of contamination, then perhaps a dedicated gas, and the source of heat is the coolant itself. Then the cooling system would work while there is the hot water in the system, what is exactly what's required.

Perhaps I am proposing naïve solution to a complex engineering problem, just wanted to hear some comment from more experienced people.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Apparently there was an extensive system of diesel backups and there worked perfectly after the quake took out the power, but only for 30 minutes until the tsunami hit and took them all out.

It then switched to battery backup to the backup, and that also worked as designed, but unfortunately it was only designed to run for 8 hours. After that they were stuffed.
  • #3
Passiday said:

I am far from nuclear plant engineering, so I might be asking irrelevant question... But I was wondering, why the Fukushima power plant reactor cooling system was designed to be dependent on external power? That sounds like planning for failure to me, especially in the environment where they regularly would shut the plan down in case of earthquakes. I mean, there are engine types that run on heat, like Stirling engine - couldn't these be used to power the pumps that move the cooling water around? All that is needed here is stable supply of cool gas and source of heat. The cool gas could be air, or if there is a risk of contamination, then perhaps a dedicated gas, and the source of heat is the coolant itself. Then the cooling system would work while there is the hot water in the system, what is exactly what's required.

Perhaps I am proposing naïve solution to a complex engineering problem, just wanted to hear some comment from more experienced people.
New plant designs are more passive with respect to cooling in an emergency.

It was not expected that the EDGs would be destroyed or otherwise incapacitated, or that the batteries would have to support the cooling systems and other plant services for as long as they did. The event was 'beyond design basis'.

Please realize that the systems were designed and contructed during the early to mid-1960s, without the benefit of lessons learned over the last 40+ years, especially post TMI-2 and Chernobyl.

Utilities with the same or similar designs are reviewing their system and plant designs, as well as their emergency operating procedures (EOPs) to ensure the adequacy of designs and plans.
  • #4
Currently, advanced designs of reactors (some of which are being built or authorized for construction in the US and Foriegn countries) are of the "passive" type. Here are some links to information on them:

Westinghouse AP 1000 PWR: http://www.ap1000.westinghousenuclear.com/"

GE Advanced BWR: http://www.gepower.com/prod_serv/products/nuclear_energy/en/new_reactors.htm"

Peblebed Reactor:

NRC Advanced Reactor Certification:


Additional information can be gleamed from Links within the above sites.

For small out put reactors the pebble bed type is by far the most unique, simple and safest.
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  • #5
The emergency core cooling systems of a nuclear plant are not designed to run on external power. All events/accidents are postulated with a coincident loss of offsite power (one cannot credit offsite power in accident analysis). Therefore, the emergency core cooling system power must come from a combination of passive systems as well as those powered typically by diesel generators. There should be at least two diesel generators per unit. Even if there is a loss of offsite power and loss of both diesels (station blackout) a nuclear plant should have other measures in place such as emergency pumps that are driven by steam or by diesel fuel (motor driven pumps).

Like others have mentioned the event was beyond the design basis. You had a beyond design basis earthquake coincident with massive flooding. Generators and pumps (electrical or diesel driven) don't do very well when underwater. It is unclear what type of flooding the plant was designed to handle, but I can't imagine it was designed with a tsunami of this scale in mind.

Related to Why isn't the cooling system power-independent?

1. Why does the cooling system require power to function?

The cooling system relies on electricity to power its components, such as the compressor and fans. These components work together to remove heat from the system and maintain a cool temperature.

2. Can the cooling system be modified to run without power?

In theory, it is possible to design a cooling system that does not require electricity. However, this would be a complex and costly endeavor. Additionally, the cooling system would not be as efficient and may not be able to effectively cool the intended space.

3. Is it safe to rely on electricity for the cooling system?

Modern cooling systems are designed with safety in mind and undergo rigorous testing to ensure their safety. As long as the system is installed and maintained properly, there should be no major safety concerns.

4. Are there any alternative sources of power for the cooling system?

Some cooling systems may have the option to run on alternative power sources, such as solar or battery power. However, these options may not be as reliable or efficient as traditional electricity.

5. Can the cooling system still function in the event of a power outage?

Most cooling systems are connected to a backup power source, such as a generator, to ensure they can continue running during a power outage. However, it is important to check the specific capabilities of your cooling system to ensure it has this feature.

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