Why Must the Term dL/d(v^2) v.e Be Linear in v to Be a Total Time Derivative?

In summary, section 4 of Landau and Lifgarbagez discusses the derivation of the expression for kinetic energy by expanding the Lagrangian around v+e. The resulting expression contains a term that must be a total time derivative in order for the equations of motion to remain unchanged. The text claims that the term dL/d(v^2) v.e must be linear in v to be a total time derivative, which can be seen by considering it as a function of coordinates and time. This is because the overall dependence of this term on the velocity, v, is linear.
  • #1
In section 4 of Landau and Lifgarbagez they derive the expression for the kinetic energy by expanding the Lagrangian around v+e. The resulting expression has a term which must be a total time derivative so that the equations of motion are unaffected. The text claims that the term dL/d(v^2) v.e must be linear in v to be a total time derivative, but I don't understand why this is.
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  • #2
I just read that section.
I think it would have helped if they stated that the 2nd term is a total time derivative 'of a function of coordinates and time' ...
df(x,t) / dt = df/dx * dx/dt + df/dt (partial d's now)
Since f does not depend on the velocities, df/dx and df/dt don't, and the overall dependence of df/dt on v=dx/dt is linear.
  • #3

The Lagrangian for a free particle is given by L = ½ mv^2, where m is the mass of the particle and v is its velocity. In section 4 of Landau and Lifgarbagez, they derive the expression for the kinetic energy by expanding the Lagrangian around v+e, where e is a small perturbation in the velocity.

When expanding the Lagrangian, they obtain a term dL/d(v^2) v.e, which must be a total time derivative in order for the equations of motion to remain unaffected. This means that the term must be equal to the time derivative of some other quantity.

The text claims that this term must be linear in v in order for it to be a total time derivative. This is because if the term is quadratic or higher in v, then it will not be a total time derivative. This can be seen by considering the time derivative of a quadratic term, which will result in a higher order term in v.

Therefore, in order for the term dL/d(v^2) v.e to be a total time derivative, it must be linear in v. This ensures that the equations of motion remain unaffected and the resulting expression for the kinetic energy is correct.

FAQ: Why Must the Term dL/d(v^2) v.e Be Linear in v to Be a Total Time Derivative?

1. What is the Lagrangian for a free particle?

The Lagrangian for a free particle is a mathematical function that describes the kinetic and potential energy of the particle in a given system. It is defined as the difference between the kinetic energy and the potential energy, and is written as L = T - V, where T represents the kinetic energy and V represents the potential energy.

2. How is the Lagrangian used to describe the motion of a free particle?

The Lagrangian is used in the principle of least action, where it is minimized to find the path that a free particle will take in a given system. This path is known as the "path of least action" or the "path of stationary action". The motion of the particle can be described by solving the Euler-Lagrange equations, which are derived from the Lagrangian function.

3. What is the significance of the Lagrangian for a free particle?

The Lagrangian provides a powerful tool for analyzing the motion of a free particle in a given system. It allows us to describe the motion in terms of a single function, rather than multiple equations, making it easier to solve and understand. It also follows from a more fundamental principle, the principle of least action, which is a fundamental principle in classical mechanics.

4. Can the Lagrangian be used to describe particles in non-free systems?

Yes, the Lagrangian can be used to describe particles in non-free systems as well. In these cases, the Lagrangian will also include terms for external forces and constraints that affect the motion of the particle. This allows for a more comprehensive analysis of the particle's motion in a given system.

5. How does the Lagrangian relate to other fundamental principles in physics?

The Lagrangian is closely related to other fundamental principles in physics, such as the principle of least action and the Hamiltonian formulation of classical mechanics. It also has connections to other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics and general relativity. Its use in these different fields highlights its importance and versatility in describing the behavior of physical systems.

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