Why no change in limits of integration here?

In summary, using u-substitution changes the limits of integration, but in either case, the limits ultimately match.
  • #1
Gold Member

Homework Statement

Please see attached image for the full scope of the problem, and to see the work drawn out by the text.
My question lies with line 3 as it is clear that u-substitution was used on a definite integral, but the limits of integration were not changed.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I think that line 3 should read:


My reasoning is that when t=0, u=0 and when t=10, u=0.2
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  • #2
No u-substitution was necessary. It's a easily confirmable fact that
$$ \int_a^b A e^{Bt} dt = [\frac{A}{B} e^{Bt}]^{b}_a $$

However, even if a u-substitution were used, if you change back to your original integration variable, you should change the limits back.

For example, if I had

$$ \begin{align*}
\int_0^{\pi/2} \sin(\theta) \cos(\theta) d\theta &= \int_0^1 u\, du\\
&= [ \frac{1}{2} u^2]^1_0\\
&= [\frac{1}{2} \sin^2(\theta)] ^{\pi/2}_0\\
&= \frac{1}{2}
\end{align*} $$
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  • #3
Thank you for the reply. So if we change back, what's the point of changing them in the first place?
Maybe my confusion lies in the fact that I'm not really sure why we change them to begin with.
  • #4
opus said:
Thank you for the reply. So if we change back, what's the point of changing them in the first place?
Maybe my confusion lies in the fact that I'm not really sure why we change them to begin with.

We generally make a u-substitution to make integration easier, and more straightforward. For example, in the integral I gave above, it's not immediately obvious how to integrate it, until you make the substitution ##u = \sin(\theta)##. Then it becomes trivial. Generally, for a definite integral, there's no reason to switch back, unless calculating the new limits is for some reason very difficult, which is pretty rare. For an indefinite integral, you pretty much always switch back, because you want the answer in terms of your original variable -- but in that case, there are no limits of integration, so it's a bit of a moot point.
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  • #5
So then if I use u-substitution I will always have to change the limits of integration, and once I do so, I don't have to change them back. But if I don't use u-substitution, then I obviously don't have to change the limits of integration and I can just proceed with ##F(b)-F(a)##?
  • #6
Yes, that is correct.
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  • #7
opus said:
Thank you for the reply. So if we change back, what's the point of changing them in the first place?
Maybe my confusion lies in the fact that I'm not really sure why we change them to begin with.
The reason for a substitution (which isn't the question you asked) is to get an integral that's easier to evaluate. If the integral is a definite integral, you can change the limits of integration to new limits, or you can leave them unchanged, provided that you remember that the integral is in terms of one variable, and the limits are of a different variable.

Here's Dewgale's example, where the limits of integration are changed:
##\int_0^{\pi/2} \sin(\theta) \cos(\theta) d\theta = \int_0^1 u\, du\\
= [ \frac{1}{2} u^2]^1_0\\
= [\frac{1}{2} \sin^2(\theta)] ^{\pi/2}_0\\
= \frac{1}{2}##

Same example, with the limits not changed:
##\int_0^{\pi/2} \sin(\theta) \cos(\theta) d\theta = \int_{\theta = 0}^{\pi/2} u\, du\\
= [ \frac{1}{2} u^2]_{\theta = 0}^{\pi/2}\\
= [\frac{1}{2} \sin^2(\theta)] ^{\pi/2}_0\\
= \frac{1}{2}##

In the next to last line above, we "undid" the substitution, so the integral is again in terms of ##\theta##, so I no longer need to remind myself of this fact.
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  • #8
Interesting so for the first example, line 2, you have an integral in terms of ##u##, and limits in terms of ##u##. Then in the next line, everything is back in terms of θ.
For the second example, line 2, you have an integral in terms of ##u## and limits in terms of θ. But once you change the integral back in terms of θ they both now match. This makes sense.
I was under the impression that once you used u-substitution, you had a new function and thus would need new limits of integration. But I can see, as you said, that either way they end up with the same solution.

FAQ: Why no change in limits of integration here?

1. Why is it important to have limits of integration in scientific research?

Limits of integration are crucial in scientific research because they define the range or scope of the variables being studied. Without properly setting limits, the results of a study may not accurately reflect the phenomenon being investigated.

2. What happens if the limits of integration are incorrect?

If the limits of integration are incorrect, the results of the study may be inaccurate and misleading. This can lead to incorrect conclusions and potentially harmful decisions being made based on faulty data.

3. How do scientists determine the appropriate limits of integration?

The appropriate limits of integration are determined through careful analysis and understanding of the research question. Scientists must consider the relevant variables, the scope of the study, and any potential limitations or biases that may affect the results.

4. Can the limits of integration change during a study?

Yes, the limits of integration can change during a study if new information or data is discovered that warrants a change. However, any changes to the limits must be carefully considered and documented to ensure the integrity of the study.

5. How do scientists ensure the accuracy of their chosen limits of integration?

Scientists use various methods to ensure the accuracy of their chosen limits of integration, such as performing multiple trials, using statistical analysis, and seeking peer review and feedback from other experts in the field. This helps to minimize errors and increase the reliability of the results.
