Why Normalize Boundary Conditions in PDEs?

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with a temperature profile and the use of spherical coordinates. The professor suggests normalizing the boundary conditions to (0,1) using a linear rescaling function. This is known as nondimensionalization and is used to simplify calculations.
  • #1
Hi All,

This is my first post on these forums. I am not looking for a solution to this problem but more interested in seeing if someone can point me to a resource that can explain the following. Thanks in advance for any help.

I'm trying to solve a pde which gives a temperature profile.


We end up changing over to spherical coordinates where our boundary conditions are not completely clear although our initial condition is.


The professor writes something like this. basically it normalizes the boundary conditions to (0,1). I can't wrap my head around this and googling for a while hasn't given me any results that clarify this.

  • #3
garcijon said:
The professor writes something like this. basically it normalizes the boundary conditions to (0,1). I can't wrap my head around this and googling for a while hasn't given me any results that clarify this.

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This is a straightforward linear rescaling of the form [tex]
f : [a,b] \to [0,1] : x \mapsto \frac{x - a}{b - a}.[/tex] Observe that [itex]f[/itex] is strictly increasing with [itex]f(a) = 0[/itex] and [itex]f(b) = 1[/itex].

If what you are struggling with is "why does he bother to do this?" then the concept you are looking for is nondimensionalization. Also it's easier to work with [itex]G(t = 0) = G(r \to \infty) = 0[/itex] rather than [itex]G(t = 0) = rT_0[/itex] and [itex]G(r \to \infty) = \infty[/itex].

FAQ: Why Normalize Boundary Conditions in PDEs?

1. What are normalizing boundary conditions?

Normalizing boundary conditions refer to a set of mathematical constraints placed on a system to ensure that the results of a simulation or experiment are reliable and consistent. They are typically used in situations where the boundaries of a system are not well-defined or are constantly changing.

2. Why are normalizing boundary conditions important in scientific research?

Normalizing boundary conditions help to eliminate any external factors that may affect the results of a study. This allows scientists to focus on the specific variables they are studying and ensure that their results are accurate and reproducible.

3. How do scientists determine which boundary conditions to normalize?

The choice of which boundary conditions to normalize depends on the specific system being studied and the variables of interest. Scientists may use mathematical models, experimental data, or theoretical considerations to determine the most appropriate boundary conditions to use.

4. Can normalizing boundary conditions be applied to any type of scientific research?

Yes, normalizing boundary conditions can be applied to a wide range of scientific research, including physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. They are particularly useful in studies where the boundaries of a system are not well-defined or are constantly changing.

5. Are there any limitations to using normalizing boundary conditions?

While normalizing boundary conditions can help to improve the accuracy and reliability of scientific research, they may not be suitable for all situations. In some cases, the boundaries of a system may be too complex or unpredictable to be accurately normalized. Additionally, normalizing boundary conditions may not be able to account for all external factors that could affect the results of a study.
