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- Why must a pure force depend on the four-velocity of the test-particle?
Disclaimer: Please read in the following formulas ##E/c^2## instead of ##m##, because W. Rindler used relativistic mass, what might be confusing with today's usage of the term "mass".
I am reading the chapter "38. The formal structure of Maxwell's theory" in Wolfgang Rinder's book "Introduction to Special Relativity", 2nd edition.
In chapter "35. Three-force and four-force" he defined a force ##\mathbf{F} = \frac{d}{d\tau}(m_0\mathbf{U}) ## as "pure", if it does not change the rest-mass ##m_0##. A counter-example would be a force during an elastic collision. With ##\mathbf{U} \cdot \mathbf{F} = \gamma^2 (c^2\frac{dm}{dt} - \mathbf{f} \cdot \mathbf{u}) = c^2\frac{dm_0}{d\tau} = \gamma c^2\frac{dm_0}{dt}## he derived by arguing in the rest-frame of the particle:
The necessary and sufficient condition for a force to be pure is $$\mathbf{U} \cdot \mathbf{F} = 0 \Leftrightarrow m_0 = \text{constant}\ \ \ \ \ (35.9)$$
In chapter "38. The formal structure of Maxwell's theory" he starts with:
##(35.10)\ \ \ \ \ F_\mu = \partial \Phi / \partial x^\mu##
##(35.5)\ \ \ \ \ \ \mathbf{F} = ... = \gamma(u)(\frac{1}{c}\frac{dE}{dt},\mathbf{f} )##
My question relates to the text, which I marked bold. Why must a pure force depend on the four-velocity of the test-particle?
I am reading the chapter "38. The formal structure of Maxwell's theory" in Wolfgang Rinder's book "Introduction to Special Relativity", 2nd edition.
In chapter "35. Three-force and four-force" he defined a force ##\mathbf{F} = \frac{d}{d\tau}(m_0\mathbf{U}) ## as "pure", if it does not change the rest-mass ##m_0##. A counter-example would be a force during an elastic collision. With ##\mathbf{U} \cdot \mathbf{F} = \gamma^2 (c^2\frac{dm}{dt} - \mathbf{f} \cdot \mathbf{u}) = c^2\frac{dm_0}{d\tau} = \gamma c^2\frac{dm_0}{dt}## he derived by arguing in the rest-frame of the particle:
The necessary and sufficient condition for a force to be pure is $$\mathbf{U} \cdot \mathbf{F} = 0 \Leftrightarrow m_0 = \text{constant}\ \ \ \ \ (35.9)$$
In chapter "38. The formal structure of Maxwell's theory" he starts with:
In the last section, he refers - besides to equation (35.9), which a am showing above - to the following equations:W. Rindler said:The only two assumptions that we shall specifically make about the electromagnetic force will be that it is a pure force (i.e. rest-mass preserving) and that it acts on particles in proportion to the charge q which they carry. Beyond that, only ‘simplicity’ and some analogies with Newton's gravitational theory will guide us.
We begin by considering — and rejecting — certain simple possibilities.
Consider a field of three-force ##\mathbf{f}## which, like the Newtonian gravitational force, acts on a particle independently of its velocity, in some frame S. From the transformation equations (35.6) for ##\mathbf{f}## we then see that in another frame S’ such a force will depend on the velocity ##\mathbf{u}## of the particle on which it acts. So velocity-independence is not a Lorentz-invariant condition we can impose on a field of three-force.
We could, however, suppose that there exists a field of four-force ##\mathbf{F}## which acts on any particle independently of its velocity [such as the gradient field (35.10)]. By (35.5), the corresponding three-force would be ##\mathbf{f}= \gamma^{-1}(u)(F^1, F^2, F^3)##, which, as expected, depends on the particle’s velocity. But it would not be a pure force [cf. (35.9)], since, for fixed velocity-independent ##\mathbf{F}##, ##\mathbf{U} \cdot \mathbf{F}## cannot vanish for arbitrary ##\mathbf{U}## unless ##\mathbf{F}## itself vanishes. So we must here reject this type of field.
The next simplest case, and the one that actually applies in Maxwell's theory, is that of a force which everywhere depends linearly on the velocity of the particles on which it acts.
##(35.10)\ \ \ \ \ F_\mu = \partial \Phi / \partial x^\mu##
##(35.5)\ \ \ \ \ \ \mathbf{F} = ... = \gamma(u)(\frac{1}{c}\frac{dE}{dt},\mathbf{f} )##
My question relates to the text, which I marked bold. Why must a pure force depend on the four-velocity of the test-particle?
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