Why must equipotential surfaces be perpendicular to electric field lines?

In summary, equipotential surfaces must always be perpendicular to the electric field lines that pass through them because of the mathematical relationship between the electric field and displacement vectors. Additionally, this can also be explained intuitively by understanding that the potential function is an anti-derivative of the force function, and moving along the force vector results in a change in potential. The down hill analogy helps to visualize this concept.
  • #1
Can anyone help me to understand why equipotential surfaces must always be perpendicular to the electric field lines that pass through them?
My textbook gives what seems to be a simple mathematical explanation, but the logic is escaping me.
It states that dV= -E.ds = 0, (where the "." appears to be dot product of the two vectors -E and ds and so E must be perpendicular to the displacement of the equipotential surface.
I can understand that the dot product=0 means two vectors are perpendicular. I am looking for a more intuitive explanation to really understand what is going on.
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  • #2
Mathematically, is true that a "level surface" for a function is always perpendicular to the gradient.

That is, if F is a function of x,y, z: F(x,y,z), its gradient is the vector Fxi+ Fyj+ Fzk (Fx is the partial derivative with respect to x, etc.) It can be shown that the derivative of F in the direction of any unit vector, v is grad F dot v. Along a "level surface", the function is a constant so taking v to be a vector tangent to that surface, Fv= grad F dot v= 0 since the function is constant on the surface.

Physically, the "potential function" is an anti-derivative of the force function. That is, if F is the potential function and f is the force vector, then f= -grad F. That means that a surface along which F is constant (an "equi-potential" surface) must be perpendicular to the force vector.

Another way of looking at it is this: if you move in the direction of the force vector, your potential goes down (just as moving down in a gravitational field reduces your potential energy). If you move at an angle to the force vector, you will still change your potential depending on the component of your motion parallel to the force vector (If you move down a hill side, you reduce your potential energy by the actual distance down: the component of motion parallel to the gravity force vector). There is no component of motion along a surface parallel to the force vector if and only if the force vector is perpendicular to the surface.
  • #3
Thanks for your help.
I needed to be reminded about the gradient, and your down hill analogy has helped me to visualize this better. That is what I needed.

FAQ: Why must equipotential surfaces be perpendicular to electric field lines?

What are electric field lines?

Electric field lines are a visual representation of the electric field surrounding a charged object. They show the direction and strength of the electric field at different points in space.

How do you draw electric field lines?

Electric field lines are drawn by using the rules that govern their behavior. The lines must always start on positive charges and end on negative charges. They also cannot intersect or cross over each other.

What do the spacing and curvature of electric field lines represent?

The spacing of electric field lines represents the strength of the electric field. The closer the lines are together, the stronger the electric field. The curvature of the lines represents the direction of the electric field, with lines curving towards positive charges and away from negative charges.

Can electric field lines intersect?

No, electric field lines cannot intersect or cross over each other. This is because the electric field at any given point can only have one direction and strength, and if two lines were to intersect, it would imply that the electric field at that point has two different directions and strengths.

How can electric field lines be used to determine the strength of an electric field?

The electric field strength can be determined by the number of electric field lines per unit area. The more lines present, the stronger the electric field. Additionally, the spacing between the lines can also give an indication of the strength, with closer lines indicating a stronger field.
