Why Must J_z Eigenvalues Be Integer-Spaced for Fixed J²?

In summary, both Ballentine and Sakurai argue that there is a set of eigenvectors of J² and J_z with integer spaced values of the J_z eigenvalues for fixed J² eigenvalue. However, Sakurai goes on to claim that the difference between b_max and -b_max must be an integer. Neither author provides a clear reason why this should be so.
  • #1

Both Ballentine in "Quantum Mechanics - a modern development" pages 160-162 and Sakurai in "Modern Quantum Mechanics" pages 193-196 use essentialy the same argument to show the existence of a set of eigenvectors of J² and J_z with integer spaced values of the J_z eigenvalues for fixed J² eigenvalue.

I get everything up to the result -b_max <= a <= b_max (following Sakurai's notation). But then (in Ballentine) it is claimed that the difference between b_max and -b_max must be an integer. In Sakurai the equivalent (actually stronger) claim is "Clearly, we must be able to reach |a, b_max> by applying J_+ succesively to |a, b_min>".

It is not obvious to me that this should be so. Can anyone help me see this?


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  • #2
if you have a number and you reduce it by 1 everytime and you have to reach the negative of number in this way.it is possible only when that number is an integer or half of an integer.it simply follows from the relation that
N-(-N) is an integer.
  • #3
Yes, but there is no obvious reason why repeated application of J_+ on |a, b_min> should eventually reach |a, b_max>. For example, if b_max = 3.2[itex]\hbar[/itex] say, then a = 13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]². The states |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², 3.2[itex]\hbar[/itex]> and |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², -3.2[itex]\hbar[/itex]> are eigenstates by hypothesis, and they give rise to two separate chains of eigenstates, for example

0 = J_+ |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², 2.8[itex]\hbar[/itex]> = (J_+)² |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², 1.8[itex]\hbar[/itex]> = ... = (J_+)^7 |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², -3.2[itex]\hbar[/itex]>


0 = J_- |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², -0.8[itex]\hbar[/itex]> = (J_-)² |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², 0.2[itex]\hbar[/itex]> = ... = (J_-)^5 |13.44[itex]\hbar[/itex]², 3.2[itex]\hbar[/itex]>

I don't see how this situation would lead to a contradiction of anything proved before.
  • #4
you are not understanding here.you should be able to go to bmax from bmin by applying the ladder operator.bmax and bmin are simply j and -j.so j should be half integer or full integer.it must go +1 in every step by using ladder operator.
  • #5
I can't find proof that indeed |a, b_max> = (J_+)^n |a, -b_max> for some n. That is my problem
  • #6
A_B said:
I can't find proof that indeed |a, b_max> = (J_+)^n |a, -b_max> for some n. That is my problem

If you started, for example, with a state with [itex]j=1, m=\frac{1}{3}[/itex] and applied the [itex]J_{+}[/itex] operator, you would get to the state [itex]j=1, m=\frac{4}{3}[/itex]. But that's impossible, since [itex]m[/itex] must be less than or equal to [itex]j[/itex]. So there has to be a maximal value for [itex]m[/itex] such that it is impossible to get a new state by applying [itex]J_{+}[/itex] to [itex]|j,m\rangle[/itex].

So we reason as follows:

If [itex]|j,m\rangle[/itex] is any state, then either [itex]J_+ |j,m\rangle = 0[/itex] or [itex]J_+ |j,m\rangle \propto |j,m+1\rangle[/itex]. The latter is impossible if [itex]m[/itex] is maximal. So when [itex]m[/itex] is maximal, it must be that [itex]J_+ |j,m\rangle = 0[/itex]. This is only possible if [itex]m=j[/itex].

So we conclude: For any state [itex]|j,m\rangle[/itex], there is an [itex]n \geq 0[/itex] such that [itex]m+n = j[/itex].
  • #7
Thanks for your responses.
Turns out I was confused by a silly mistake. I'll use Ballentine's notation like in stevendaryl's post, because it's cleaner.

The state with maximum m value is |β, j>, the state with minimal m value is |β, k> then β = j(j+1) and β = k(k-1) so j(j+1)=k(k-1). Then it is concluded that k=-j, but k = j+1 is also a solution. The second solution can be disregarded because k <= j by hypothesis. I mistakenly wrote down k = 1-j as the second solution and therefore couldn't eliminate the second solution.


Related to Why Must J_z Eigenvalues Be Integer-Spaced for Fixed J²?

1. What is an angular momentum eigenstate?

An angular momentum eigenstate is a quantum state of a particle with a well-defined angular momentum. It is a state in which the particle's angular momentum has a single definite value, and all measurements of angular momentum will yield this value.

2. What is the significance of angular momentum eigenstates?

Angular momentum eigenstates are important because they provide a complete set of states that describe the possible values of angular momentum for a particle. They also play a crucial role in quantum mechanics and are used to describe the properties and behavior of many physical systems, such as atoms and molecules.

3. How are angular momentum eigenstates related to orbital angular momentum?

Angular momentum eigenstates and orbital angular momentum are closely related. Orbital angular momentum is a type of angular momentum that describes the rotational motion of a particle around a fixed point, while an angular momentum eigenstate describes a particle's angular momentum in a specific direction. The values of orbital angular momentum and angular momentum eigenstates are quantized, meaning they can only have certain discrete values.

4. Can a particle be in more than one angular momentum eigenstate at the same time?

No, a particle can only be in one angular momentum eigenstate at a time. This is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics called the superposition principle, which states that a particle can exist in a combination of different states, but when measured, it will only be found in one specific state.

5. How are angular momentum eigenstates visualized?

Angular momentum eigenstates are often visualized using mathematical representations such as spherical harmonics or vector diagrams. These representations help to illustrate the direction and magnitude of the particle's angular momentum in relation to the system it is in.

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