Why no change of variable to polar coordinates inside multi-loop integral ?

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a change of variable to polar coordinates in a multi-loop integral. This approach can simplify the integral to a one-dimensional form, but it depends on the form of the function being integrated and may not always be applicable. The question also touches on the issue of convergence in certain integrals. Overall, the conversation pertains to mathematical techniques for handling integrals and their limitations.
  • #1
why no change of variable to polar coordinates inside multi-loop integral ??

given a mul,ti-loop integral

[tex] \int d^{4}k_{1} \int d^{4}k_{2}....\int d^{4}k_{n}f(k_{1} , k_{2},...,k_{n}) [/tex]

which can be considered a 4n integral for integer n , my question is why can just this be evaluated by using a change of variable to 4n- polar coordinates ?

one we have made a change of variable and calculated the Jacobian, and integrated over ALL the angular variables we just have to make an integral

[tex] \int_{0}^{\infty}drg(r)r^{4n-1} [/tex] which is just easier to handle
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  • #2

I don't what specific integral you have in mind, but it depends very much on the form of f as it depends on the k's. You seem to imply that it can be represented as a function g of one variable. This may be true for some particular f, but it certainly is not true in general.
  • #3

for example

[tex] \iint dx dy \frac{x^{3}}{1+xy} [/tex] its divergent if taking the limits (0,oo)

making a change of variable to polar coordinates one gets

[tex] \int du \int_{0}^{\infty}dr\frac{r^{4}cos^{3}(u)}{1+(1/2)r^{2}sin(2u)} [/tex]

integrating over the angular variable 'u' you have now a simple one dimensional integral
  • #4

In general if you have an m dimensional integral and integrate over m-1 dimensions, you will have a one dimensional integral. In your general case (4n) I am not sure what you mean by polar coordinates.

This question belongs in the mathematics forum. There isn't apparent connection with Beyond the Standard Model (physics).
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FAQ: Why no change of variable to polar coordinates inside multi-loop integral ?

1. Why is it not recommended to change to polar coordinates inside a multi-loop integral?

Changing to polar coordinates can introduce complications and inaccuracies in multi-loop integrals, as the boundaries of the integration region can become more complex.

2. Can changing to polar coordinates simplify a multi-loop integral?

While it may seem like changing to polar coordinates would simplify a multi-loop integral, it can actually make the integration more complicated due to the need for additional transformations and calculations.

3. Are there any situations where changing to polar coordinates is beneficial for multi-loop integrals?

In some cases, changing to polar coordinates can be useful for solving multi-loop integrals, particularly when the integration region has circular or symmetric boundaries. However, this must be done carefully to avoid introducing errors.

4. Can changing to polar coordinates improve the accuracy of a multi-loop integral?

In most cases, changing to polar coordinates will not improve the accuracy of a multi-loop integral. In fact, it can often introduce errors and inaccuracies due to the additional transformations and calculations that are required.

5. Is it always necessary to use polar coordinates when integrating over circular or symmetric regions?

No, it is not always necessary to use polar coordinates when integrating over circular or symmetric regions. In some cases, it may be more efficient and accurate to use other coordinate systems, such as cylindrical or spherical coordinates.

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