Why N-Butane & Isobutane Have Different Autoignition & Flash Points

  • Thread starter jadelamlam
  • Start date
In summary, straight chain hydrocarbons have a lower autoignition temperature than their branched chain isomers, but similar flash points. This is because the free radical explosion that triggers ignition for a branched chain molecule is less likely to occur at low temperatures.
  • #1
The autoignition temp of n-butane(straight chain) is 288 degree Celcius while that of
isobutane(branched chain) is 460 degree Celcius.
The flash point of n-butane is -60 degree Celsius while that of isobutane is -83 degree Celcius.

I was confused by these..Why does n-butane have a higher flash point but a lower autoignition temperature?
(same case in n-octane and isooctane)
Chemistry news on Phys.org
  • #2
Good question!

I'm curious to know how the atomic chemistry affects the physical properties.
  • #3
The flash point seems to be a function of vapor pressure. The intermolecular interactions of isobutane are weaker than those of n-butane because it's a compact molecule and doesn't stack as neatly with itself. This makes it more volatile and gives it a higher vapor pressure.

Here's the n-butane vapor pressure curve-

and the isobutane curve-


The autoignition temperature is a function of the activation energy of combustion of the molecule, so basically, how stable the molecule is. The stability of a molecule isn't related to the strength of its intermolecular interactions, so I don't think you make any correlation between a molecule's flash point and autoignition temp. Sort of apples and oranges.
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  • #4
Straight chain hydrocarbons (aliphatic, saturated) all have much lower autoignition temperatures than their branched chain isomers, but quite similar flash points.

The reason lies in the detailed mechanism of the combustion reactions. A warning before I get very far -- a state of the art model of the combustion of ethane (C2H6) needs to consider about 200 reaction steps; combustion reaction mechanisms are very complicated!

Combustion reactions generally proceed via free radical mechanisms. For autoignition, a reaction needs to escalate when one or a small number of reactive free radicals from the immediate environment are able to build up in a few steps to a self-sustaining reaction.

This can only happen at a low temperature if there is a radical explosion, or a branched chain reaction, where a prominent series of steps in the overall reaction system leads to an increase in the number of reactive free radicals that are driving the reaction.

Such a series of steps usually looks something like this:

•OH + R--H --> R• + H2O

R• + O=O --> R--O--O•

R--O--O• + R--H --> R--O--O--H + R•

R--O--O--H --> R--O• + •OH

In these equations, RH is the hydrocarbon that is undergoing combustion, and • is a symbol that denotes a very reactive free radical with an odd unpaired electron. You can see that in the previous three steps the number of free radicals was conserved, but that in the last step, 2 new free radicals were generated.

For hydrocarbons with straight chain molecular structures, these types of reaction steps are a major part of the mechanism; for those with branched structures there are more attractive alternatives that suppress the last step shown here -- for example, a rearrangement reaction to an alcohol plus a ketone.

It is a little ironical -- branched chain molecular structures proceed via simple radical chain mechanisms, while straight chain molecular structures react via branched chain combustion mechanisms, which can get quite explosive and unstable.

An autoignition can thus occur at a quite low temperature for a hydrocarbon with a straight chain molecular structure, but a much higher temperature will be needed to produce a self-sustaining reaction in its isomer with a branched chain molecular structure.

With a flash point test, the tiny spark or flame of the test produces enough free radicals and/oror thermal feedback to initiate a self-sustaining reaction for either type of molecule
  • #5

The differences in the autoignition and flash points of n-butane and isobutane can be attributed to their molecular structures. N-butane is a straight chain molecule, while isobutane has a branched structure. This structural difference affects the molecules' ability to vaporize and ignite.

The straight chain structure of n-butane allows for stronger intermolecular forces, making it less volatile and requiring a higher temperature for autoignition. On the other hand, the branched structure of isobutane leads to weaker intermolecular forces, making it more volatile and easier to ignite at lower temperatures.

The flash point, which is the temperature at which the vapor of a substance can ignite in the presence of an ignition source, is also influenced by the molecular structure. The branched structure of isobutane allows for easier vaporization at lower temperatures, resulting in a lower flash point compared to n-butane.

It is important to note that the autoignition and flash points are not the only factors that determine a substance's flammability. Other factors such as vapor pressure, energy of activation, and presence of impurities can also play a role. Therefore, it is not uncommon for substances with different molecular structures to have varying autoignition and flash points.

FAQ: Why N-Butane & Isobutane Have Different Autoignition & Flash Points

1. Why do N-Butane and Isobutane have different autoignition temperatures?

The difference in autoignition temperature between N-Butane and Isobutane is due to their molecular structures. N-Butane has a linear structure with all of its carbon atoms in a straight chain, while Isobutane has a branched structure with one of its carbon atoms branching off. This branching in Isobutane makes it more resistant to ignition, as the heat energy required to break its bonds and initiate combustion is higher compared to N-Butane.

2. What factors influence the different flash points of N-Butane and Isobutane?

The main factor that influences the flash point of a substance is its vapor pressure. N-Butane has a higher vapor pressure compared to Isobutane, which means it is more volatile and can easily form a flammable vapor at lower temperatures. This is why N-Butane has a lower flash point than Isobutane.

3. Are there any other factors that contribute to the difference in autoignition and flash points between N-Butane and Isobutane?

Yes, besides molecular structure and vapor pressure, other factors such as density and boiling point also play a role. N-Butane has a lower density and boiling point compared to Isobutane, which makes it more susceptible to vaporization and therefore has a lower flash point.

4. What makes N-Butane and Isobutane suitable for different applications despite their similar properties?

While N-Butane and Isobutane have similar properties, their structural differences and resulting differences in autoignition and flash points make them suitable for different applications. N-Butane is commonly used as a fuel in lighters and stoves, as its lower flash point makes it easier to ignite. On the other hand, Isobutane is often used as a refrigerant due to its higher flash point and lower boiling point.

5. Can the autoignition and flash points of N-Butane and Isobutane be altered?

Yes, the autoignition and flash points of N-Butane and Isobutane can be altered through chemical processes. For example, the addition of certain additives can lower the flash point of N-Butane, making it more suitable for certain applications. Similarly, the addition of branched chains to Isobutane can increase its resistance to ignition, making it safer for use as a refrigerant.
