Why magnetic charge is pseudoscalar

In summary, magnetic charge is a pseudoscalar because it changes sign under parity inversions. The standard model has zero magnetic charges, but any model may be extended in any way you like.
  • #1
"Classic" EM is symmetric against electric and magnetic fields/charges (except magnetic charges are not observed in reality, but this is another story). Still, magnetic field is pseudovector and magnetic charge is pseudoscalar. I suspect where it comes from in classic EM, but I wonder about QFT (I am layman) - is, on the fundamental level, magnetic charge less "fundamental"? Can some extension of the Standard Model (theoretically) have a simple particle with magnetic charge (not a huge and heavy, almost macroscopic, topological defect)
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  • #2
Magnetic charge is a pseudoscalar because it changes sign under parity inversions.
The standard model has zero magnetic charges - but any model may be extended in any way you like.
That's not the hard part.
  • #3
One assumes that even with magnetic charges electromagnetism should be space-reflection invariant, i.e., parity should be conserved. To see, how the electromagnetic field components behave under parity the most simple argument is to look at the force on a particle with electric and magnetic charge,
$$\vec{F}=q_e \left (\vec{E}+\frac{\vec{v}}{c} \times \vec{B} \right) + q_m \left (\vec{B}-\frac{\vec{v}}{c} \times \vec{E} \right),$$
which follows from relativistic covariance by relating the electric charge to the Faraday tensor and the magnetic charge to its dual. Now we assign electric charge to be a scalar. Then from
$$\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E}=\rho_e$$
it's clear that ##\vec{E}## must be a polar vector, which is compatible with the electric part of the Lorentz force law. Since further the velocity of the particle, ##\vec{v}## is a polar vector, ##c## a scalar, ##\vec{B}## must be an axial vector. In order to make also the magnetic part of the force compatible with parity we must assume that ##q_m## (magnetic charge) is pseudo-scalar.
  • #4
vanhees71 said:
One assumes that even with magnetic charges electromagnetism should be space-reflection invariant, i.e., parity should be conserved...

.. should be conserved for the observables - velocity, trajectory, position. But not for all variables of the theory, correct?
Does it mean that "B" is "just math" (like virtual particles)?
  • #5
Well, in classical physics parity is not a well-defined observable. Here it's just meant that the Hamiltonian of the theory is invariant under space reflections (more precisely it's sufficient that the variation of the action is invariant under space reflections). In quantum theory you can have states of definite parity in models that are space-reflection symmetric. Then the Hamiltonian commutes with the parity operator (space-reflection operator) and thus a parity eigenstate stays a parity eigenstate under time evolution (in the Schrödinger picture).

FAQ: Why magnetic charge is pseudoscalar

What is a pseudoscalar?

A pseudoscalar is a mathematical object that behaves like a scalar in some ways, but has different transformation properties. It is a quantity that changes its sign under certain transformations, such as reflection. In other words, it is a scalar with an additional property that makes it behave like a vector under some transformations.

What is magnetic charge?

Magnetic charge, also known as monopole charge, is a hypothetical type of charge that would be associated with a magnetic monopole. In contrast to electric charge, which exists in both positive and negative forms, magnetic charge would only exist in a single form. However, magnetic monopoles have never been observed, and the existence of magnetic charge is still a topic of debate in physics.

Why is magnetic charge considered a pseudoscalar?

Magnetic charge is considered a pseudoscalar because it changes its sign under certain transformations, such as reflection. This is similar to how a vector changes its sign under these transformations, but unlike a scalar which maintains its sign. This property of magnetic charge makes it behave like a vector, and thus it is considered a pseudoscalar.

How is magnetic charge related to magnetic fields?

Magnetic charge is related to magnetic fields through Gauss's law for magnetism. This law states that the net magnetic flux through a closed surface is proportional to the magnetic charge enclosed by that surface. This means that the presence of magnetic charge would result in a non-zero magnetic flux, and thus a non-zero magnetic field. However, as magnetic monopoles have not been observed, magnetic fields are typically explained through the concept of magnetic dipoles.

What are the implications of magnetic charge being a pseudoscalar?

The fact that magnetic charge is a pseudoscalar has several implications in physics. For example, it explains why there are no magnetic monopoles observed in nature, as they would violate symmetry properties. Additionally, it also has implications for the behavior of particles in magnetic fields, as their interaction with magnetic charge is different from their interaction with electric charge. Further research and experimentation are needed to fully understand the implications of magnetic charge being a pseudoscalar.

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