Why massless particles must travel at c

In summary, a particle with zero mass must move with a speed equal to c because its mass is independent of the reference frame, meaning it has no rest energy in any frame. To have any manifestation in the real world, a particle must contain some sort of energy, and this energy must be the same in all reference frames. Using the equations E=mc^2 and p=mv, we can see that the momentum and velocity of a particle with zero mass must be on the light cone, which is equivalent to moving at the speed of light. This is also supported by the equation E^2=(pc)^2+(mc^2)^2, which shows that for a particle with zero mass, the momentum and energy are directly proportional,
  • #1

Homework Statement

give a logical argument for why a particle with m0 = 0 with nonzero energy has to move with a speed equal to c.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I attempted using the momentum equation but I always get a multiplication by 0 which doesn't make sense to me... please some help

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  • #2
You can relate p, E, and v without explicitly involving m. Do you know how?
  • #3
A particle with zero mass has to travel with c because his mass is independant of the reference frame (it´s zero in every reference frame) hence it has no rest energy in any reference frame ( you can´t transfer to one frame where it has energy and another where there is no energy because there is no rest energy).
But for the notion of particle to make any sense at all, having any manifestation in the real world, it has to contain some sort of energy and while this energy has to be the same in any reference frame it has to move with c.
how about that ?
  • #4
2tesla, maybe since p = mv and E = mc^2 then I can write E = (c^2*p)/v...? but this equation doesn't justify why it has to go like speed c... because any v along with any p will give a value for energy..

am I wrong?
  • #5
you seem to make sense, but I am guessing my professor is looking for something more mathematical... I don't know, if anything I will try with that
  • #6
i guess the mathematical idea behind this is that [tex]p_{\mu}p^{\mu}=-M^2=0[/tex] hence if the mass is 0 the momentum and velocity are on the light cone which is one definition for speed c.
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  • #7
hi Brown, I am wondering where did you get that equation... and what mu means... thanks]
  • #8
Just in case Mr.Brown's indices are unfamiliar to you, the equation he's referencing is:

[tex]E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2[/tex]

So, if you combine this with m=0 and the v=c^2*p/E you discovered just now, you should find your answer.

P.S. It doesn't make a difference here, but for future reference, in relativity:

[tex]p = \gamma mv[/tex]


[tex]E = \gamma mc^2[/tex]


[tex]\gamma = (1 - (v/c)^2)^{-1/2}[/tex]
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FAQ: Why massless particles must travel at c

1. Why do massless particles travel at the speed of light (c)?

Massless particles, such as photons, have zero rest mass, meaning they are always moving at the speed of light. This is due to their fundamental nature and the fact that they do not experience any resistance or drag that would slow them down.

2. What is the significance of the speed of light in relation to massless particles?

The speed of light is considered to be a fundamental constant in the universe and is the maximum speed at which anything can travel. Massless particles, being unable to exceed this speed, are always traveling at c.

3. How does the concept of relativity explain why massless particles must travel at c?

Einstein's theory of relativity states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This includes the speed of light being the same for all observers. Since massless particles have no rest mass, they must travel at the same speed for all observers, which is c.

4. Can massless particles ever slow down or speed up?

No, massless particles are always traveling at the speed of light and cannot be accelerated or decelerated. They do not experience time or space in the same way as objects with mass, so the concept of speed does not apply to them.

5. Why is it important to understand the concept of massless particles traveling at c?

Understanding the nature of massless particles and their inability to travel at any speed other than c is crucial in many fields of science, such as cosmology and particle physics. It also helps to explain phenomena such as the behavior of light and the structure of the universe.

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