Why must the form of v_i v_j be independent of coordinate system?

In summary, a vector being invariant means it is not affected by changes in the coordinate system. This is because vectors are geometric objects that do not change with a choice of coordinates. This is important in understanding concepts like isotropy and linear transformations.
  • #1
member 428835
Hey PF!

I am trying to understand what is meant when we say a vector is invariant, which I believe is independent of a coordinate system. I have already read a PF post here: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=651863.

I'm looking at DH's post, and this makes a lot of sense!

However, I have read the following, which I am trying to interpret. Please read this and help me out, if you can:

Consider the single point velocity stress tensor, ##v_i v_j## where ##v_i## is the ##i##th component of velocity. First rotate the coordinate system 90 degrees around the ##x_1## axis so the old ##x_3## axis becomes the new ##x′_2## axis and the old negative ##x_2## axis becomes the new ##x′_3## axis. It is easy to see ##v′_2 v′_3## in the new coordinate system must be equal to ##-v_2 v_3## in the old. But isotropy [don't worry about interpreting this] requires that the form of ##v_i v_j## be independent of coordinate system. This clearly is possible only if ##v_2 v_3 = 0##.

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  • #2
Sorry to post again, but I received an email that someone replied but I cannot view the response. Could you post again, whoever it was?
  • #3
The easiest way, cutting all algebra out of the way, is to view a vector as a geometric object. Think of it like a rigid arrow in any coordinate frame you like.

Better yet, think of a vector as... a cube. Just a geometric object. You can make infinite coordinate systems surround and envelope the cube, but the cube will never change based on the coordinate system.

Vectors, like cubes, are just geometric objects. They do not change with a choice of coordinate system. The numbers which represent the components may change, but the form won't change. Does this make sense?
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  • #4
totally, this confirms my intuition. thanks!
  • #5
All vectors are independent of the coordinate system- that's the whole point of vectors! A vector can be "invariant" under a given linear transformation: if for linear transformation A, Av= v the v is "invariant under A".

FAQ: Why must the form of v_i v_j be independent of coordinate system?

1. What are invariant vectors?

Invariant vectors are vectors that remain unchanged after a transformation. This means that the vector's magnitude and direction stay the same, even if the coordinate system or basis vectors are changed.

2. Why are invariant vectors important?

Invariant vectors are important because they help us understand the properties of a system and how it behaves under different transformations. They also provide a useful tool for solving mathematical problems and making predictions.

3. What are some examples of invariant vectors?

Some examples of invariant vectors include unit vectors, zero vectors, and eigenvectors. These vectors all retain their magnitude and direction after a transformation.

4. How are invariant vectors used in physics?

Invariant vectors are used in physics to describe the properties of physical systems and their behavior under different transformations. For example, in relativity, 4-vectors are used to describe the properties of spacetime, and they remain invariant under Lorentz transformations.

5. How do you find invariant vectors?

To find invariant vectors, you can use the concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. If a vector is an eigenvector of a transformation, it will remain unchanged after the transformation. You can also use matrix algebra to determine if a vector is invariant under a specific transformation.

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