Why OH Why_3D Parametric Equations

In summary: You should too!In summary, the main points of the lecture were that equations of lines and planes can be described using a single parametrization variable, that a surface or area is essentially a two-dimensional object, and that geometric intuition can be gained from describing shapes using various coordinates.
  • #1
Our lecture today covered Equations of Lines and Planes in 3D.

Is this the only approach to learning line and plane equations in 3-d?

Honestly do we need r = ro + t*v?

To me this seems like a very hard way to learn equations of lines and planes.

Maybe I should learn it to be a more well-rounded Cal. student.

Any suggestions on if this is the only way to determine Eq.s of lines/ planes?

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  • #2
You are approaching this with the wrong attitude.
Rather than bemoaning your initial problems with this, you should ask yourself:
What are the advantages of thinking of lines in terms of parametrizations?
The immediate advantage, is that essentially all types of CURVES (not just straight lines!) is a ONE-DIMENSIONAL object!
This one-dimensionality is expressed in that a single parametrization variable is needed to describe the curve.

Further, a surface/area is essentially a two-dimensional object; you can describe any surface/area with two independent parametrization variable.

So, you have through parametrization an elegant unification of many seemingly diverse objects.

And yes, this formalism is absolutely needed.
  • #3
Or, one may say "I learned a definition today. I didn't like it", well, sorry, it's a definition. It's not the only one, but it is one the others are less intuitive. Deal with it. Feel free to offer another one: you imply you know other equations of straight lines in R^3. [crap analogy: I learned that chien was dog in french today. why? dog is such a shorter word, and french is a romance language so why isn't it closer to canus?...]

Incidentally, do you get any geometric intuition from:

(x-a) wedge b=c, or (x-a)/p=(y-b)/q=(z-c)/r

or understan that these are just ways of DESCRIBING geometric shapes, not defining them.

Show that two arbitrary lines do or do not intersect, eg the line L(1) passing through the points (1,1,0) and (0,0,2) and the line L(2) passing through the points (1,0,0) and (3,2,1)...
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  • #4
matt grime said:
It's not the only one, but it is one the others are less intuitive.

Okay, I was wondering if there was a more intuitive way out there. But I suppose this way is fine.

matt grime said:
Incidentally, do you get any geometric intuition from:

(x-a) wedge b=c, or (x-a)/p=(y-b)/q=(z-c)/r

K, I'm going to work on my homework now.

FAQ: Why OH Why_3D Parametric Equations

What are 3D parametric equations and why are they used?

3D parametric equations are mathematical expressions that use variables to describe the coordinates of points in three-dimensional space. They are used in scientific fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics to model and visualize complex 3D shapes and movements.

How do 3D parametric equations differ from 2D parametric equations?

2D parametric equations only describe points on a 2D plane, while 3D parametric equations describe points in 3D space. This means that 3D parametric equations have an additional variable, usually denoted as "z", to represent the third dimension.

What is the advantage of using 3D parametric equations over other methods of representing 3D shapes?

3D parametric equations allow for more flexibility and precision in describing complex 3D shapes and movements. They can also easily be manipulated and transformed mathematically, making them useful for simulations and animations.

Do all 3D shapes have a corresponding parametric equation?

No, not all 3D shapes can be represented by a single parametric equation. Some shapes may require multiple equations to fully describe their form and movement.

How are 3D parametric equations used in real-world applications?

3D parametric equations are used in a variety of real-world applications, such as designing and testing aircraft and other vehicles, creating computer-generated imagery in movies and video games, and analyzing the motion of particles in physics experiments. They are also used in medical imaging to reconstruct 3D images of the human body.

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