Why my endomorphisme between Polynomial fonction is not continuous?

In summary, continuity is crucial in an endomorphism between polynomial functions as it ensures a consistent and smooth mapping between the input and output polynomials. This is defined as the limit of the output polynomial being equal to the value of the function at a specific point. Continuity can be determined through various methods, such as using the definition or visually analyzing the function. Common reasons for a lack of continuity include having a discontinuous function as input or having non-integer or non-real coefficients. To fix a discontinuous endomorphism, the function can be redefined by removing any discontinuities or modifying the coefficients of the input polynomial. Careful consideration should be taken as this may alter the behavior of the function.
  • #1
Hello let be $$E = \mathbb{R}[X]$$ with the norme $$||P|| = sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}}e^{-|t|}|P(t)|$$. Let be $$A \in E$$. How to show that $$\Psi_{A} : P \rightarrow AP$$ is not continue please?

Thank you in advance and have a nice afternoon:oldbiggrin:.
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  • #2
For A differente of the nul. And of a 0 degrre polynom(a constant.); otherwhise it's continu in both case.
  • #3
Can you helpe me please?
  • #4
I haven't found a solution, but let me make clear that I have understood this correctly. You are defining a norm on ##\mathbb{R}[x]## by defining ##||P(x)|| = \sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}} e^{-|t|} |P(t)|##. This defines a metric on ##\mathbb{R}[x]##. Then you are defining multiplication maps ##\psi_{A(x)} : \mathbb{R}[x] \to \mathbb{R}[x]## for polynomials ##A(x) \in \mathbb{R}[x]## by putting ##\psi_{A(x)}(P(x)) = A(x)P(x)##. For constant polynomials ##A(x) = a_0##, these functions are clearly continuous. And the question is whether constant polynomials are the only polynomials ##A(x)## for which the corresponding multiplication map is continuous?

My attempt was trying to find a sequence of polynomials ##P_r(x)## of degree ##r## such that ##||P_r(x)|| \leq 1## for each ##r##, and then try to show that ##\psi_{A(x)}## is not continuous at ##0##. The idea is to find an appropriate sequence of such ##P_r(x)##'s such that ##||P_r(x)A(x)||## grows without bound as ##r## gets larger for any nonconstant polynomial ##A(x)##. In this case, choose ##\epsilon = 1##, and assume a ##\delta > 0## exists such that ##||P(x)|| < \delta \Rightarrow ||P(x)A(x)|| < 1##. Then ##||\frac{\delta}{2} P_r(x)|| \leq \frac{\delta}{2} < \delta##, but ##||\frac{\delta}{2} P_r(x)A(x)||## grows without bound, which shows that ##\psi_{A(x)}## is not continuous at ##0##.

For example, in the case of ##A(x) = x##, define ##P_r(x) = \frac{e^r}{r^r}x^r##. Then ##||P_r(x)|| = \frac{e^r}{r^r} \sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}} e^{-|t|} |t^r|##. To find this maximum value, we can clearly assume that ##t \geq 0## by symmetry. So to find the maximum value, we differentiate ##e^{-t}t^r## and get ##e^{-t}(rt^{r-1}-t^r)##. This expression is ##0## when ##t = r##, in which case the maximum value is ##\frac{e^r}{r^r} e^{-r}r^r = 1## (of course ##t = 0## is a minimum value). On the other hand, ##||P_r(x)A(x)|| = \frac{e^r}{r^r} \sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}} e^{-|t|} |t^{r+1}|##. Similarly, we differentiate and get the equation ##e^{-t}((r+1)t^{r}-t^{r+1}) = 0##. Here ##t = r+1##. But then the maximum value is ##\frac{e^r}{r^r} e^{-(r+1)} (r+1)^{r+1} = e^{-1}(1+ \frac{1}{r})^r (r+1) \geq e^{-1}(r+1)##. But ##\lim_{r \to \infty} e^{-1}(r+1) = \infty##. Thus the condition I described above is satisfied, and this proves that ##\phi_{x}## is not continuous at ##0##.

I do not know a proof for general nonconstant polynomials ##A(x)##, but the above example might be adapted.
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  • #5
In the case of $$A = X$$ I find it's not continue. But could I, with that show it's not continu in general please?
  • #6
Slight generalization: we will show that ##A(x) = x^n## is not continuous for each ##n \geq 1##. We use the ##P_r(x)## defined as above. Then ##||A(x)P_r(x)|| = \frac{e^r}{r^r} \sup_{t \in \mathbb{R}} e^{-|t|} |t^{r+n}|##. To find this, we differentiate and get ##e^{-t}((r+n)t^{r+n-1}-t^{r+n}) = 0##. So ##t = r+n##. This yields the maximum value ##\frac{e^r}{r^r} e^{-(r+n)} (r+n)^{r+n} = e^{-n}(1+ \frac{n}{r})^r (r+n)^n \geq e^{-n} (r+n)^n##. But ##\lim_{r \to \infty} e^{-n} (r+n)^n= \infty##, so ##\phi_{x^n}## is not continuous.

Do you have any ideas?
  • #7
Okay, for a general ##A = a_nx^n + a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+... + a_0##, we have

##||AP_r(x)|| = ||a_nx^nP_r(x) +P_r(x)(a_{n-1}x^{n-1}+... + a_0)|| \geq |a_n| ||x^nP_r(x)|| - \sum_{k=0}^{n-1}|a_k| ||P_r(x)x^k|| = |a_n| e^{-n}(1+ \frac{n}{r})^r (r+n)^n - \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} |a_k| e^{-k}(1+ \frac{k}{r})^r (r+k)^k##

Now we use that

1) ##(1+ \frac{k}{r})^r \leq e^k## for all ##r## (it is an increasing sequence converging to ##e^k##).
2) ##(1+ \frac{n}{r})^r \geq 1## for all ##r##.
3) ##(r+k)^k \leq (2r)^k = 2^kr^k## for sufficiently large ##r##.
4) ##(r+n)^n \geq r^n## for all ##r##.


##|a_n| e^{-n}(1+ \frac{n}{r})^r (r+n)^n - \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} |a_k| e^{-k}(1+ \frac{k}{r})^r (r+k)^k \geq |a_n| e^{-n} r^n - \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} |a_k| 2^k r^k##

for sufficiently large ##r##. But this is a polynomial ##B(r)## of degree ##n## with positive coefficient ##|a_n| e^{-n}## in front of ##r^n##, so ##\lim_{r \to \infty} B(r) = \infty##. By the same argument as before, we conclude that ##\phi_A## is not continuous.
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FAQ: Why my endomorphisme between Polynomial fonction is not continuous?

1. Why is continuity important in an endomorphism between polynomial functions?

In mathematics, continuity refers to the smooth and uninterrupted flow of a mathematical function. In the context of an endomorphism between polynomial functions, continuity ensures that the mapping between the input and output polynomials is consistent and does not have any sudden jumps or breaks. This is important in order to accurately analyze and understand the behavior of the functions.

2. What is the definition of continuity in an endomorphism between polynomial functions?

A function between two sets is considered continuous if, for every point in the domain, the limit of the function at that point is equal to the value of the function at that point. In the case of an endomorphism between polynomial functions, this means that the limit of the output polynomial as the input polynomial approaches a certain value should be equal to the value of the output polynomial at that value.

3. How can I determine if an endomorphism between polynomial functions is continuous?

To determine if an endomorphism between polynomial functions is continuous, you can use the definition of continuity and check if the limit of the output polynomial as the input polynomial approaches a certain value is equal to the value of the output polynomial at that value. You can also use graphical methods, such as plotting the input and output polynomials, to visually analyze the continuity of the function.

4. What are some common reasons for an endomorphism between polynomial functions to not be continuous?

There can be several reasons for an endomorphism between polynomial functions to not be continuous. Some common reasons include having a discontinuous function, such as a step function, as an input polynomial, having a polynomial with a non-integer or negative degree as an input, or having a polynomial with a non-real coefficient as an input. It is important to carefully evaluate the input and output polynomials to ensure continuity.

5. How can I fix a discontinuous endomorphism between polynomial functions to make it continuous?

If the endomorphism between polynomial functions is discontinuous, it can be fixed by redefining the function to remove any discontinuities. This can involve changing the input polynomial to a continuous function or modifying the coefficients of the input polynomial to ensure that it has a real and integer degree. It is important to note that this may change the behavior of the function and should be done carefully.

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