Why not a flat but finite spatial universe?

In summary: The 4D metric is a new section I added in this revision. As it seemed incomplete without it. However discussions of spherical, and IR, and elliptical, and hyperbolic sections were discussed in the first revision of the article. As far as the FLRW section the metric is there but it's really not touched upon as everything else is for a static universe. As the FLRW is discussed in the Cosmology section.I really need to add a section on the FLRW in the cosmology section. However for a self contained article on universe geometry I feel it's close to being complete, but I could be wrong. I am planning a section discussing Newtonian gravity in universe geometry but
  • #1
Gold Member
In the Wiki article on the FLRW metric, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker_metric
it says "the universe is nearly an isotropic and homogeneous FLRW spacetime".

OK, so spacetime is globally flat, which implies that space is too. This is backed up by
which states
" The scientists [at the Apache Point Observatory] translated the data into a 3-D map of the universe. What they discovered is that the universe is 'flat'..."

In the same article the team leader David Schlegel says "...it's likely the universe extends forever in space..."

But in a 2001 interview http://www.esa.int/Our_Activities/S...ite_or_infinite_An_interview_with_Joseph_Silk
Prof. Joseph Silk pointed out that a spatially flat universe could be either infinite or finite (with the surface of a torus as an example of a flat finite space), but that the Planck satellite might be able to distinguish between the two possibilities.

So, has the Planck satellite findings or Apache Point Observatory data cleared this up? If so, how? If not, why does Schlegel (and other sites) say that the universe is "probably" infinite?
Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
You mean, how would we be able to tell one from the other?
Because the answer to the stated question is: "no reason".

The "global" topology of the Universe is an area of active research and there are no positive conclusions so far.
Wikipedia has a brief overview of a bunch of possibilities:

Both authors are speculating on their favorite models.
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  • #3
Thank you, Simon Bridge. Since, as you say, between the two possibilities for models of a flat universe, there is no reason to choose one over the other at the moment (and possibly never), it is curious that most articles on the Internet (sorry, this is a subjective impression) seem to favor the "spatially infinite" model. Whereas science is not a democracy, I wonder what the appeal of that model over the other one is.
  • #4
nomadreid said:
Whereas science is not a democracy, I wonder what the appeal of that model over the other one is.
Simplicity. In a finite model, space would exhibit an apparent periodicity: you'd see the same galaxy repeated endlessly, in different equally spaced locations. The images of the galaxy would form a 3-D lattice.

But note that in such a model there is no way to preserve isotropy. Although the expansion rate could still be isotropic, the distance associated with the periodicity would necessarily be different in different directions. As a result, the universe would have a principal set of axes.
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  • #5
Thanks again, Bill_K. Very well explained. Fascinating!
  • #6
nomadreid said:
... it is curious that most articles on the Internet (sorry, this is a subjective impression) seem to favor the "spatially infinite" model. Whereas science is not a democracy, I wonder what the appeal of that model over the other one is.
In contrast to the infinite plane the torus is a non-trivial solution, perhaps that's why people don't prefer it.
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  • #7
Thanks, timmdeeg. An interesting consideration.
  • #8
Bill_K said:
But note that in such a model there is no way to preserve isotropy. Although the expansion rate could still be isotropic, the distance associated with the periodicity would necessarily be different in different directions. As a result, the universe would have a principal set of axes.
Would this mean that the cosmological principle isn't preserved in the special case of the 3-torus, though being a FRW universe.
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  • #9
timmdeeg said:
Would this mean that the cosmological principle isn't preserved in the special case of the 3-torus, though being a FRW universe.

Yes, a torus violates the cosmological principle because it is not isotropic.

It is possible for a spacetime that has an FLRW metric to have toroidal spatial sections, but such a spacetime usually is not considered to be an FLRW universe. The usual definition of an FLRW universe is a spacetime that has an FLRW metric, and that is spatially isotropic and homogeneous.
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  • #10
Ah, good to know. Thanks, George.
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  • #11
nomadreid said:
OK, so spacetime is globally flat,
This is false. Space-time is most definitely curved. It is possible to select time slicings where all three spatial dimensions are flat, but there is still curvature between the space and time dimensions. We see this curvature as the expansion of our universe.
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  • #12
Even if space is infinite, there are regions that will remain forever unobservable. See; http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808, Expanding Confusion: common misconceptions of cosmological horizons and the superluminal expansion of the Universe, for discussion.
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  • #13
Thanks to all; a couple of replies:
Chalnoth: I stand corrected, that should have been that spacetime is asymptotically flat.

Chronos: good article, a summary of which should be included in standard physics courses.
  • #15
Mordred, thanks. The second article (or past post) is quite nice. It would have been even nicer if the last section (FLRW metric) had been expanded upon a bit.

As to the first, mistaken post: I started reading it before I saw your edit, and would just note the following point on that: http://cecelia.physics.indiana.edu/life/redshift.html
  • #16
nomadreid said:
Thanks to all; a couple of replies:
Chalnoth: I stand corrected, that should have been that spacetime is asymptotically flat.
Not at all. If I remember correctly, the space-time curvature is proportional to ##H^2##, which doesn't tend towards zero (It's been a while since I worked it out, but I'm sure it's at least proportional to some power of the expansion rate...).
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  • #17
glad you enjoyed it, the cutoff point on the 4D metric was due to length, to properly cover the 4D section for each geometric shape would of nearly doubled its length. However the metrics covered is usually sufficient to get the concept of universe geometry across.
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  • #18
Thanks for the correction, Chalnoth. Oops, I was thinking of the point of view from Special Relativity, rather than General. I stand even more corrected.

FAQ: Why not a flat but finite spatial universe?

1. Why do scientists believe that the universe is not flat but finite?

Scientists believe that the universe is not flat but finite because of various observations and experiments that have been conducted. One of the most significant pieces of evidence is the observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which shows that the universe has a slight curvature. Additionally, the laws of physics, such as gravity, also support the idea of a finite universe.

2. What does it mean for the universe to be finite?

A finite universe means that it has a limited size and is not infinite. This means that it has boundaries and a specific volume, unlike an infinite universe that has no boundaries and continues infinitely in all directions.

3. How do scientists measure the curvature of the universe?

Scientists measure the curvature of the universe by observing the cosmic microwave background radiation and analyzing the patterns and fluctuations in its temperature. They also use data from the observation of distant galaxies and their movements to determine the shape and curvature of the universe.

4. What implications does a finite universe have?

A finite universe has significant implications for our understanding of the universe and its evolution. It suggests that the universe had a beginning and will have an end, and it also affects our understanding of the expansion of the universe and the eventual fate of the universe.

5. Could the universe be both flat and finite?

It is possible for the universe to be both flat and finite, as it could have a flat, infinite surface but a finite volume. However, current evidence and theories suggest that the universe has a slight curvature, making it unlikely that it is both flat and finite.

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